Acceleration of the Cardiac Cycle - Chapter 7

Acceleration of the Cardiac Cycle

“Kevin~!” Alexander gave his brightest smile and took a seat before Kevin’s table. He spared the chair’s owner a quick apologetic glance and turned to the person he was looking for. “Hello!”

“You’re finally looking for me after two days of complete ignorance?” Kevin scoffed, head not lifting up from his homework.

Alexander took in a deep breath and maintained his smile. “What do you mean?”

“We have a competition coming up and I’m fixed on winning. I’ve started research and I hope you’ve done your bit.” Kevin gave Alexander a sharp look and looked back down on his work.

With a sigh, Alexander rolled his eyes. “Please, I’m a natural at debating, don’t worry about me.”

“From all your talking, I would think so. However, in debate, you can’t just use another point to attack the other party. You have to rebut PROPERLY, at the points shot at you. And all your gossips won’t get you anywhere this time round.” Kevin shot back and shook his head.

“All right, I get it, you want to win. Would you now let me say my piece, at least?” Alexander groaned. “I was asking what matters you have with the cafeteria vendor, Lee Kiseop, and very good looking but silent, Kim Kibum.”

“Well, let’s do it this way. You research and give me the points you’re going to argue about and I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.” Kevin offered. “How about that?”

Alexander faked a smile and stood up to leave.

Kevin Woo was officially pissing him off.


“Quick! Quick!” Soohyun screamed for his teammates to move faster towards the ball.

The school team divided themselves into two to train, playing against each other in preparation for the next competition.

“Eli to the right!”

The two teams continued snatching the ball from each other and Soohyun’s team finally scored a goal.


The team walked towards the rest area and immediately gulped down water. Soohyun pointed at three of them. “Reflect.”




Each of the three said a word, immediately scrambling down to do fifty pushups as punishment. Soohyun then scanned the audience area to see the usual crowd...and an unusual person.

He told his team to take a longer break before walking to the audience, waving at a few fans of the soccer team. Soohyun then turned to the unusual person. “What are you doing here?”

“Analysing you and making sure you make it to the library before three.” The person shrugged as he looked up from the notebook he was holding. “Oh look, how surprising, it’s five minute to three.”

“...” Soohyun thought of a song that Kevin reminded him of. “Neo wanjeon jjajeung na...*”

“Yes?” Kevin raised an eyebrow.

“Nothing.” Soohyun quickly shook his head. “Why don’t you go bother Kim Kibum and make sure he reaches the library before three instead?”

“He’s already there. I told him to read through two chapters and I’ll be testing him when we get back.” Kevin shrugged.

“What?! That guy has no life.” Soohyun exclaimed.

“Oh yeah, sports has so much life.” Kevin said sarcastically.

“Well, at least we’re all alive and kicking. Literally.” Soohyun stuck out his tongue childishly.

“Yeah, and I’m a living corpse.” Kevin rolled his eyes.

“Exactly!” Soohyun smirked.

“Well then, I won’t die alone. You’re going down with me.” Kevin faked a sweet smile and coiled his fingers around Soohyun’s wrist, before pulling him towards the library.

Soohyun tried to struggle out of Kevin’s surprisingly strong grip. “At least let me tell my team what to do in my absence and pack my bag.”

Kevin considered for a while. “A captain should be a man of his words. All right, be back in two minutes.”

Soohyun nodded and ran to his teammates, quickly packing and instructing someone to supervise the training. “Make sure they sweat and remember, on Saturday, we’re going to do physical training.”

They all nodded and waved Soohyun goodbye, a few wishing him good luck.

“Smartie pants is weird, don’t die in his hands!”


Dongho pouted as he continuously tried to form all the family trees in his head, linking all the marriages between the families as well. Somehow, the Lee family tree is quite big and the Kim family tree isn’t. Maybe he’s missing out on a few “Kim” groups of family?

He suddenly heard a lot of shouting.

How typical of idiots who waste their time on stupid things.

Family trees are much more interesting. And with his own efforts alone, he managed to trace back to some hundred years ago (which is about six generations or so?). Okay, maybe it’s only his family, but whatever.

And there are some family dramas people didn’t know. Like an older generation becoming the same age as the younger generation, and then marrying each other. It’s distant , how disgusting.

“Maybe I really am missing out on a few “Kim” groups. Hm…but how could I miss them out?” Dongho frowned, biting his fingernails (very bad habit) as he pondered.

“I think…Ouch!”


“Eli, kick that! Quick!” Eli’s current teammate yelled for him to rush towards the ball before the other team can.

He did, running with all his might and just kicking the ball away from its current position. Whatever happens to the ball can be worried by other teammates waiting around.


Eli blinked, looking around for the ball before seeing a student lying flat on the ground. Oops, he meant to kick it across half the field.

Running towards the body and the ball, he shook the boy that looked really small. Maybe he’s from the middle school section or something? Weird, wasn’t the middle school section on the other side?

“Hello? Middle school kid? Are you okay?” Eli asked as he looked around for his teammates. “Get me some water!”

The boy suddenly opened his eyes wide. “Who are you calling middle school kid! I’m in high school! HIGH SCHOOL!”

“Oh, you’re fine.” Eli raised both his eyebrows. “You think you can stand?”

“I think you’re rude! Awfully rude! I’m in HIGH SCHOOL. You must be a Kim! Majority and muscles, how proud!” The boy glared angrily at Eli, helping himself up and stepping childishly on Eli’s shoe. Eli jumped in pain, frowning at the boy.

“Hey Eli, your bottle of water.” Eli’s teammate passed Eli the bottle of water. “Hey kid, you okay?”

“I’M NOT A KID.” The boy yelled, face annoyed. “Stupid Kim family! Rude, no respect! I’m a high school student!”

“Sorry, chill.” Eli’s teammate chuckled. “Defensive, aren’t we? Well, if you’re fine, I’m going to pull him away because we have soccer practice going on. Bye, high school student.”

“Leave! Leave and do what you idiots do!” The boy rolled his eyes, stomping away.


* = Sounds familiar? :)

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I miss this fic so much!!!!
A whole year without an update... I just realized that as I was rereading AOTCC...

Anyway i am not here to nag or ask for an update ( although that would be wonderful!!),
just wanted to say that I have not forgotten this story and that it is actually one of my favourite UKISS fanfics...

That's all for now, bye!!!
Chapter 23: <3 <3 <3

Thank you so very much for updating!!!

Seriously you don't know how much I love you for this!!! <3 <3 <3
I reread the whole fic again (not because I forgot it but because your fics are so easy to read and I enjoy it the same every time!!)

Wow! A whole year passed, I didn't even notice (2014 is just around the corner, could you believe that? o_O)

Useless piece of information: just a week ago I was telling my friend how I was wishing you would update and then you actually DID!!!!
I was so shocked that it took me two days to decide to read the update and then another two to write a comment ( and because I didn't know what to say)

Anyway, don't think I forgot you or this fic, I just think it would be annoying to ask for updates (I wanted to tell you that for a long time)

Argh, now I can't wait for the next chapter! I really want to find out what will happen next, especially now that Kibum came back for more lessons!! And poor Kevin... Hwaiting!!!

Before I end this rant (that can't possibly be a comment) let me tell you one more time how happy I was that you updated!! Thanks again!!!!

(P.s. I'm going to reread Complementary Differences again now because... kemaru feels (legit reason XD)

<3 <3 <3
Chapter 23: You're back! /huge smiles/ I can't wait for further development with kemaru, 2shin and EliXander <3 I hope you're going to update your other stories, like am early Christmas present. Merry Christmas in advance ^.^
BenjiKS #4
Chapter 23: Yay! You updated! To be honest I actually forgot about this.. But now that your back I'm SO excited, since I really love your story! It's one of my favorites! You have no idea how much I smilef just knowing I'd get to read more of this :D Thank you SO much! Andcif I may request a small thing... Pleeease don't let it be that long till the next chapter again? ^^
Chapter 23: @Gyurfection: Haha, don’t get a heart attack this time! Your heart might not be able to take it :O. No problem, even I can’t remember >_<! Haha, no problem! Sorry for the wait!!
@jamieargie: I’m glad you were happy! Haha, but I’m really sorry this time around, it took a year for me to get back here >_< That’s…not good. Sorry! Thank you for so much love anyway!
@PrettyNoonaLove: Thank you, and sorry for the wait :(
@Galdy42: Thank you but sorry for the long wait! So sorry <3!
@Yuki0710: Haha, glad you like it! Sorry I couldn’t update any sooner :(
@IceCreamLover: Glad you do then ^^ Yeah, that’s why I’m so much more apologetic :/ Haha ^^ /dances with ya/
@saowalak3103: Haha, glad you liked it, sorry for the wait!! Yep, Kibum’s back!
@BenjiKS: Haha, thank you so much for waiting around! <3
@sarala: So sorry for the wait :(! Glad you liked it!
@greenbizarre: So sorry! I had made you wait a year ;~~; Thank you for liking it :D Haha, yep, love will find its way~ Thank you for the love!
@Giraffrey: Sorry :/ I didn’t want to fill it up too much since I made it a somewhat climatic moment and if I added in too many random stuff it doesn’t have that impact lol. Possibly, I’m not sure what you mean exactly, but possibly?
@Ktikat1991: Haha, yep they are! Thank you for waiting!
@inspirit_kissme: :O Isn’t it boring by the…like third time? XD Haha, triple date? Won’t it be a bit complicated >_<! Hahahaha, thank you for liking it!
@AllRiseSaphireBlue: No problem, better late than never :D! Haha, glad you liked them and thank you for waiting around!
@Weedawa98: I am! But it is taking longer than expected >_<! Sorry!
@SuperNatuGirl: Thank you! Sorry for the wait! Sure I can add more EliXander, but currently it’s a bit problematic because if all couples advance at the same rate the story becomes repetitive! So it’s more of a focus on Kemaru first since that’s how the story came about, then you’ll learn more about the other guys before more relationships takes shape!
Chapter 19: i found this story awesome, and i think imma become a fan. but please, waiting for update TAT

And, can you add more EliXander please? Thanks.

Chapter 22: I've reread this 5 times this week and I just had to comment! I wonder after the three couples get together, maybe they'll have a triple date ^o^. I absolutely can't wait for Kemaru to happen and for Eli and Xander to meet! This is my favorite story from you <3