Session One .

Step by Step

"Doongie~" Mir called loudly. He ran up to Cheondung and wrapped his arms around his hyung from behind. Cheondung ignored the little maknae and continued to flip through the channels aimlessly. Mir pouted and poked his neck. Still no reaction. Mir hated to be ignored, so he huffed and pulled away, folding his arms across his chest and stomping his foot. It made him mad that his hyung ignored him and his aegyo.

"Cheondung hyung!"

"Yah, Mireu! You called me hyung!" Cheondung set down the remote and turned around, a smirk on his lips.

"You were ignoring me!" Cheondung stuck his tongue out and stood up, engulfing the younger one in a hug. Joon walked out, eyes immediately wide in shock.

"Yah yah...what's with the skinship, Doongie?" Joon asked, gently tugging his boyfriend away. Mir giggled as Cheondung's cheeks flushed. Joon chuckled and shook his head.

"Go dress nicely, we have somewhere to be." The eldest said to Cheondung.

"Wae? Where are we going? Why do I have dress nicely?" Joon shook his head, dismissing all questions. Cheondung sighed and nodded, walking to his room. Once he was gone, Joon turned to Mir, a grin on his lips.

"What?" Mir asked innocently.

"Do you not realize what time it is?" Joon asked. Mir shook his head. Joon sighed and mumbled "babo" before placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Phase two." Mir's eyes it up.

"OHHH!" Joon chuckled and shook his head, pulling his adorable boyfriend into a tight hug and placing a kiss on his forehead.


"Dr. Yang Seungho. Licensed therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist." Cheondung read. His brows furrowed in confusion as he let the words sink in. He his heel and looked at his roommates, who had a dead serious expression on their faces.

"You're taking me to a therapist?" he asked, still trying to wrap his head around this. Am I mental or something?

"Doongie, we think it's time for you to face your problem." Joon said slowly. Problem? I have problems?

"We don't want to see you single for the rest of your life, hyung." Mir said.

"Oh, it's about that." I chuckled bitterly. "My dating life is really none of your business. I choose to be single."

Joon raised a brow. "Do you? Cheondung, please, just let us help you."

"I don't need help! I'm perfectly fi-"

"What's with all this ruckus?!" A new voice yelled. Cheondung immediately shut his eyes, scared to make any eye contact. He heard a door open and heavy footsteps as a person stepped out.

"Dr. Yang, we're so sorry to cause such noises." Joon said.

"Please, just come in before the other doctors complain to me." Someone pushed Cheondung.

"Please call us if he gives you any trouble." Joon said. Cheondung heard the shuffling of two pairs of feet, and then silence.

"Are you going to open your eyes?" The voice, Cheondung presume was Dr. Yang's, ask. But he shook his head. The man sighed, his lips. He placed a hand on the younger's back and led him to a couch, sitting the man down before walking over to his own chair and getting comfortable.

Dr. Yang took this time to get a feel of his patient, his eyes gazing over the poor, nervous boy that sat across from him. Just from his facial expression he could tell that the boy was shy and innocent, and, admittedly, very handsome. The way the younger man crossed and uncrossed his legs and fiddled with his fingers gave off the feel that he was uncomfortable, which was normal for the first visit.

"I'm not going to bite." He said, iciness laced in his deep voice. The trembling man tensed. He immediately felt guilt wash over him, and he sighed.

"Come on, open your eyes. It's going to be alright." This time, he was a little more gentle. Cheondung sighed and reluctantly nodded, eyes slowly fluttering open.

He gasped as he took in the new environment. The walls weren't a plain white as he had assumed. They were a rich champagne color, adorned with a few framed pictures and bookshelves. A few couches and a working desk were the only furniture in the small space, but it was enough to give it that homey feel. Cheondung was wearing shoes, but he knew that the carpet felt as soft as it looked. Finally, his eyes traveled up to the man sitting across from him. The man's dyed blonde hair was perfectly spike on top of his head. Except for the prominent dark circles, the man's skin was clear and perfect, and his lips were plump and lucious. He could've easily passed as a 91-liner if it weren't for his dark suit and black tie. Cheondung didn't miss the man's eyes. They were brown and almond shaped, and were curiously glaring at him. Cheondung flushed and looked down at his shoes.

"You're interesting." The man said.

"In-interesting? But...but you just met me." The blonde man let out a deep chuckle. When he stopped, he waved around a folder, and on the tab was Park Sanghyun, Cheondung's birth name. Why does he have that?

As if reading his thoughts, the older man grinned and set the folder back down. "It's protocol for all patients. It's so we know who we're working with." He leaned back into the cushions and fixed his tie, crossing his legs together and gazing at the timid younger man.

"Cheondung, since it's our first session, I'm not going to bombard you with questions. How about we get to know each other? Help you relax a bit?" Cheondung bit his bottom lip and nodded.

"Very well, I'll start, ne? My name is Yang Seungho, but you will call me Dr. Yang or Seungho. I graduated from Kyung Hee Cyber University, am 25, live with my best friend Byunghee, and I'm gay." He wearily smiled at the younger man. Yang Seungho was an honest, straight forward kind of person, he didn't mind telling people that he was gay because he hated to keep secrets. 

"I-I'm Park Sanghyun, but...but I prefer to be called Cheondung. I have two noonas, one who is in 2NE1. I'm 22, and live with my two best friends, who are dating and show too much skinship." He whispered the last part about them dating. Seungho heard, but didn't mention it. Instead, he just pursed his lips and wrote furiously on his clipboard.

"Your friend, Joon, told me that you have a problem?"

"I don't have a problem."

"He also told me that you're very stubborn." Seungho faked a chuckle. Cheondung sank deeper into the cushions.

"He says that you have problems expressing your feelings. Is that true?"

"I..I thought I was here because I've been single all my life? That's what hyung told me..." His eyes went wide. "But I don't mind being single!" He added quickly.

"Why do you think you've never had a girlfriend?" Seungho his lips and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

"Because..because I've never found someone I've liked..."

"Ah, Cheondung, we both know that's a lie." Cheondung gulped and fiddled with his fingers again.

Seungho couldn't help but grin at the poor, timid boy. He found it amusing that with just a few words, he'd turned the handsome man into a nervous wreck.

"It's..I..It wasn't a lie..." Cheondung mumbled. "Girls throw themselves at me all the time...but they're all the same."

"Mhmm. Tell me more."

Cheondung let out a small sigh, feeling himself relax a tad as he went on. "And...and my big noona tells me all the time that it's normal to not share my feelings." His eyes traveled up to the older man. "I'm normal. I'm normal, right, Seungho?"

Seungho pursed his lips. "Your noona is wrong, Cheondung. It's not healthy to keep your emotions bottled up."

Cheondung felt anger build up inside him. Who was this man to call his sister out? Who was he to question his noona?!

"I know you don't like what you're hearing right now, Cheondung, but it's the truth. People get overwhelmed because they trap their feelings, it's unhealthy. Don't you ever feel trapped?"

Cheondung pushed himself out of the chair, eyes fixated on Seungho as the anger built up. "I thought you weren't going to bombard me with questions, Dr. Yang?" Cheondung fixed his jacket before walking past the older man, who just continued to sit there and write furiously on the stupid clipboard.

"Might as well throw all your notes away. I'm not coming back." Cheondung hissed, slamming the door behind him as he stormed through the hallway.

Joon and Mir, you babos.


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charlot #1
Chapter 20: Love you the ending! Seungdoong forever! Woo woot!

More seungdoong please
Karenkitty1092 #2
Chapter 20: Awww such a sweet ending.Can`t wait to read your other storys.
Kyung1Ari #3
Chapter 20: Awwww, sweet ending for a perfect sweet cojple Seundoong.
Chapter 20: happy.. happy...
KiwiPrincess #5
Chapter 20: Yeay, Happy Ending and Happy Wedding.. :D
Your fic is amazing.. Waiting for more Seungdoong from you..
Fighting.. \(^0^)/
Chapter 20: kyaaa omg it's done! the wedding was cute

haha G.O. the nagging omma XDD
random-user1234 #8
Chapter 20: Yes you definitely MUST write more seungdoong. I demand you to. Just kidding. PLEAAASE??? Pretty please with whipped cream some cherries and seungdoong on top???? XDDD I just adore and love your stories.
random-user1234 #9