Acceleration of the Cardiac Cycle - Chapter 5

Acceleration of the Cardiac Cycle

“Hello...are you my study buddy?” Kibum practised in front of the toilet mirror. He checked his watch.


“Hello, I’m Kim Kibum. Are you my study buddy?” Kibum tried again, cursing himself for being so awkward. How long has it been since he spoken to someone his age?

“Hi. Here for study buddy programme?” Kibum asked his reflection, raising his eyebrow a little to show that he was asking a question.

“Yes.” A voice said over the flushing sound of the toilet bowl, and a male exited the washroom. “You too?”

Kibum blinked. He hadn’t thought he would hear an answer.

“ are?” Kibum started cautiously, sizing up the man.

“Shin Soohyun.” The man smiled, sweat trickling down the side of his face. “Came from dance practice so I’m a little sweaty.”

“Oh. I’m Kim Kibum.” Kibum smiled a little to be polite, although he hadn’t remember how to smile properly.

“What are you going to teach me today?” Soohyun asked as he splashed water on his face.

“I thought you were going to teach me...” Kibum’s words trailed off, and they ended up staring at each other.



Kevin walked around the library with five books on one arm, the other still picking out books. He checked the clock on the wall which read 2.55pm. The two should be here any time soon.

“Oh, Kim Kibum! I finally remembered why your name sounded so familiar. You’re that pretty boy the whole school speaks of. The one that doesn’t talk to people.” Soohyun nodded and then frowned. “But you talked to me. And I like you, we click.”

Kibum bit his lower lip, at first a little disappointed that Soohyun heard his name before, until he heard the last few words. Kibum smiled. “I think so too. I don’t really like the whole school population. Some of them are really shallow.”

Soohyun agreed. “There’s always people like that.”

“Boys, this is the library. If you want to speak, lower your volume.” The librarian gave a disapproving glance before going back to her job of returning the books to their right places.

Soohyun immediately put his finger over his lips and looked around now that they reached the second floor. There was a table with many books opened and a chair pulled out, showing that someone had been there. Soohyun pointed at it, and Kibum nodded, both walking towards the spot.

“It’s three.” Kibum noted, before looking around to find their teacher, still unsure who it might be. “You think it’s a male?”

“Yeah, my team is betting that it’s Kevin Woo.” Soohyun chuckled softly, gesturing for Kibum to take a seat in front of him. “That smartie pants that skipped a grade, you know?”

“No.” Kibum shook his head and shrugged, although yes, he heard of that rumour that is now confirmed. “My school life pretty much consists of only me.”

“Hm, am I your first friend?” Soohyun grinned, holding out a hand as they were both comfortably seated.

Kibum smiled and shook the hand. “Yeah.”

“Hello, Kim Kibum-ssi and Shin Soohyun-ssi.” Kevin greeted as he dropped seven books on the table, looking at both his study buddies to memorise their features. “Nice to meet you, I’m Kevin Woo, your study buddy.”

Soohyun tried to hide his smile, which caused Kevin to frown.

“Is there something very hilarious that you would like to share?”

“No.” Soohyun cleared his throat and sat up straight. There was something about Kevin that made him intimidating.

“Good, because we have no time for jokes.” Kevin took his seat beside Kibum and patted the seat on his other side. “Soohyun-ssi, you sit here.”

“Why?” Soohyun frowned, tired to move.

“I say so. Now get your over here or I’ll throw you a hundred questions to be completed by Thursday.” Kevin threatened, immediately getting Soohyun to run over.

“Okay, actually, I have something to say.” Soohyun started. “I don’t want to do this thing. I have dance practices on Tuesdays and soccer practices on Thurdays, no time for you.”

“Sports is a waste of time.” Kevin rolled his eyes before faking a smile. “No, you cannot skip any sessions or I shall report you directly to the principal.”

Soohyun cursed and immediately got a whack on his head. “What the heck? I’m older than you-”

“No swearing. Also, in this environment, I’m your teacher, I have a higher position than you. Shut up and read chapter one. We’re going to build your basics.” Kevin jabbed the first chapter of Biology, asking him to read aloud so he was really registering something.

“This is the library.” Soohyun smirked.

Kevin laughed loudly, the librarian only walked by and smiled brightly at the nerd.

Soohyun blinked.

“Read it out. Now.” Kevin glared at Soohyun, the scene thoroughly amusing Kibum who was a little neglected. “I have special privileges, so speak up and I’ll test you that ten minutes later.”

Soohyun pouted but started reading the book aloud, Kibum heard something like “the science of life” and “the mechanisms of a nerd’s brain”. He chuckled.

“Now, you.” Kevin turned to Kibum and waited for any reaction. Kibum only kept quiet and looked at Kevin. “Good, you know what’s good for you.”

Kibum watched as Kevin placed two books in front of him. “You can choose between English and Chemistry, whichever you have more confidence in and we’ll start a mini quiz.”

Kibum looked scandalised, deciding to pick Chemistry.

“What is the pH of an acid? Give me the range.” Kevin questioned.

“Erm...what’s pH?” Kibum asked. “I know acid and bases but I don’t know what it is exactly. Lest you think I’m an idiot.”

Kevin blinked. “I think I get your question. It’s not in the syllabus, though, but since you’re interested, pH is the potential of hydrogen, the symbol for the logarithm of the reciprocal of hydrogen ion concentration in gram atoms per litre. It is used to express the acidity or the basicity of a certain substance. For example, the pH of water is 7. That, you should know.”

“That I get, yes. But why is 7 neutral? Why can’t it be 10?” Kibum asked.

Kevin scratched his head and scrunched up his face. “Ions are just atoms that have an electric charge on them, so H+ is a hydrogen atom with charge of 1. Even in pure water, ions tend to form due to random processes, producing some H+ and OH- ions. The amount of H+ that is made in pure water is about equal to a pH of 7. That's why 7 is neutral.”

“Erm, that doesn’t answer anything. Why is it 7?”

Kevin sighed. “pH is equals to -log10[H+], where [H+] is the concentration of H+ , expressed in moles/litre. In pure water near room temperature, the concentration of H+ is about 10-7 moles/litre, which gives a pH of 7. Does that answer your question?”

Soohyun looked at Kevin in shock. Kevin frowned and turned to him, glaring at him to read on. He gulped, quickly complying to the unspoken order.

“Why is it acids and bases? Why can’t it be acids and non-acids?”

Kevin breathed in and out, trying to calm his nerves. “You don’t question why. It’s called bases and not non-acids. You accept what people throw you. We’ve done this for a million years...I think...”

Damn it. Kibum officially made him feel stupid. This was the first time he had no clue to the question why.

“You think?” Kibum raised an eyebrow. “Okay.”

Kevin clenched his fists. Why was he the one feeling foolish when Kibum was the one who was asking dumb questions? Whoever questioned who made the dictionary? This guy was going to pay.

Kevin whipped out a piece of paper and started setting qualitative analysis questions, even if Kibum couldn’t do them (the better). “Do these.”

Kibum returned Kevin the paper after 20 minutes, which Kevin used to summarise the chapter Soohyun had been doing and asked him a few simple questions (which he answered correctly, thank goodness). Kevin jabbed the next chapter and told Soohyun to read it out.

Kevin then scanned the paper and picked up a red pen, marking it. Kibum only had two...out of eight questions right.

Kevin smirked. Revenge is sweet and...acidic? Since glucose is C6H12O6...and CO2 is an acidic oxide and it’s in glucose and so... Argh, Kevin should stop arguing with his inner self.

Kibum stared at his paper.

“No. Why am I wrong? Copper is reddish-brown. Why will it turn blue?”

Kevin facepalmed himself. This study buddy thing was going to be hard.


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I miss this fic so much!!!!
A whole year without an update... I just realized that as I was rereading AOTCC...

Anyway i am not here to nag or ask for an update ( although that would be wonderful!!),
just wanted to say that I have not forgotten this story and that it is actually one of my favourite UKISS fanfics...

That's all for now, bye!!!
Chapter 23: <3 <3 <3

Thank you so very much for updating!!!

Seriously you don't know how much I love you for this!!! <3 <3 <3
I reread the whole fic again (not because I forgot it but because your fics are so easy to read and I enjoy it the same every time!!)

Wow! A whole year passed, I didn't even notice (2014 is just around the corner, could you believe that? o_O)

Useless piece of information: just a week ago I was telling my friend how I was wishing you would update and then you actually DID!!!!
I was so shocked that it took me two days to decide to read the update and then another two to write a comment ( and because I didn't know what to say)

Anyway, don't think I forgot you or this fic, I just think it would be annoying to ask for updates (I wanted to tell you that for a long time)

Argh, now I can't wait for the next chapter! I really want to find out what will happen next, especially now that Kibum came back for more lessons!! And poor Kevin... Hwaiting!!!

Before I end this rant (that can't possibly be a comment) let me tell you one more time how happy I was that you updated!! Thanks again!!!!

(P.s. I'm going to reread Complementary Differences again now because... kemaru feels (legit reason XD)

<3 <3 <3
Chapter 23: You're back! /huge smiles/ I can't wait for further development with kemaru, 2shin and EliXander <3 I hope you're going to update your other stories, like am early Christmas present. Merry Christmas in advance ^.^
BenjiKS #4
Chapter 23: Yay! You updated! To be honest I actually forgot about this.. But now that your back I'm SO excited, since I really love your story! It's one of my favorites! You have no idea how much I smilef just knowing I'd get to read more of this :D Thank you SO much! Andcif I may request a small thing... Pleeease don't let it be that long till the next chapter again? ^^
Chapter 23: @Gyurfection: Haha, don’t get a heart attack this time! Your heart might not be able to take it :O. No problem, even I can’t remember >_<! Haha, no problem! Sorry for the wait!!
@jamieargie: I’m glad you were happy! Haha, but I’m really sorry this time around, it took a year for me to get back here >_< That’s…not good. Sorry! Thank you for so much love anyway!
@PrettyNoonaLove: Thank you, and sorry for the wait :(
@Galdy42: Thank you but sorry for the long wait! So sorry <3!
@Yuki0710: Haha, glad you like it! Sorry I couldn’t update any sooner :(
@IceCreamLover: Glad you do then ^^ Yeah, that’s why I’m so much more apologetic :/ Haha ^^ /dances with ya/
@saowalak3103: Haha, glad you liked it, sorry for the wait!! Yep, Kibum’s back!
@BenjiKS: Haha, thank you so much for waiting around! <3
@sarala: So sorry for the wait :(! Glad you liked it!
@greenbizarre: So sorry! I had made you wait a year ;~~; Thank you for liking it :D Haha, yep, love will find its way~ Thank you for the love!
@Giraffrey: Sorry :/ I didn’t want to fill it up too much since I made it a somewhat climatic moment and if I added in too many random stuff it doesn’t have that impact lol. Possibly, I’m not sure what you mean exactly, but possibly?
@Ktikat1991: Haha, yep they are! Thank you for waiting!
@inspirit_kissme: :O Isn’t it boring by the…like third time? XD Haha, triple date? Won’t it be a bit complicated >_<! Hahahaha, thank you for liking it!
@AllRiseSaphireBlue: No problem, better late than never :D! Haha, glad you liked them and thank you for waiting around!
@Weedawa98: I am! But it is taking longer than expected >_<! Sorry!
@SuperNatuGirl: Thank you! Sorry for the wait! Sure I can add more EliXander, but currently it’s a bit problematic because if all couples advance at the same rate the story becomes repetitive! So it’s more of a focus on Kemaru first since that’s how the story came about, then you’ll learn more about the other guys before more relationships takes shape!
Chapter 19: i found this story awesome, and i think imma become a fan. but please, waiting for update TAT

And, can you add more EliXander please? Thanks.

Chapter 22: I've reread this 5 times this week and I just had to comment! I wonder after the three couples get together, maybe they'll have a triple date ^o^. I absolutely can't wait for Kemaru to happen and for Eli and Xander to meet! This is my favorite story from you <3