Sequel: Goodbye Summer


Hi guys!! This is the sequel of One-Sided Love~~~ I guess you guys really liked my one shot fanfic! If you still havent read the first one yet which is One-Sided Love, GO! So that you could understand!!^^

You might recognise the lyrics which I will put in this sequel. Its Goodbye Summer by F(x) and D.O!!! I felt its the best song to describe this story~ Lyrics are not mine. Story is mine.© Plz not copying


Sneak peak of D.O's/Kyungsoo's POV:

What do I say? We didn't have to play no games. I should've took the chance, I should have asked for you to stay. And it gets me down, the unsaid word which still remains. A story ended before without starting.

I messed up so badly, so badly. I should have told her the truth before. Now, I realize my true feelings. *Sighs* If only I could turn back time.

----Thats All----

Hi guys, FYI I might not be able to update chapters because I am going back to my hometown and theres no wifi there.. im so sorry guys hope u understand ㅠㅅㅠ


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maxjaehunhan #1
Chapter 4: waaaa jinjja! daebak ^^ i love kyungsoo~~~~
Chapter 4: woahhhhh ! perfect ending for a perfect story ^^
Chapter 2: kai the matchmaker..aww why do i find him being adorably cute in here ! and kyungsoo...good luck cutie pie !
Chapter 1: Astro twins~ Aww cute <3
Oh I'll be waiting~ :D I read the other one!