
The Hands of Fate

Clutching the paper in her hand Gain slowly dialled the number using the landline phone. Holding it up against her ear brought a nerve wracking silence as she waited for someone to respond. She had only met Youngbae just before so whether or not he was trustworthy was a different matter compared to Jiyong whom she had to hold a good arm’s length away mentally speaking.

“Hello this is the Kim’s residence.” A woman replied.

“Hello may I speak to umm…” Gain had to read the name provided. “Mrs Park?”

“Yes hold on for one moment.” Gain agreed and then sat patiently on the edge of her bed. Soon the phone clicked and a different voice answered. “This is Mrs Park.”

“Hello my name is Han Gain I’m calling in response to the position you had available.”

“Ah to work as a nanny?” The lady asked. “Yes so you’re interested in it?”

“Yes Madam I am.” Gain forced herself to sound enthusiastic about it. She was starting to run out of options. “I think I would be suitable for such a job.”

Mrs Park was quiet for a moment before she said. “Let me grab some paper and a pen, I’ll have to ask you a few questions if that’s alright.” She placed the phone down and left for a moment. She came back with a rustle over the line. “Ok Gain, can you tell me your age?”

“I am thirty one years old.” She had to use the little Identification she had in her wallet to answer these questions.

“Ok, and do you have any experience with being a nanny?”

“No but I am more than willing to learn.”

“Alright I see.” Mrs Park sounded a little unsure but Gain couldn’t let the current atmosphere cause any negative thinking. After a few more questions Mrs Park gave her the final verdict.
“Well Miss Gain, would you like to come by for lunch on Saturday so we can have a trial?”

Out of pure astonishment Gain nearly dropped the receiver. “C-certainly are you saying--”

“Though you do not have any experience it does not matter.”

Delighted and still surprised at the fortunate result. “Ok I should be more than willing to help her, thank you so much.”

“It’s alright my dear. Come at one pm and we’ll discuss about the job in further detail there. My husband of course has to approve so you will meet him then.” Gain listed down the address and anything she may have to bring. They ended the phone call formally but politely. Smiling Gain leaned back on her bed, clutching the paper close to her heart.


Later that evening Gain came into her room to prepare her outfit for the following day. For a nanny she wasn’t too sure of how they dressed for their job. So she took out a beige blazer jacket with some black trousers and a white blouse with some frills at the collar.

The person at the door interrupted her thoughts. Jiyong had a rather obvious scowl as he stood in front of her.
“What is the problem?”

He pointed at his cheek. “I cannot work tonight. The goods have been damaged thanks to your rough handling. Do you know how frustrating it is when you have to turn down five women who would have earned you fifty thousand won for only half an hour each? To make matters worse Youngbae has gone so there’s no one to take up the position.”

Gain felt as if she wanted to do more than slap him again. “If you came to tell me that then please leave. I have to get organised.”

“Organised for what?” He lifted up the sleeve of her blazer, feeling the fabric. “Did you find work?”

“Actually I did. I go to their home tomorrow for a little trial and to meet the family. Isn’t that great? Soon I’ll be able to pay you back and get out of this God awful place.”

He dropped the sleeve. “You owe me, you should pay me back now while you can.”

“How do you expect me to pay you back? Should I hit you on the other—“

Jiyong moved faster than her eyes could register. He grabbed her chin with force, pulling her up to meet with his lips. She tried to pull her head away but in the end just pushed him back with both hands. He moved back a step, the glint in his eyes reminding her of a wolf on the hunt.

However this alone did not discourage the sleaze. Coming close to her again he grabbed her by the shoulders, making her fall back against the bed. He held her head straight with one hand to pour out his hungry desires on which was not willing to recuperate. His other hand went and ran its fingers through her long hair, wrapping themselves around a large number of strands to yank.

The pain from the pulling caused Gain to exclaim while Jiyong just removed his tongue from . Getting up he released his hand from her hair standing back watching Gain rub the sore area on her scalp.
“Do not forget that because of me you are still living and breathing. Don’t talk foolishly about leaving when you still belong to me.”

Gain couldn’t look at him, bile rose in . Jiyong let out a breath before he left. She sat where she was, touching her lips and wincing at how sensitive they were. There was a little bit of blood coming from the bottom lip, the roof of sore. Disgusted was an understatement of how she felt. Jiyong could not be trusted; he was too quick to invade one’s personal space just so he could emotionally manipulate them while he received a short outburst of pleasure.


While peering at both sides Gain slowly went down the street before she paused at the house numbered 101. The piece of paper, her newest spark of hope had the same number. This had to be it.

But it looked a little more than the houses around it. Maybe three levels high with hedging around the sides made out of brick. She couldn’t see what it was like inside for a large gate and fence stood in her way.

Gain almost believed that she had got it wrong. Or Youngbae had been mistaken. There was a speaker box at the gate. Not knowing how to use it she pressed a button that reminded her of someone speaking. A male voice answered.
“Who is it?”

“Han Gain, I am meeting Mrs Park today. It’s about the nanny job.”

There was a buzz and then the speaker brought noise again. “You may enter.” Gain found the gate was unlocked and so she let herself inside. She stepped onto a mosaicked path created from colours of sandy reds, turquoise blues, egg white yellows and natural greens.

At the front were two marble pillars and steps possibly made from the same material. As she came closer the front door opened to a man dressed smartly in a black suit. Looking at him Gain didn’t look around the garden but briefly saw a fountain in the middle of grass, flowerbeds bursting with blossoms of a rainbow and a small bench underneath an arch that had ivy and other climbing vines residing on it.

Gain reached the bottom of the stairs and the man bowed to her. She did the same. “Welcome to the Kim’s residence Han Gain. I am to take you to where Mrs Park is in the back garden.”

“Alright, thank you.” She said praying that she didn’t sound nervous. He came down the stairs and led her around the house to the back. A large shed almost the size of a barn caught Gain’s attention for a brief second but then turned to the table standing on a patio just behind the house. The back garden was huge, full of grass with some statues placed around paths done like the one at the front and a small grove of trees stood at the very back, their wide forms providing coverage from peeping eyes.

A woman seated at the table stood. She was dressed in a pale pink dress with a straight cut, up close there was a small pattern of white blossoms on it. Her white square toed shoes were clean and shiny, her skin looked almost silky smooth and her hair had been pushed out of her face, clipped back. “This is Mrs Park of the Kim’s residence.”

She smiled at Gain. “You must be Han Gain welcome how are you? Did you find your way here alright?”

It was indeed the same dignified, friendly voice that Gain had listened to yesterday. “Yes madam I found it easily.” Mrs Park dismissed the butler and asked her to have a seat. She then offered her some tea which Gain accepted as well as to start eating. The food looked almost too good to eat, it was well cooked and smelled wonderful.

“You don’t look like you’re in your thirties. Are you sure that is your age?”

Letting out a small giggle Gain responded. “Yes I was born in 1982.”

Mrs Kim gave a gentle nod with a smile, her cup in her hand as she was about to sip. They started to eat, Gain being careful to pace herself as to not appear greedy in the eyes of her possible employer.
“My eldest was born in 1988. Of course you may not get to see him today for he’s in there; working as usual.” When she said ‘there’ her eyes directly at the shed in the corner, the one Gain had seen on her way.

“So who is it I could be looking after?” Gain asked. Just then the butler appeared from before.

“Madam, the girls will be here soon.”

“Thank you,” Mrs Park thanked him. “My second oldest turned 23 this year so you do not have to worry about her. It’s my other daughter that you will be taking care of.”

Soon two girls dressed casually but neatly came to the garden. The older of the two had a rounder face, small eyes that showed confidence and thin but long lips. Her skin was fairer compared to her sister who on the other hand resembled a doll. Her face was round too, eyes bright, full of innocence and a dainty nose.

Both sisters had something black on. The older had black high waist jeans showing her shapely legs and a white blouse that brought out her fair complexion. Her sister was in a loose black dress with sleeves stopping at her elbows. They both had their hair down.

“Han Gain I would like you to meet my two daughters Yuna and Yoojung.”

Both the daughters politely greeted Gain and said hello in unison. Yoojung’s voice was soft just like her appearance while Yuna sound friendly and outgoing.

“Nice to meet you,” Gain said beaming at them. Mrs Park was smiling at the interaction from the side.

Yuna glanced at her mother. “Ok I’ve said hello can I go now?”

The mistress of the house frowned at her daughter’s impatience. “Kim Yuna wait until I have dismissed you.”

“Ok hurry up then mum!” Gain’s eyes met with Yoojung who just smiled anxiously. The mother heaved a sigh before telling Yuna she could go.

“Don’t mind her.” She told Gain. “That girl enjoys being out of the nest more than staying under the warmth of her father and mother’s love.”

“Mother it’s not that.” Yoojung said. “There’s this boy she likes. She’s probably going to call him now.”

“Yoojung that is quite enough.” She told her daughter. “My apologies Gain, would you like to stay for a bit?”

Yoojung glanced at her with her large eyes. “Can we play?”

Gain nodded, feeling herself warm up to the young girl. “I would love to—if your mother is alright with it.

“Go ahead,” Mrs Park agreed. “Just play out here Yoojung and I will watch.” Smiling widely Yoojung took Gain’s hand in hers.

“Great let’s play hide and seek.”


Well here are more of the characters that will appear. No Soohyun yet sorry to say. I think he will come in the next chapter which will be coming very soon (so sorry for keeping you waiting) and yeah... I'm surprised at how sleazy I've made Jiyong O_o

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Another update soon. Thank u for for reading everyone


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Daekgi #1
Fan of Han Ga In here ~~
I wish you write another one. Atleast 1 more fanfic of her.
tipani22 #2
Chapter 22: So thrilled to find this ff of Han Ga In as im a fan. Thank you so much and loved it immensely.
Reeesha #3
It's been a year now when i started reading this. And im very thankful to u writer'nim for writing this :)
Hope u could write another fanfic of Han Ga In. .very soon. Hehe
leonne #4
I thought it's a happy ending for hgi and ksh :(
Do you have other story of them?
futrefamous #5
Chapter 5: What happened to gain and her fiancé
_Ga_In_ #6
How sad han ga in died :(
I love han ga in and gd. I hope you could write another fanfic of them. Plus changmin or baekhyun XD. Because both mentioned before that their ideal type is han ga in. And gd because she is a big fan of him.
Ulaaan #7
Fanfic of Han Ga In..wow ^_^
I enjoyed reading it but at the same time sad because of its ending.
Hope to read more fanfic of Han Ga In from you author. Hehe. Han Ga In and Song Seung Hun :))
Reeesha #8
Chapter 22: So sad. . This story already finished ;(
Chapter 21: I only just started reading the story >.< Since authornim said that this isn't the end , I wonder how will gain be saved ? Butttt . It really seemed like gain is going to die . Jiyong ! How will you save her ? Great story authornim : D
Kim_chy26 #10
The story will end soon? Im gonna miss this :/