Find Me While I'm Still Wanted

Find Me While I'm Still Wanted

There is a wanted sign on the wall that has a number with so many zeros that it just makes you breathless .. even more than the view of infinite sea coming from the window of billion dollars worth of yacht that you're in.


Hmm, they didn't choose the best picture of you.


Sitting comfortably on the couch, drinking champagne carelessly while y captain - Almighty Key is steering the yacht. Damn it, uniforms are so hot on guys.


Smirk on your face, checking him out from behind while he just watches ahead carefree. (or so it seems)


In a second Key pulled out his gun, turned around and... BANG ... He did it, he hit .. the couch o.O ... you disappeared.


Rising up behind him..  leaning on his back, you started slowly moving  your arms around his waist.. He turns around and his eyes meet yours. That's it.. THE moment..


Your lips so close .. and then ... he fell.


His gun in your hands, evil smile on your face, pleasure in your eyes...


One down..




Now that that's done, you're walking out on the pier with his hat on.


So many yachts around you.. they all seem empty yet you have a feeling someone is watching you .
When you look around nobody's there.


** Only visible thing is a leg of a man wearing white pants, watching you from one of the yachts and then disappearing.


Walking down the pier towards the coast... Hmm guess someone really was watching.
Right ahead of you a hot guy is standing, leaning on right side of the pier.

Onew.. smirking while watching you secretly. Oh you noticed him alright.

You start taking off your hat, your long hair is floating in the wind.


Almost passing him by but you stopped right in front of him and turned directly to him.

He lifts his head up.. You throw away your hat in the water and then you confidentially approach him.


.. Getting a little too close...


Both of you flirting with eyes. You took his hat and threw it into water as well.

Suddenly his eyes are wide open. Smile on your face got wider too. You pulled out your gun.


** (Slow motion) In a tight hug with you he fell backwards of the pier. ..His hat on top of yours floating in the water..




Beautiful sea, calming scenery, then a sudden splash.

It's you diving out, water dripping from you hair, your clothes.

..Water is calm again..

You're standing on the hot sand barefoot, your heels are in your hands, the beach is empty.. such a refreshing feeling.


A sudden explosion of music coming from the club not so far away. Well.. it is getting a bit dark... you found a new destination.


Hot atmosphere in the club, a lots of girls and y guys dancing.. oh yeah. But damn it, only one guy is stealing your attention .

Hot blond guy is watching you from the crowd. There is something dangerous about him.. obviously .. i mean it is Bling Bling JongHyun.

Another bounty hunter, what a surprise.. 

** The club is full of people, on left side there is a stage for professional dancers and on right side is more private area with... hmm... let's call them couches hidden from the crowd with transparent purple curtains.

Well.. time to make a move.. he was approaching you as well.

You started with dancing and let's face it, he has some moves. Shortly after that he pulled you to the right side of the club.

Right after he closed the curtains he got close to you. While you were making a step back, pulling him as well you purposely put your leg in front of his causing him to trip over you.

** (Slow motion) The fall (again).

In a second you were down and in next second you pushed him slowly to the side. You got up and left...


** Once more the guy in white pants, he removed the curtains to peek in... only to see a knife in JongHyun's chest and blood on his shirt.. than he closed the curtains.


It's already past the midnight, streets are empty, quietness everywhere, it's quite relaxing yet you're so exhausted. Streets are so dark, yet couple of street lamps are throwing the light perfectly to make the place look so scary and so wicked.... but not as wicked as you are.

It's been a long day .. but it seems it's not over just yet.

Nothing gets past your eyes.

Standing next to the wall of some building , right where the light from street lamps disappear... trying to play it smooth, so cool... well he can definitely pull it off.

One of the hottest bounty hunters out there... Taemin.

Isn't it obvious that you're gonna make a first move.

You just got in his arms and he already pulled you to the other side making you lean on the wall while he is in front of you.

Wow... and this is the baby-faced guy looking so innocent. TaeMan really fits him better.
Hot smile on his face makes him so addictive.

He was leaning for a kiss, you tried to control him with your hands around his head, with your hands in his beautiful hair.

It didn't help... That was one hot kiss.

Girl pull it together! You should know your place! Besides he's a bounty hunter, that's just one of his tricks, and the most important thing is..... yup, that's good enough to make you come to your senses. 

Another spin and he's down.. oh yeah.. pocket poison arrows.. so quick, so silent, so practical and so effective. Success (if you can call it that xD)
..So tired of this never ending chase.. Someone is behind you.. this time for sure. 

You don't even need to turn around... a quick smirk on your face and then you moved on.

**  Yes, you're right, it's the guy in white pants again. standing to Taemin's body and then turning towards you, but now we can also see his brown hair from behind.


You're already at the other side of the town.. again on some beach.

You saw a pier, so you went to the end of it to admire the moon that is shining so bright.

Someone is walking towards you. You can't go ahead, left nor right but you have no intention of running anywhere, anyway.. not now.

** (Fast motion)
Without turning around you pulled out your two guns, you crossed your arms and pointed them towards behind.

There's also a gun pointed at your head. Confident smile on your face.

** (Close up) ... The handsome brown haired guy in white pants is no one other than Flaming Charisma Minho.

You pulled your guns back and then threw them into water. You turned around facing his gun.

**(Flash backs) Full close up of Minho:
1. .. watching you after you killed Key
2. .. on beach blowing of Onew's hat from yours with a gun shot.
3. .. in a crowd in the club looking at JongHyun's lifeless body.
4. .. in the dark street next to Taemin and then watching you leave.

..You looked at him, he smiled, threw away the gun and spread his arms wide open.

You ran into his hug, he lifted you up and swung you twice in the air. He hugged you tightly and you hid your face into his chest like a little girl. It felt so safe... finally!

** (Flash backs
-You're hacking the bank system and leading Minho directly to the main safe.
-You two together on a mission, breaking into some mafia's house stealing million dollars worth jewelry.
-You two on vacation on some deserted island.. together in clubs.. then he preparing so many romantic events for you.
-In Key's yacht next to yours is his wanted sign, with as much money as there was on yours.
-Getting separated  when police almost found him..
Minho: "I'll find you.. wait for me." ;
You: "Be careful... I'll be waiting.. Find me .. while I'm still wanted.."

.. Finally together again..

Minho: "Did you miss me?"

Your eyes got teary. He took your hand and you two ran away..

The beautiful moon is still shinee-ing.


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Chapter 1: It was ily evil.....Good job. I really liked it.