Acceleration of the Cardiac Cycle - Chapter 3

Acceleration of the Cardiac Cycle

When do I start?” Kevin asked, holding the file in one hand and opening the door with another.

“It’s twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays, two hours each time, you start tomorrow.”

Kevin sighed, eyeing at all his textbooks which he took out from his locker. He then turned his head to look at the file he was holding. The subjects that he need to go through with the two students include Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Mathematics, English, History and Korean (are they serious?).

He sighed again, arranging his books and deciding to start writing a summary for the first few chapters of each subject.

A little at a time, he thought, as he took a spoonful of food into his mouth. He was using his lunch time to prepare himself for tomorrow, sitting alone in the next class’s classroom.

“This better turn out good.”


Eli rushed over and got his name announced by the captain.


Damn it.

“I didn’t mean it! Our school’s new cafeteria vendor was going around the school finding someone who didn’t pay for his lunch, sir!” Eli reported.

“...” The captain kept quiet and nodded. “Off to practice! Join WooJoon’s team.”

“Yes, sir!” Eli bowed before running off, following the order to run around the field to kick a ball.


“Yes, sir! What, sir?” The captain greeted the teacher-in-charge.

“The principal informed me to tell you to keep your Tuesdays and Thursdays free. Do not argue with me. You’re weak academically so your study buddy programme starts tomorrow. No, I said not to argue with me.”

“Yes, sir.” Soohyun sighed after the teacher left. What’s the use? His mind isn’t on studying anyway...Without frequent trainings, his team might not even listen to him anymore. Maybe he should request a drop out. Yes, maybe he should do that.

“Soohyun-hyung! Come on over, it’s practice time!” His teammate smiled. The relationship was flexible like that. Formal during problems with their attendance or conduct, informal when in the game.


Kiseop sobbed quietly. His first day was officially ruined by this burly man he doesn’t dare to hit (nor had he found).

“Kiseop? What’s wrong?” Kiseop’s coworker asked nicely as he patted the new worker’s back.

“A...a customer didn’t pay for his food and ran off...” Kiseop said between sobs, sounding like a five-year-old kid who lost his lollipop.

“What?! What does he look like?" The other male looked unhappy with such an action made by one of the students.

“Strong, tall, dark man. Impatient, wearing dark blue jersey.” Kiseop ranted as he recalled the image of the man.

“Oh. That’s Soohyun then. Don’t worry, he pays by week because he has no time to waste.” A smile immediately appeared on the other man’s face. “Our school has some students you need to take note of. Come, I have some pictures.”

Kiseop stood rooted to the ground.

“Shocking, but you’ll need it.” The male took out a file once they entered that lounge for the cafeteria workers, with a stunned Kiseop being dragged.

“This, is Kevin. Thick spectacles, skinny and lanky, super white, very polite. You probably already met him, and tomorrow he would greet you by your name. His lunch is easy. You take rice, flatten to form a rectangle. He likes regular things you see, so he comes at a regular time, ask for regular things, get his food shaped a regular one. Vegetables would always be the ones we put on the...”

Kiseop sighed. He was in for a long day.


“Kim Kibum.” The teacher called out. The said person stood up and dragged his feet at he moved towards the teacher. He held his hands out and waited for death to come.

“Work harder.” The teacher sighed, and Kibum saw a “22” scribbled on the top of his paper. “I have something to tell you after lessons. Stay back for a while.”

Kibum nodded, flipping the pages to see where he had gone wrong.

He doesn’t understand. He had studied (as always), and failed (as always).

He looked as his classmates grinned at their papers, probably passing with ease.

“This paper was a lot easier, so if you didn’t pass, please work harder. Those that did, don’t be too proud of yourself.” The teacher said and her eyes landed on Kibum. Kibum quickly looked back at his paper, taking out his textbook as the teacher went back to her lessons.

“Hey, do you know how much Kibum got?” Kibum heard a whisper behind him. He frowned and quickly turned his papers so the back of the paper was facing up.

“I don’t know, wait, let me check.” There was the sound of the chair being pushed back, probably someone standing up to peek over his shoulders.

“Lee YoungAe, what are you doing?” Their teacher glared at the girl behind Kibum, causing her to sit down in embarrassment. “Are you ready for lessons?”

“Yes, Ms Park.”

Kibum sighed, why must everyone know his marks?

The bell rang, and students quickly kept their books, not giving the teacher a second longer. Kibum took his time, aware that Ms Park was walking towards him.

“You’re free on Tuesdays and Thursdays right? The principal had arranged a study buddy programme for you and you’ll be learning from someone your age. I heard from the rumours that it’s Kevin Woo who would be teaching you, so learn well because he’s a good student. You students probably can connect better too. You’ll meet him, or if it is not him then well, you’ll meet your study buddy in the library, second floor. He’ll be waiting and your classes start from 3pm and ends at 5pm.” Ms Park read off the note she had written, before passing it to him. “Good luck, Kibum. You can do it.”

Kibum nodded and scanned through the note, giving a small smile. If Ms Park doesn’t see Kibum practically everyday, she would have swoon at the smile. But she’s a teacher, she knows better.


“Alexander Lee Eusebio.” The teacher gave Alexander slanted eyes, watching him and three girls run to their seats. “You and your group are late.”

“Sorry Mr Jeremy, we crossed path with Mrs Jennifer and I couldn’t stop myself from wanting to help a pregnant lady.” Alexander smiled sweetly, and the three girls sitting behind him nodded furiously. “Should we not help her the next time?”

Mr Jeremy raised an eyebrow. “How do you know she’s pregnant?”

“Five weeks pregnant.” Alexander added. “Nothing escapes me, Mr Jeremy. I even know we’re going to learn a few common phobias today. I heard you are philophobic, oh-”

Mr Jeremy instantly turned into a bright shade of red, raising a hand. “Very funny, Alexander. Sit down and we’ll start classes.”

Alexander shrugged, looking around to realise no one understood what philophobic means. “Does no one knows what philophobia is?”

“Enough.” Mr Jeremy cut in, blinking when Kevin raised his hand. “Yes, Kevin?”

“Philophobia is a noun, Greek in origin. It can be broken down into philia and phobia. Philia means a strong affinity, or love. Phobia means fear. When put together, it means a persistent, abnormal and irrational fear of love and intimacy.” Kevin sat back down as Alexander signalled to the class to give a standing ovation to the class’s smartest boy. Even Alexander who had an advantage from being foreign doesn’t score better than him.

Mr Jeremy couldn’t will the blush on his face away, especially since Kevin was just proving to Alexander that he wasn’t the only one who knew what the term meant. He shouldn’t have called Kevin.

“Mr Jeremy is-” A girl was about to start teasing their English teacher, before he turned to glare at her.

“Enough. Take out your textbooks. Alexander, I hope you are not scolding-phobic.” Mr Jeremy shook his head and raised his eyebrows at Kevin who raised his hand. He wondered if he should call Kevin. “Yes?”

“There’s no such word, Mr Jeremy.” Kevin said politely, and Mr Jeremy could only nod.

Mr Jeremy didn’t miss the snicker Alexander made, though.


I'm sorry if it seems like I suddenly have a lot of fics, but I really can't help to ask you guys to read this :D
It's a pretty brainless but cute fic, I think XD The fic would be in pictures, and each chapter should be really short lololol.
Currently only two chapters are up and these two chapters are introducing the two characters, PiroPiro and SiroSiro :3
Picture It, Our Life Together:

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I miss this fic so much!!!!
A whole year without an update... I just realized that as I was rereading AOTCC...

Anyway i am not here to nag or ask for an update ( although that would be wonderful!!),
just wanted to say that I have not forgotten this story and that it is actually one of my favourite UKISS fanfics...

That's all for now, bye!!!
Chapter 23: <3 <3 <3

Thank you so very much for updating!!!

Seriously you don't know how much I love you for this!!! <3 <3 <3
I reread the whole fic again (not because I forgot it but because your fics are so easy to read and I enjoy it the same every time!!)

Wow! A whole year passed, I didn't even notice (2014 is just around the corner, could you believe that? o_O)

Useless piece of information: just a week ago I was telling my friend how I was wishing you would update and then you actually DID!!!!
I was so shocked that it took me two days to decide to read the update and then another two to write a comment ( and because I didn't know what to say)

Anyway, don't think I forgot you or this fic, I just think it would be annoying to ask for updates (I wanted to tell you that for a long time)

Argh, now I can't wait for the next chapter! I really want to find out what will happen next, especially now that Kibum came back for more lessons!! And poor Kevin... Hwaiting!!!

Before I end this rant (that can't possibly be a comment) let me tell you one more time how happy I was that you updated!! Thanks again!!!!

(P.s. I'm going to reread Complementary Differences again now because... kemaru feels (legit reason XD)

<3 <3 <3
Chapter 23: You're back! /huge smiles/ I can't wait for further development with kemaru, 2shin and EliXander <3 I hope you're going to update your other stories, like am early Christmas present. Merry Christmas in advance ^.^
BenjiKS #4
Chapter 23: Yay! You updated! To be honest I actually forgot about this.. But now that your back I'm SO excited, since I really love your story! It's one of my favorites! You have no idea how much I smilef just knowing I'd get to read more of this :D Thank you SO much! Andcif I may request a small thing... Pleeease don't let it be that long till the next chapter again? ^^
Chapter 23: @Gyurfection: Haha, don’t get a heart attack this time! Your heart might not be able to take it :O. No problem, even I can’t remember >_<! Haha, no problem! Sorry for the wait!!
@jamieargie: I’m glad you were happy! Haha, but I’m really sorry this time around, it took a year for me to get back here >_< That’s…not good. Sorry! Thank you for so much love anyway!
@PrettyNoonaLove: Thank you, and sorry for the wait :(
@Galdy42: Thank you but sorry for the long wait! So sorry <3!
@Yuki0710: Haha, glad you like it! Sorry I couldn’t update any sooner :(
@IceCreamLover: Glad you do then ^^ Yeah, that’s why I’m so much more apologetic :/ Haha ^^ /dances with ya/
@saowalak3103: Haha, glad you liked it, sorry for the wait!! Yep, Kibum’s back!
@BenjiKS: Haha, thank you so much for waiting around! <3
@sarala: So sorry for the wait :(! Glad you liked it!
@greenbizarre: So sorry! I had made you wait a year ;~~; Thank you for liking it :D Haha, yep, love will find its way~ Thank you for the love!
@Giraffrey: Sorry :/ I didn’t want to fill it up too much since I made it a somewhat climatic moment and if I added in too many random stuff it doesn’t have that impact lol. Possibly, I’m not sure what you mean exactly, but possibly?
@Ktikat1991: Haha, yep they are! Thank you for waiting!
@inspirit_kissme: :O Isn’t it boring by the…like third time? XD Haha, triple date? Won’t it be a bit complicated >_<! Hahahaha, thank you for liking it!
@AllRiseSaphireBlue: No problem, better late than never :D! Haha, glad you liked them and thank you for waiting around!
@Weedawa98: I am! But it is taking longer than expected >_<! Sorry!
@SuperNatuGirl: Thank you! Sorry for the wait! Sure I can add more EliXander, but currently it’s a bit problematic because if all couples advance at the same rate the story becomes repetitive! So it’s more of a focus on Kemaru first since that’s how the story came about, then you’ll learn more about the other guys before more relationships takes shape!
Chapter 19: i found this story awesome, and i think imma become a fan. but please, waiting for update TAT

And, can you add more EliXander please? Thanks.

Chapter 22: I've reread this 5 times this week and I just had to comment! I wonder after the three couples get together, maybe they'll have a triple date ^o^. I absolutely can't wait for Kemaru to happen and for Eli and Xander to meet! This is my favorite story from you <3