Chapter 19

Find Our Way Back to each other
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“Hyung, where is this place? Aren’t you going to take me to YongBae hyung and SeungHyun hyung?” Seungri looked at his JiYong hyung confused why he was being wheeled to an empty strange street.

“Don’t you believe in hyung, maknae?” He smiled sweetly at him. “Don’t worry. Your hyungs must be surprised to see you. Just believe in hyung, ok?”

Seungri could just nodded his head although he was a bit worried about the strange surrounding, but he just trust his hyung as he was wheeled inside one of the abandoned building where he could see two gangster men. “Hyung, they’re creeping me out.” Seungri whispered to his hyung.

“Don’t worry, they’re going to take care of you.” He said while the one of them took the wheel handle and the other opened the door. Seungri was freaked out when he noticed his hyung let go of his wheelchair. “Hyung, who are they? They’re scaring me out.”

His supposed to be JiYong hyung stood in front of him and smirked. “Silly kid, you really believe me as your hyung? Stupid boy! You shouldn’t easily believe anyone! Look what’s gotten you into with your lack of trust with stranger.”

Seungri couldn’t believe what he heard and saw. That guy isn’t JiYong hyung? What just happened? He freaked out as he tried to handle the wheel of his chair but failed because he’s no match to the muscle man behind him. “Who are you? What do you want from me? Why you imitate as my hyung?”

“You will know the answer when you enter the door. My job is until here, see you kid, if… you’re still alive, of course…” He laughed evilly as he walked away.

“No! Help! Help me!” Seungri started to shout out loud, hoping maybe someone happened to pass away and heard his plea of help.

“Shut him up.” One of the muscle men said as the one behind Seungri knocked his head, made him unconscious before being taken inside the building.


TOP was running out of breath, tried to catch the view of his maknae and the strange man. “Damn! Where are they?” He was in the middle of four squares of street and had no idea which one he should turn to. Just as he was about to make bold decision, his caught the familiar clothes he searched across the road, but there’s no Seungri with him. Without waiting, he crossed the road carelessly, didn’t think about his own safety to catch the guy.

But as he crossed the road, the guy has been nowhere to be seen. “Damn it!” He cursed angrily at himself for losing the guy. Not giving up, he

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Chapter 15: Oh my god. I hate hyunseung. Sht. Kkkk
Chapter 4: Its like, ive read this story for like, 3 times already, but i still love it and find the different emotion in each time i read it..
Great job authornim!
echristiela #3
Chapter 33: Great fanfic ><
baoling90 #4
Chapter 33: I love this fic!! Very interesting fic!
baoling90 #5
Chapter 25: I seriously can't be lo I've this is your first story!!! This fic is awesome! I like to read their bromance friendship story!!
baoling90 #6
Chapter 18: Yes!! OMG. Getting so exciting!!!!!
baoling90 #7
Chapter 16: Who are the two men!! Hopefully is one of the members! I'm thinking it could be TOP!
baoling90 #8
Chapter 15: Damn that bastard!!
baoling90 #9
Chapter 8: Damn. I knew this would happen. Every drama always have a bastard.