
#NEUTRALIZED — unique co-ed group from sm entertainment! apply now open!

 tablet of rules

▲ overrated but necessary. don't bash! if you really need to bash, click here please.

▲ subscribe before/after applying for updates.

▲ no deadline yet so no need to rush in your forms.

▲ i will be picking 10 people. 5 boys, 5 girls.

▲ you may apply twice but NOT as twins. different plots please. different forms too.

▲ i love original characters. don't copy others' work. it's rude and annoying.

▲ no limits to the idols you wanna use. as long as you describe them well enough, i'm fine with it.

▲ please concise your information. i don't wanna read a novel. 8( it makes me ty-ty.

▲ use the source code for the application. i worked my off for that.

▲ several passwords exist. password one is your favourite non-korean actress.

▲ you are allowed to use non-korean people as face-claims such as american child actors etc. just make sure the face suits the age. if you're planning to use a korean face-claim, only ulzzangs are allowed! no korean idols please.



+ my do's and don'ts.

▲ quality over quantity. make sure i can get an insight of your character. don't just give me the surface, i need the whole thing. make sure i can understand your character and if you can sum up everything beautifully, i love you and i won't throw chairs at you.

▲ for the face-claims part, you can use non-koreans since i don't require your characters to be asian. how this thing works is that if you're going to give me a totally non-asian character, make sure that character knows the basic of asian culture or maybe he/she grew up in some parts of asia. i don't want a foreigner with no basic knowledge about asian culture coming into the story and start flipping around. i hate people who flip my . ps: gimme someone who has a lot of professionally taken photos. i don't want a person with a bunch of selcas taken in the bathroom. /sighs. not really effective for promoting purposes now.

▲ be realistic with your family members. you can't have an american character who has himchan as his/her sibling. himchan can't even say the roof is on fire properly. (no offense, himchan bby. yes, i'm a b.a.p fanboy.) this story takes place in this universe and it won't make any sense if an american character has a korean idol as his/her sibling.

▲ if your character is dealing with any sensitive body issues like anorexia, please make it look real. if you don't describe the condition well enough, i can't execute it perfectly and some people on here might get offended because they actually face the problem in real life. i'm not a designated writer and i'm trying my best to please my applicants and readers. if best, avoid these topics because i'm not really handy with them.

▲ sob stories are fine with me but please, don't have everyone die and leave you behind. i've seen this kind of application forms before and it irks me.

▲ be original and unique with your application form. that's the key to providing a good application. no mary sues and gary stus.

▲ i will review your application but it'll take some time. when i point out errors, please correct them at once and don't ignore them.

▲ english's not my first language. if english's not your first language too, state it in your form and we'll have beer over it.

▲ if you have any questions, pm me or comment below. don't ask your question in the application form unless you want a face full of needles.



+ okay. there are 5 positions listed below and each position will be going to a male and female character.

▲ lead rapper, dancer
▲ main dancer, vocal
▲ lead vocal, dancer
▲ main vocal, rapper
▲ triple threat



+ here are the list of tutors you CAN choose from. kibum isn't listed here.

▲ leeteuk
▲ heechul
▲ hangeng (he filed the lawsuit in december 2009. technically, he can train people before that happened.)
▲ kangin
▲ siwon
▲ ryeowook
▲ yesung
▲ eunhyuk
▲ donghae
▲ sungmin
▲ kyuhyun
▲ shindong
▲ zhou mi
▲ henry

▲ seohyun
▲ yoona
▲ sooyoung
▲ yuri
▲ sunny
▲ hyoyeon
▲ tiffany
▲ taeyeon
▲ jessica



+ if they're not on the list, they're available. an idol's only allowed to be used once fyi.



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Chapter 3: is this apply still open?
ilabya50 #2
Chapter 3: Please update soon
Chapter 3: please update......
can I use a k-actor as my love interest?
Chapter 3: can I use idols as face claims?
Chapter 1: Definitely applying \o/
This is still open, right? Is there a deadline?
mrspock #9
I just wanna tell you that I made changes to my second application. :)