

Chapter Five; Lying.

It’s been two months since Kai died. For Luhan, it’s been a normal two months of university classes and work and coming home to sleep. For Sehun, it’s been two months of looking into the mirror and seeing a dead man and falling more and more in love with the world that he lives in.


He’s learned things about Kai in the time he’s spent watching him. He’s learned that his name is actually Jongin, that’s what everyone calls him on the rare occasion that sound filters through the glass separating them at least, that he orders his coffee black and pours at least half a cup of sugar into it before drinking it, that he has a boyfriend named Kyungsoo and that he works as a bartender on the weekends.


He’s also learned how to tell when Jongin is lying, which is exactly what he’s doing when Sehun catches sight of him in the mirror: lying to his boyfriend.


He can’t make out the words, he’s not good enough at reading lips and the room around him stays silent, but he can tell Jongin’s lying by how forced his smile seems, how insincere his eyes are, how he looks almost like Luhan.


Sehun shakes the thought off, watching as Kyungsoo leaves Jongin and his shoulders slump, a heavy breath passing plump lips. He looks how Sehun feels: tired. He looks tired and stressed and Sehun wishes that he could touch him. He wishes that he could walk through that mirror and wrap his arms around Jongin and bask in the radiance of the world he lives in.


But when he presses his hand against the surface all he feels is the cold touch of the glass pane keeping him from happiness.


Sehun hangs his head, fingers still splayed across the mirror and sorrow stinging his heart.


“-ongin, where are you?”


Sehun’s head snaps up as his blood freezes in his veins. Not because there’s suddenly sound, but because he knows that voice. It isn’t oddly familiar, it doesn’t sound kind of like someone he knows, he knows it.


“The bedroom,” comes Jongin’s reply.


Sehun holds his breath, eyes locked on the screen and heart racing as he waits.


“How long’s Kyungsoo gonna be gone?” the voice comes again, seconds before a mop of honey blond hair that Sehun knows like the back of his hand.


“A while. He’s got class tonight then he’s going out with some of his friends,” Jongin sighs before sitting down on the bed. Within seconds Luhan’s sitting next to him, rubbing comforting circles on his back as Jongin shakes with silent tears.


Sehun stumbles back in shock. It’s Luhan in the mirror but it’s so obviously not his Luhan. Luhan’s hair doesn’t gleam like that, his eyes don’t sparkle with emotion, his voice isn’t soft and sweet and warm.


“I can’t keep doing this, Lulu,” Jongin sobs, the sound of his tears sending pain straight through Sehun’s chest. “I can’t keep pretending, I can’t keep saying ‘I love you’ when I know it isn’t true, I can’t keep looking at Kyungsoo and seeing Sehun!”






This is a really short chapter, but the next is the epilogue so I didn't think much more was needed here. I had a lot more planned for this fic, but my life has been so screwed up and hectic these past three or four months that I haven't been able to sit down and concentrate on the fics I really wanted to like this one and now the deadline for the contest is tomorrow. 

So for now, the next chapter is where the story ends. I may come back and tack another chapter on at a later date, but don't get your hopes up too much. 

Thank you all for reading and I'm sorry that I didn't get to follow through with this plot the way I wanted to.

five points to whoever can guess what lie Jongin told.

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Sunrise_dream #1
Chapter 6: All I could do was cry.
Chapter 4: Wow. I like your fic so much o.o
The quote is beautiful, your writting is really good and the feelings convey by your story ...*.*
The plot is very interesting, I look forward reading the next chapter =)
(and I'm not even exotic XD I have no idea who is sehun or luhan XD but I don't care, you have too much talent <3)
Sunrise_dream #3
Chapter 3: Wow...this is really interesting third chapter. Looking forward to th he next part. ;-)
I saw that quote on Tumblr and desperately wanted to read a fic with it. :)
I have you all linked up on the entries page. Thanks for entering!