Amore Effrenatus

JongKey Fic Rec

Amore Effrenatus

Status: Ongoing | Complete

Pairing: JongKey

Chapters: 19

Rating: M

Genre: Angst, romance

Summary: After spending a long time away from Roma, a victorious general is coming back from war. But things have changed since he left and promises are still waiting to be fulfilled.

A slave who had became a gladiator is about to change his life.


Sometimes fate gives a little twist to your life.

For better or for worst.


And when your destiny is tightly interwining with someone else's, you have two choices.

Push them away or let them creep inside of you.

What are they going to do?

Author: Baya_111

**Click Here for the story**


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Chapter 40: omg yup its the best fic of my all time favourites,every fic of this author is amazing.i will also recommend everyone to read it.thanks for telling.
Chapter 40: yes you are an idiot XD ive been telling you to read it for months lol
I liked this!
Chapter 25: very good fic.thanks for sharing it
Ray4URay #5
I'm looking for a JongKey fic where Key is being bullied by Jonghyun. They use to be best friends when they were younger but Jonghyun started bullying Key to hide the fact that he likes Key. Then Jonghyun Key in a toilet and makes Key go out on a date with him. Key in the fic already has a boyfriend, Jinwoon but Key still goes out on a date with Jonghyun. Then they eventually start dating. Could someone PLSSSS help me find it?!!! The title was something like Key and His Bully or something like that. PLS SOMEONE HELP FIND!!! :(
kara224 #6
Chapter 1: good rec list. hope u will keep it up :)
Evil_Keshi #7
The list is really good so far, 've already read some of them and those fics really deserve to be recommended ^^
Keep up the good work ! ;)