Chapter 18

The Translator and... the Idol?

"'re awake? D-d-did you ju-just hear..umm..."

"I've been awake for a while actually...and since I don't really understand english too much I didn't really pick up much except for boyfriend. I wonder who he was referring to...hmmm?"

Your heart started to race and your hands became sweaty. You didn't know what to tell him. Your lips were shaking as you were talking to him. 

"I-I-I don't know what you're thinking about oppa, but I think your misunderstanding something.." you were talking in Korean with Himchan so that the taxi driver couldn't understand. 

"Well...I'm thinking that the boyfriend the taxi driver was referring to is either Daehyun or me..but...I'm sirring in the front and it doesn't really seem like we're a couple so..I'm guessing Daehyun. Am I right?"

You started to panic, but you didn't know why. You knew that Zelo was your boyfriend and so did Himchan. You had nothing to worry about, but you felt like Himchan was always suspicious in these types of situations. 

"I think the taxi driver just had a misunderstanding of this. Don't worry too much about it oppa." you said while laughing. 

Himchan turned around and looked at you. He had a poker face on, so you didn't know what he was thinking about. 

"Damn it...I wish I can read minds like Park Soo Ha.." (get it? :) ) you thought. 

"Are you hiding something from me? Hmm?"

You kept tugging on your pants because you were nervous that Himchan might find out that you were looking at Daehyun and admiring his good looks. 

"No! You're seriously just misunderstanding this whole situation oppa. Haha, just go back to sleep!" you said as you gestured him to turn around. He followed your words and smiled as he turned around. 

You let out a deep breath. 

"I hope he doesn't think about anything else..." you thought. You really wished you could have read his mind because you didn't know what he was thinking about. You tought he might make up his own story and tell the other members and tease me about liking Daehyun or something and if Zelo heard about it he was going to freak out. 

After a couple of minutes, the car was silent. You just heard Daehyun sleeping. You wanted to look over, but you thought Himchan might turn around and catch you eyeing Daehyun. You didn't mean to look at Daehyun, but his good looks were too much for you. Zelo was good looking too, but maybe because Daehyun was more mature than Zelo, you liked him, but not as much as Zelo. He was just like a regular oppa. You kept tugging on your clothes and bit your bottom lip. After you saw the entrance to the amusement park, you lightly tapped Daehyun on the shoudler to wake up. 

"We're here? Hing...give me 5 minutes." he said, but Himchan turned around and slapped his leg immediately signaling Daehyun to wake up. He quickly opened his eyes and started to rub his thigh. 

"Ouch hyung! That hurt!" 

"Good. Now get out. We're here."

As you guys exited the taxi you saw Zelo on the other side of the entrance. He waved and jumped to make sure that you were able to see him. You waved at him and walked towards his direction until you felt someone grab the collar of your shirt. 

"You have to pay the guy you know..."

You were dumbfounded. 

"You want me to pay? But--"

"No buts. We're the guests. Pay him."

You looked over to Daehyun, but you realized that he was standing next to the pretzel stand. His face looked so happy when he saw the pretzels come out of the oven. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of him buying a pretzel. 

"Excuse me Ms. Song, but the man is waiting to be paid!" 

"Okay okay, calm down..Mr. Kim!"

You glare at him while taking out your wallet. You pay the taxi driver and he goes his way. 

You and Himchan started to walk towards Daehyun and his pretzel. As you were walking, Himchan grabbed your hand. 

"Umm..oppa..what are you doing?"

"Do you feel...I don't know..nervous? Did your heart maybe skip a beat?" he said as he squeezed your hand. You gave him a weird look and told him to let go. 

"You know's not good to keep your emotions to yourself; you should share them with the people around you. So tell like me right? Because I thought about it in the taxi...the driver was probably talking about me being your boyfriend. I mean...Daehyun..he's just a pretty boy, I'm a man. Don't you agree?"

You couldn't believe your ears. Himchan was acting so cocky. His tone, his facial expression, just everything about him was boasting in confidence. You couldn't believe what you had just heard. He kept blabbing about how attractive and irresistable he was, but you just kept ignoring him.

"So what I'm trying to say is Bin-ah, if you ever need someone..I don't know..who you need to talk to, you can call this oppa right here." he said as he winked. 

"Oppa...I think you're seriouslymisunderstanding this, but...I don't LIKE you. You're a nice oppa, but I have Zelo. And you're not my type..."

His face was priceless. He looked so embarrassed. He was so confident a couple of seconds, but the truth hurts.

"Hey, why are you guys holding hands?"

Himchan quickly threw your hand and started to walk towards the entrance. His head was hanging down. He kept bumping into people and trees because he couldn't see where he was going. 

"Why does hyung look so sad?" 

"Trust me...I don't think he's sad. He's probably just embarrassed. Don't worry about him."

"Did something happen?"

"Nope! Ha-ha.." you said awkwardly. 

Daehyun smiled and elbowed you in the waist. You blushed a little bit by his skinship. He walked a little faster than so he was in front of you. You looked at hi back and realized his back muscles. 

"First chest and arm back muscles? Someone catch me!" you thought. 

You kept staring at his back until you accidently bumped into it. It was rock hard. He must have exercised a lot.   

"Sorry oppa. Why'd you stop walking?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?" you said with a concerned tone. He looked back with tears in his eyes. 

"What's wrong oppa? What did you see?"

"Why didn't you tell me...they had cheesecake here..."

You literally smacked your face. "First Himchan him? I'm so glad I'm dating Zelo.." you thought. 

"I wasted my money on a stupid pretzel,when I could have bought cheesecake...." he said as he was tearing up. 

Maybe you were wrong. Maybe Zelo is more mature than Daehyun. You have seen CHILDREN cry over pastries, but not a grown man...especially a grown man who is also a kpop star. You quickly pushed his back so he could move on from the cheesecake. 

You quickly caught up with Himchan, but he was still blushing. 

"Such weird oppas..." you thought. 

yay 2 chapters! i'm PROBABLY/MAYBE going to update later on too. 

sorry if this chapter is boring...ha....sorry :(

but keep supporting!! :) 


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Chapter 32: It's really nice story, I really loved it ^_^
If you wanna check my new story about Zelo I would be happy ^^
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claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 32: there a happy ending for them??? Going to read the sequel now,hehe :)
Chapter 21: that's so sad._.
Chapter 29: SEQUEL! Now i hate you for doing that to Bin-ie and Zelo TT put them back together pleeeeeeasee~~~~ jaeeebal TT
ChocolatePandaCookie #8
Chapter 28: Please update soon! I really like this story but please make the story end up with them two being together!!!
Chapter 28: ... rush writting the next chapter or... idk what i will do.. i'm TOTALLY in love with this fanfic.. really, so, please update soon TT thnk u so much!!!
Chapter 27: it isn't boring! :D it was my first zelo fanfic and it's the best that i have read!! so please.. update soon!! *-*