I changed my mind

Forced Marriage



"I changed my mind" you thought

You held onto Min Young's shoulder and whispered something to her

You: Min Young-ah wait here while I go look for your father. Stay here arrasseo?

Min Young nodded and you left the house to look for Young Min

You went to their house and started started knocking on the door loudly

You: Let me in! Please! Youngmin!

Youngmin opened the door, startled and confused

You gave him a big hug and cried on his shoulder

You: I've made up my mind now. I won't leave you anymore. You're the one I love now Youngmin. Please come back I already miss you Hubby

Youngmin had no choice but to hug you back and comfort you

Youngmin: I know. It's ok don't cry

Youngmin patted your back gently and played with your hair

Youngmin: Let's go home

He held your hand and walked home with you

When you opened the door Min Young quickly welcomed the two of you with a big hug

Min Young: Appa, where did you go? I missed you Appa

Youngmin chuckled and gave his cute daughter a kiss on the forehead

Youngmin: Don't worry Appa is here

You: Go to your room and play now Min Young I need to talk to your Appa

She nodded eagerly and ran upstairs to her room

You: Youngmin, honestly I'm very confused right now. I don't know why I chose you over Kwangmin

He just smiled and held you close to your chest

Youngmin: That's because you love me now

"How about me then?" someone said from the back

Your eyes and jaws dropped and you were speechless

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Chapter 53: Thanks for making the story like thia. I'm very happy at all. I love when the fluff things and romance scene come. But i feel ligle pity with Kwangmin. He always never get the girl which he love. And always give up with hia beother
ReinaPark #2
Chapter 53: cute... love this story
Chapter 53: Aww this story so sweet.i love min young..she is so cute
Chapter 53: Done finish readiing your story.. I love it.. Author-nim please.write a lot of story.. Hwaiting!!!
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #5
Chapter 49: awww baby min young is sooo cuteee..
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #6
Chapter 35: tsktsktsk.. innocent..
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #7
Chapter 30: ahhaa spit all u want oppa
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #8
Chapter 24: uwwww.. its getting moreeeee daebak!!
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #9
Chapter 18: awww im happy for youngmin oppa but at the same time i feel bad for kwangmin oppa..
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #10
Chapter 12: teheheheee... spent the night together... flash back.. i remember it all now.. i nvr get bored in reading urs couple of times.. ^^,