

I sat by myself on a small couch. I was surrounded by five more little couches except they were empty, so I was alone. The stack of books on the table in front of me stared impatiently at me, yearning for me to finish the current book in my hand to pick up the next. I paused from my reading and brought the book in my hand below eye level, peeking at my stack. I counted one by one each I had waiting for me to read. 1, 2, 3, 4… My finger caressed the spine of each book until I reached the eighth and last book at the top of the pile. I sighed. Looks like I’ll have to take some home. I laughed to myself and prepared to get up from my seat. “Oh.” I remembered. I flipped to the last two pages of the book I was reading, and then closed it when I was done. “That was a good book.” I set it down for a librarian to put it back in its right place.

As I was about to get up and leave, someone stopped me. The person stood in my way with their arms crossed. He looked pretty upset for a reason I didn’t know. “Can you please move?” I asked politely. He scoffed and ignored my request, still keeping his annoyed gaze on me.

“Do you know how long we’ve been in here?” He asked me. I tilted my head to see the clock far behind him against a wall.

“About an hour and half? Why?” I answered innocently. The male scoffed again, but this time he added eye rolling. It was obvious my friend was a bit grumpy right now.

“I’ve been sitting around waiting for you to finish your stupid book!” He yelled in a whisper. My eyes looked left and right dodging his complaint. I lost track of time and forgot about Ilhoon. Well, not necessarily forgot about him; but forgot about what he’d be doing while I was off in my own world getting immersed in another book. I apologized to Ilhoon for my lack of consideration for him. He sighed and took half the stack of books in my hand to help me carry to the checkout center.


“How are you going to read all of these?” Ilhoon asked as we waited in line. I didn’t say anything. I was thinking of saying something sassy like “With my eyes” but I didn’t want him causing a scene in the peaceful oasis I call the library. “And how can you stand reading so many books? My brain would fry if I read even half a book without taking a break.” The line seemed to move slower the more Ilhoon would complain. I started drowning him out when I reached the front line and then finally spoke up.
“Do you ever stop complaining?” I looked back at him and he looked at me blankly. He didn’t say anything else except, “You’re next” when he nudged his head toward the checkout guy who was waiting for me to move up the line. He gave me a warm smile as he greeted me and started scanning the books one by one. Ilhoon put the rest of the stack on the counter for the guy to scan and started stretching his arm out. I narrowed my eyes at him for being such a prince. It’s not like I carried any more books than he did and he was strained from the weight? After the last book was scanned, the checkout man gave me my receipt with all the due dates and pushed the books back toward me.


“Have a nice day.”







I decided to carry the books in the reusable bag I brought along by myself to spare myself from anymore of Ilhoon’s whining. We walked further away from the library and closer to the mall that was just across the street. There weren’t many people in the mall at the time of day surprisingly. It was already passed noon and it was the weekend, so office hours were up.


Ilhoon enjoyed himself as he window-shopped by every store. He was always a bit of a fashionista. For a majority of the time, I didn’t really mind. But another thing about Ilhoon was that he was indecisive. Ilhoon walked into one clothing store. He was browsing through all the shelves for shoes, every rack for clothes, and tried on different outfits to which none fit his liking. Personally, I liked a lot of them. But that didn’t convince Ilhoon. In these ways, Ilhoon and I were opposite. We were alike in every other way except when it came to reading books and shopping. Don’t get me wrong, I like shopping. Shopping for books. My grandparents would take me on an annual shopping spree which is probably why shopping any other time wasn’t fun to me. I got everything I needed in that one spree. It sounds luxurious but it isn’t trust me. It’s simple and basic stuff to get me by every day. Unlike Ilhoon, who wants to dress to impress and accessorize every week.


I sighed when Ilhoon stepped out of the dressing room for the nth time only to shake his head in disapproval.

“This doesn’t suit me huh?”

“They’re all fine!” I fell back on the soft cushion seat with my hands in the air.

“Hm. No. I’ll just change back.” Ilhoon said then disappeared back into the curtained room. He’s such a girl. I groaned in frustration at his pickiness and just stared at the ceiling until he would come out. I remembered. My book bag was with me. I sat up and reached for a book inside the bag. Any random book would do. “Okay let’s go.” I peered over my book and saw Ilhoon was wearing something different from when we came in.

“Oh.” I examined his outfit. “That one looks good.” I said. Ilhoon wore black khaki pants that were folded above the ankle and a white shirt with one black sleeve and one red sleeve. The shirt had a random pattern under the black neckline but it was still nice. He wasn’t wearing any accessories either.

“Does it? It’s a little plain don’t you think?” Ilhoon looked at his outfit judgingly.

“Not plain. Simple. It’s nice.” Without another word, Ilhoon paid for the outfit he was wearing and we both left the store for a snack.


I sighed when we sat together at a table. “We were in that store for hours.” Ilhoon raised his eyebrow and stifled a small laugh.

“We were only in there for an hour.” He corrected me.

“And you only bought one outfit.” I grumbled. Ilhoon shrugged his shoulders.

“Now you know how I feel.” He got up to order something for the two of us, leaving me by myself.


Hm. Now I know how he feels. I pulled my book out again to read until Ilhoon came back. I must have been in my own little world again, because Ilhoon was asking me why I haven’t drunk out of my smoothie cup yet. “Oh, sorry.” I said and picked the cup up for a quick sip, not letting my eyes leave the page and paragraph I was on.

“Do you ever stop reading?” Ilhoon went on. I pursed my lips at the sweet mango taste of my smoothie.

“This is really good.” I was referring to the smoothie.

“Hey, are you even listening to me?”

“Huh?” I stole a glance at Ilhoon to let him know I was listening, even though most of my attention was on the book and probably only a fifth of it was on Ilhoon.  “Yeah, yeah. I hear you Ilhoon.”

“Oh yeah?” He paused for a moment. I didn’t think anything of it since I knew he was going to start saying something else after. “Then what did I just say?”

“You were asking if I ever stopped reading.” Ilhoon hissed to himself on the other end of the table.

“I said something after that.” I furrowed my eyebrows at to what he was talking about.

“Oh. And you asked if I was listening.” I knew I was right that time and brought the book back up to my face. Judging by the silence, I figured I had Ilhoon by surprise that I got the answer right.

“Yah.” Ilhoon reached over and pulled the book down from my face. “I’m only going to say this once so you better listen.”


“I like you.”


Ilhoon still kept the book down from my face. He waited for me to say something and wouldn’t let go either way. I stared at him for a moment as I registered what he just said. I was sure he said he liked me. Or did I read that off the book and thought I heard it in real life?

“You…you like me. That’s what you said right? I promise I was listening.” My eyes doubled when I was trying to make sure. Ilhoon rolled his eyes impatiently and let the book go.

“Yes you idiot. Are you done? We can go now.” He started getting up. He was probably going to leave me in the café too if I didn’t follow after him.


“Wait, wait Ilhoon.” I called after him and tried to keep up with his pace. Ilhoon kept walking until I was walking next to him at the same pace. “You would’ve just left me after a confession like that?” I asked in confusion. Ilhoon scoffed and let a mischievous smirk play along his lips. Looking at him like that, he actually looked cool and attractive for the first time.

“‘Confession like that?’” His voice escalated in a sing-song way. “Was it not good enough for you?” Okay, now he was just acting like a stud. It was annoying to be honest, but again, attractive. He seemed mature when he acted that way. Like a man not a child.

“Yah, still-”

“You said simple is good right? Can it be simpler?” Ilhoon finally looked at me. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his. “Do you accept it?” He asked. I looked away from him for a second feeling shy all of sudden. I nodded at the ground first then looked back up at him with confidence.

“Yes.” Ilhoon finally smiled his boyish smile of his that got my heart fluttering.

“Good.” He said. “Because I meant it when I said I’d only say that once.” Ilhoon put his arm around my shoulder and started walking forward, holding me close by his side. I smiled and rolled my eyes at his stubbornness.


“Because the next time I say it, the second word will be different.”







Jung Ilhoon is an angel sent from above.../sigh


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Raveness #1
Chapter 1: I just love the last line ^.^
Chapter 1: My heart skipped at the last line omo so sweet!!
Chapter 1: Great fanfic! I love it! :3
Chapter 1: GREAT STORY!