New Kid

New Kid - Ren

Moving across the world wasn’t your idea of fun especially in the middle of semesters but you had no choice when your dad was transferred to Korea for a job. You had heard a little bit about the culture and watched a minimal amount of videos with the k pop men in them, but you really didn’t get into that kind of stuff without hours of research. Your dad has been over in Korea for a couple weeks and he allowed you to finish the fall semester at your high school. Your mom had passed away five years ago due to a drunk driver and a semi truck, so you were all alone on the biggest trip of your life with your dad though. You and your dad were really good friends though and he usually did everything for you, you understood each other.

You took a cab from the airport to the neighborhood that you were supposed to meet your dad in. You thanked the driver and tried to communicate with him but it was a lost cause. Walking down the street to the meeting place you started to get worried but all of the worry disappeared when you saw your dad. You dropped everything and ran to the comfort of your dad’s hug. Your dad was really happy to see you and he tried to keep you at ease with his laugh, it was contagious and you suddenly found yourself laughing all of your troubles away. Driving to your house took longer with the traffic then walking but you enjoyed being in a car with your best friend in a strange country.

Arriving at your house, you were in shock cause it was on the sixth floor of a building but you took the changes with an open mind and a positive attitude. It was small but cozy, your dad had unpacked most of the boxes from America when you arrived, your dad showed you to your room and you started unpacking when you heard the doorbell ring. Walking out of your room to see who was at the door, your dad greeted the visitors and let them inside. It was the Superintendent of the school that you were going to attend and a boy next to her. Your dad exchanged names and information while you stood awkwardly leaning on the counter. The Superintendent looked at you and you walked a little forward.

“Hello,” she said with a welcoming voice. “welcome to Korea. I am pleased that you would like to attend our school. I would like to introduce someone that will make your transition to Korea much more pleasant.” She smiled and pointed to the boy. “This is Ren, he is a student at the high school and he is in your grade as well. He can help to translate words into Korean and into English. If you also need help with your studies he is a very good tutor as well. He will take you to and from school so we don’t loose our new student as well.” She continued with all of the school dates and information that you needed. She handed you your uniform and then she left.

“I will be here at seven in the morning to pick you up to go to school.” Ren bowed at both you and your dad then left. You went to your room and then resumed unpacking.

After hours of searching you finally found all of your books and school supplies you needed for school. You slept on the floor with a blanket that night with all of your belongings from America was scattered across your bedroom floor. Your phone’s alarm rang at six-thirty and you got all ready for school and waited for Ren to come and pick you up. You were doing your hair when the doorbell rang, you threw your hair into a pony tail grabbed your school bag and ran out the door with Ren.

You were dressed in a navy blue skirt with a fitted white blouse and a blue stripped tie, all of the girls had to wear two inch high heels to school and you desperately missed your comfy sneakers. The boys uniform was a navy blue tux and a white shirt with the same tie, but they got to wear black converse.

You reached school which was about a ten minute walk from your apartment, and your feet were killing you already in the high heels, you and Ren walked into the huge high school where eight thousand kids attended. You stayed close by Ren and watched what he did. You both walked into Ren’s first class, for you were shadowing him for the first couple of weeks, he introduced you to the class and teacher and then he wrote all the notes for you in English so you could understand what they were talking about. Class, after class, after class, Ren didn’t fail to provide you with notes from every class and diagrams to make it sound more interesting. During lunch he showed you where all of the important places where in the school like the principle’s office, cafeteria, bathrooms, etc. Then more classes were after lunch. By the end of the school day you had fifteen pages of notes that Ren had written for you to understand. He gave those to you so you could do your homework and began to walk you home.

“So, do you like school?” You asked in a soft quite voice

“It is ok, I really don’t mind it but I do really well in it.”

“What would you rather be doing?” You persisted

“I would rather be in my room or… shopping.” Ren said with a very hesitant voice

“Oh I see…” You trailed off. “What do you do on weekends around here?”

“Homework, sometimes the school has a dance or two. Stuff like that.” You nodded your head slowly, glancing to see Ren’s reaction. He walked you to your apartment and gave you a slip of paper at the door.

“What is this for?”

“If you need help you can contact that number.” Ren looked down at the ground

“Help for what?”

“School, homework, Korean words, basically anything.” After a little hesitation, “I have to go now, it that all you need for now.”

“Yes, waiter… I think that I am good now.” You bowed to him with a large smile and he walked away.

You uncluttered your desk back in your room and started to work. You started panicking when you saw the first word, for all the homework was in Korean. You dug through your backpack looking for some kind of code breaker, like your notes. Notes didn’t help because you didn’t even know what kind of homework this class was for. As you were digging around again you stumbled upon the number that Ren gave you by the door. You took a chance and called the number. Someone picked up the phone.

“Hello? Hello?” You called

“Hey, this is Ren… how can I help you?”

“I have no idea what to do on my homework.”

“What homework are you stuck on?”

“I don’t even know, I am just so confused and pressure and…” you started whimpering on the phone, you hated to cry in front of people especially in front of a boy in a new country.

“Hang on… I will be there in five.” Ren’s voice sounded so masculine as he hung up the phone.

The doorbell rang and you ran to the door, still trying to calm yourself down. Opening the door, you saw Ren with all of the papers and books in the world between his arms. He came in and you went into your room.

“Have a seat.” you cleared off another chair from your room and pulled it beside you. Ren set all of his books on the desk then he began to look around. “Sorry, I haven’t finished unpacking yet.” Embarrassment crept up your face as you looked around your room.

“It’s fine. I understand. So where is your dad?” Ren said looking around your room again

“Oh he says he won’t be back until late, like nine, I think.” Ren nodded his head

“So where is your mom?” There was a long pause

“She died back in America about five years ago.”

“I am sorry, I didn’t know.” Ren trying to cover up what he had said

“That’s fine, I don’t expect you to know.” another long pause filled the room

“So, the homework…”

“Right, right.”you pulled out all of your homework and you worked on it together. You finished a couple of hours later.

“Saranghae.” Ren said at the door

“Sarah hi” you tried to copy him

“Saranghae…” he started to laugh, “That means goodbye.”


Ren smiled and looked back at you , “Bye” then Ren walked back to his home.

A couple months later ~

You have been getting really good at the language. Ren has worked on your homework as well as his and you have been understanding everything. He has shown you around school and your feet haven’t been hurting as much in those high heels. You began to feel comfortable with the culture and the music. In fact you began liking the Korean music better than America’s music. You both have become more of friends. There were no more awkward silences and you both would talk about other things besides school. You finally had a best friend.

The doorbell rang, you ran to the door like always,

“Hey you ready to go.” Now Ren greeted you with a smile

“Yep, just let me grab my bag.” You grabbed your bag and ran out the door.

You arrived at school and sat in your seat before the announcements were mentioned by the teacher of the room. Ren sat next to you in all of your classes, the teachers never tried to move you apart because of the language barrier.

You looked at Ren, but he was looking down and drawing something, you didn’t disturb him. The classes when as usual. You were walking home with Ren, when you noticed something odd, he wasn’t talking to you and he seemed distracted all of the time now.

“What is wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong… I am fine.”Ren responded

“What are you talking about. You are avoiding me and you aren’t talking, something is wrong.” You both stopped walking

“The truth?”

“Please…” you put one hand on his upper arm.

“Have you seen your dad around lately?” Ren caved

“No, and stop trying to change the subject.”

“I am not, it is about your dad and where he is.” Ren got really stern at that moment

“What do you mean?” You began to get concerned

“________, I hate to tell you this but…”

You interrupted, “But what, but what!”

“Your dad has been in the hospital, he was in an accident and he should be home in a couple of weeks” The situations tone had changed. You began to breath really shallowly and got really worried. “I will take you to your apartment, don’t worry I will take care of you.”

Still in shock you began to walk really fast changing direction towards the hospital. Ren grabbed you by your arm and swung you around and wrapped you in a hug, you caved, you began to cry uncontrollably. You stayed in Ren’s arms for a while until you calmed down and your eyes were all out of tears. Ren walked you back to your apartment arm in arm, he stayed with you for the rest of the afternoon. After a couple hours of calming you down he grabbed something from his backpack.

“What is this?” Still crying from what had happened earlier

“It’s for you.” Ren started to blush as you opened the long rectangular box up,

“It’s beautiful, Ren…” it was a golden locket with Ren and your initials on the front of the heart.

“I hope this makes you feel better… open it up.” Ren gently took it from your hands to show you. It was a picture of your mom and dad.

“How…” you were speechless

“I found a box of old pictures and I cut those out. I know how much your parents mean to you.” you wrapped your arms around him again and he pulled you in for the hug, Ren kissed your cheek as you began to cry again.

“I have to say something…” you sat back as he talked to you on the couch, with your hand in his. “I haven’t been the same around you as I usually am. I am sorry if that caused you any pain, it is just that the more and more I know about you the more and more I get nervous. Every time I come and pick you up from your house you are more beautiful than the days before, everything that I say to you sounds stupid and you deserve better than me. You need a manlier man than I am.” Ren started to look down at your hands.

“I don’t think so.” his head slowly came up and his eyes met yours, “everything that you say is so cute and true, and you give the best gifts and don’t even mention the hugs. The truth is you have been my first and only friend and I am glad that we were paired together by the Superintendent.”

You both embraced each other in another hug and then he brought you in for a kiss. It was like a river and the woods, it was like you too belonged together.

“You are my one and only too” Ren smiled and pulled you in for another kiss.

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Chapter 1: Saranghae doesn't mean goodbye.... :\