
The Hands of Fate

Gain had to hurry down the street. Glancing at her watch again she knew that they would be there and waiting for her. Their Wedding Planner had organised to meet with them tonight as it would be the last time they could discuss any last minute preparations before the big day. There was the final fitting of the dress, the confirmation of the guests as well as the flowers for the bouquets etc.

Glancing at the crossing she would have to wait with the other dozen people before the light went green. All business men or women, just finishing work in the area. Checking her phone she saw no missed calls. Gain barely arrived to any occasion late so her fiancée probably would not start calling a search party just yet.

Soon the green man appeared and they could cross before the timer reached zero. Gain’s phone nearly slipped out of her bag so she grabbed it before it could hit the road. She ended up trailing behind the rest of the crowd who were already on the other side.

A car zoomed around the corner despite the enraged honks of other vehicles. Gain retrieved her phone, the headlights of the vehicle blinding her. People yelled from both sides. The tyres screeched, burning from friction. Gain moved a step forward but the timing was slow. Closing her eyes she felt the force of the huge nudge send her down against the tarmac.

Her head hit the ground bringing a strong pounding like her brain about to explode. Strangely her body felt heavy, immobile, rendered broken. Breathing felt like a struggle it was as if the air was being pulled from her lungs with a vacuum. Gasping, spluttering from the blood starting to flow into and out she was beginning to feel strangely cold on this warmest of autumn nights.

Before Gain’s body gave way her eyes blinked as the sight of two boots were walking towards her. The screaming in the background was starting to fade out with her slowing heart beat the only noise she heard. The boots stopped and then bent as someone crouched. She couldn’t see the face but their hands, dressed in large ornament like rings were clutching something.

They pried her scraped, bleeding hand open to place something in the palm. It was round and cold with a chain attached to one end for she could feel the round links dangle just by her fingers. Someone whispered with a voice she’d never heard before.
“You will pay me back in full.”

The boots straightened and with it walked away the giver. Gain’s hand felt the surface of the gift, not sure what exactly she had received. A little piece of metal moved and she soon noticed a smooth, glass shaped dome, round like an ellipsis.

Closing her eyes again Gain accepted the defeat of life. Now the sounds she could hear was an intermingling of her slowing pulse and the steady ticking from a clock.

Opening her eyes Gain expected to see darkness from an afterlife that she didn’t believe existed. If this was indeed emptiness than she found herself surprised. It was a room, the walls bare, a basic wooden cupboard, one small chair and the bed she had been placed in under the covers. The window was small but looked like it could be opened.

Sitting up Gain glanced down at her clothes. It was the same mahogany, A-line dress along with her cream stockings underneath. How she managed to be put to rest in the outfit from the accident made her wonder…

That was right; she had been in an accident. Gain grabbed her head, expecting there to be blood gushing out but there was no sign. No bandage or plaster, nothing. Lifting up her hands she saw no cuts or grazes. However her right hand was still firmly holding the gift from before. It was a pocket watch. The numbers written in Latin numerals, large with slight curves in the font; its hands delicately curved with loops and fine tips at the end.

A knock came from the door and Gain barely had time to quickly sit upright before the door opened. A woman carried in a tray loaded with rice, some fermented cabbage and a meat dish with a spoon and chop sticks. Gain took notice of the woman’s clothing, a corset top so tightly bound that her bosom almost spewed from the top and a long purple skirt. Her hair was in a loose bun and large silver hoops in her ears.

Without speaking the woman gave her the tray. “T-thank you umm, pardon but what is your name?”
“You may leave us Dori.”

The woman turned, her skirt floating for a brief second as she walked past a man a little taller. Gain was utterly surprised, she hadn’t seen his face front on but only briefly from the side. But there he was, pink haired, black golf cap, plaid shorts under a long black shirt with a dark red leather jacket, long black socks and white high tops watching her.

“Y-you’re from that time—“

“—I’m surprised you can remember.” He stated his voice high for a guy’s but not like it may have sounded when he was a boy. “There’s something else too which I think is yours.” Taking it out from under his jacket he revealed her handbag to her. Going through it she found her wallet almost empty, the only things in it were some coins. Her phone was there but wouldn’t turn on, the battery had run out.

“I see you’re still holding onto that. It’s thanks to that watch that you’re still alive.”

Gain frowned, what did he mean? He stepped closer. Gain placed her hands in front of her, the watch chain poking out.  “I’m sorry?”

“You were about to die but I gave you the chance to live on by giving that to you. Consider it as you will your life support for now and the rest of your breathing days.”

Gain’s eyes wandered over the watch. It couldn’t be true. Letting out a bitter laugh she shook her head. “You must take me for a fool. Watches cannot preserve lives nor extend them. Go on, tell me how much this scam of yours will cost me!”

“The price for that watch is five million won.”

Now she wanted to laugh more. The price was ridiculous. “No, I’m not buying it. You can have your watch back we’re not going to pay for this trickery!”

“Who is this we?”

“Well my—“

Who was her ‘we’? Gain didn’t seem sure now. Thinking back Gain struggled to recall if she had any family, any names of friends or other acquaintances. No one came to mind, not even one.
In her silence of mental blankness the man spoke again. “Since you don’t believe me why not see for yourself? See what happens when you let go of it.”

With a determined nod Gain agreed. “Fine here it is.” Reaching for him she placed the watch in his open hand. As her fingers edged away a strong pain came into her chest. Gasping in shock she grabbed the front of her dress, trying to overcome the agony that was building up right around her heart.

“W-w-what is happening to me?!”

He wordlessly returned it to her, closing her fingers over the watch. Within seconds her breathing resumed back to normal and the pain began to quickly go.
“This watch does not need batteries like normal time devices. But it cannot run for more than twelve months without the year being shown.”

Breathing steadily Gain looked up at him. She couldn’t trace a hint of insincerity in his words. But she didn’t know enough to trust him. “What do you mean by the ‘year’?”

“Have a look.” Peering down at the watch again it took a moment before she noticed something she hadn’t before; a small gold patch underneath the dial for the hands, above the six.
“There are three hands as a usual watch would have. The second hand moves for every day. The minute hand for every week and the hour hand is for every month. However unless you know the year hidden then when you reach twelve months it will stop.”

“And how do I get this year?”

“You will receive it once you’ve paid me in full.”

“Are you serious?!”

The man raised his eyebrows; a hand smoothing his cotton candy coloured fringe. “Now why wouldn’t I be? You can stay here for that time since you don’t remember anything. We’ll provide you with food, clothes etc. And in return you can keep me and the other girls interested. In our line of work it’s been a long while since we’ve had any decent people come for visits.”

She didn’t understand what he meant by decent people but couldn’t ask because he was starting to leave. “Wait a minute.”

He hesitated, his hand about to turn the handle. “What do I call you? You know I am Han Gain but I don’t know what your name is.”

Smirking he turned to her. “I’m G-Dragon but those I’m more intimate with know me as Kwon Jiyong. I’ll allow you to call me the later.” Winking G-Dragon left leaving Gain in a state of confusion and worry. The emotions were so strong that she forgot her empty stomach.  

What had she gotten herself into?

A longer chapter which should be a treat for you; weirdly while writing the description is a lot better than I usually put in other stories. How very odd. I anticipate your feedback in whatever form and look forward to the next chapter. Do you like the poster?

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Another update soon. Thank u for for reading everyone


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Daekgi #1
Fan of Han Ga In here ~~
I wish you write another one. Atleast 1 more fanfic of her.
tipani22 #2
Chapter 22: So thrilled to find this ff of Han Ga In as im a fan. Thank you so much and loved it immensely.
Reeesha #3
It's been a year now when i started reading this. And im very thankful to u writer'nim for writing this :)
Hope u could write another fanfic of Han Ga In. .very soon. Hehe
leonne #4
I thought it's a happy ending for hgi and ksh :(
Do you have other story of them?
futrefamous #5
Chapter 5: What happened to gain and her fiancé
_Ga_In_ #6
How sad han ga in died :(
I love han ga in and gd. I hope you could write another fanfic of them. Plus changmin or baekhyun XD. Because both mentioned before that their ideal type is han ga in. And gd because she is a big fan of him.
Ulaaan #7
Fanfic of Han Ga In..wow ^_^
I enjoyed reading it but at the same time sad because of its ending.
Hope to read more fanfic of Han Ga In from you author. Hehe. Han Ga In and Song Seung Hun :))
Reeesha #8
Chapter 22: So sad. . This story already finished ;(
Chapter 21: I only just started reading the story >.< Since authornim said that this isn't the end , I wonder how will gain be saved ? Butttt . It really seemed like gain is going to die . Jiyong ! How will you save her ? Great story authornim : D
Kim_chy26 #10
The story will end soon? Im gonna miss this :/