Ideal Type

Ideal Type - Tao

Tao watched the fans as he from the behind the curtain, as his hand pushed one of the curtains aside so that he could see. His eyes trailed down the line as the excited fangirls as his eye was caught by a shy girl. She looked like she had a very expensive taste. A smile curled onto his lips as he got more excited as he watched her, it was almost like a dream. He watched her for a few minutes while the other members got ready. Being torn away by the manager they had their meeting before just to ensure that everyone knew what was expected and understood. Tao stood in line as the first members started to walk out. He followed the line as he walked out of the curtains and stood next to the other members. His eyes meticulously scanned the crowd as he found you. Your eyes stayed on him as you were one of the only people that would keep your eyes on him for that long. He kept watching you as you watched him, he flashed you a small smile as you blushed and smiled back at him. You were perfect in his eyes, perfect in everyway. All the members bowed on stage and then walked to their booths so that they could sign the fans albums and things.

Tao looked into every person’s eyes that he encountered, not seeing the life behind them like he did with that one girl that he found, you. Towards the end he about was to give up but a small soft voice called his name.

"Tao?" The sweetest voice snapped him out of his hope as he looked into her eyes. He smiled at her, knowing that she was the exact same person that he saw before.

"Yes?" He responded looking at her

"Can I please have you sign this for me?" Her sweet voice complimented her heart as he could see. A pure heart.

"I would love to" He took her album and turned to the back, writing a little message and putting down his number he signed her album. “What’s your name?" He asked as he handed back your album.

”______" You responded, reading the note that he had left. “I just have to tell you that you are perfect, you are the kindest person that I know. Thank you" Tao was put back by her heartfelt comment but he could tell that she meant every word. The security guard escorted her to the door as more girls started to ask for more and more things from him.

— A couple weeks later —

You laid on your bed as you re read the note that Tao left you a while ago. Looking through the computer for their live stream concert. Once you found it, you pushed your earphones into your ear, turning up the volume as Tao began speaking.

"There has been someone that has stayed on my mind and it seems that there is no stopping. I would like to sing a special song for her to help her find me. Where ever you are ________, I will be waiting for you" He moved to a separate stage as the members all watched from the side lines. He sang you a song.

You couldn’t pry your eyes off of his as he looked more perfect than you ever thought possible. Once the song was over you pulled out your album and your phone and punched in the numbers, the dial tone sounded as you pressed the phone to your ear. You watched the screen as he moved and pulled his phone out of his pocket. Discretely moving behind the other members he pushed the phone up to his ear and went backstage.

"Y-Yoboseo?" He asked

"Tao?" You were surprised that he actually gave you his number

"H-Hey ______" He stuttered rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. “Did you see my song?"

"I did, that is why I called" You confessed

"Can I see you soon?" He bluntly asked as your teeth bit your lip fumbling to find the right words.

"Sure!" You couldn’t help but be excited for another meeting with him

"I think you are my ideal type _____" Tao said softly as you couldn’t believe what he just said. Bidding farewell to each other you ended the call and anticipated the meeting that you would have with him.

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Chapter 1: Wow... Daebak!