The Power Of A Letter


It all began with a letter

They fought because of a letter

They become a couple thanks to a letter

They will live "together&forever" thanks to a letter

That's the power of a single letter that can change everything , It can change a whole life of a normal student & a cold rich boy into a greater life as they spend it together suffering and fighting against their fate to live happy in the end ^_^



It's been a year since I visited this wesbsite , I really missed reading the fanfics and writing one too school took all my time but thankfully I succeded and graduated from the high school ;)

You know I'm SHAWOL so like always the main characters are SHINee 's members , others will be added later.

I hope you all enjoy reading it :)))))


Oh and for the first one to comment I'm going to write a special oneshot just for him/her with the characters he/she asks for ^^

Let's see who will be the first here ;)


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yay! Am i the first? x3
this story sounds interesting!