
The Hands of Fate

Gain and Soohyun seemed reluctant to part but it was late and Soohyun respected her choice to go home. Turning to Soohyun Gain smiled at him. “Thank you for tonight I really enjoyed it.”

“Thanks for coming,” Soohyun stepped forward to hug her. “Call me when you want to do this again.”

“I will, have a safe trip home.”

“Goodnight,” Soohyun separated from her, walking backwards to stare at her for a little longer. He almost tripped over a stone from the gravel. Gain bit the edge of her lip to stop her laughing at him. Soohyun waved to her which she did back before slowly shutting the door.


As she walked to her room there came an instantaneous urge to walk into the lounge room. Maybe it was because she couldn’t hear drunken chatter or laughing men. When she came there she found a sight different to the usual. Jiyong was on a couch, swirling his strong beverage in the glass.


Gain had never seen the room so desolate and empty. She could quietly sneeze and it would still be heard. Though the back of his head was the only part she saw Gain felt that he wanted to be left alone.

“They’re leaving us.” Her steps faltered from his drained voice. “A new place opened up down the street, they have better DJ’s, better ladies and more importantly stripper poles.”

Jiyong tipped his head back to finish the rest of his drink in one go. Slamming the glass on the table before him he slowly rose. As he turned his head to face her Gain had never seem him so solemn.

“What are you still here for?” He asked, “Aren’t you tired from tonight?”

Gain really wondered what to tell him. Never before had she felt sorry for the guy and here she was unsure if she should approach him or keep her distance. Heaving a sigh and wiping a finger under his nose he began to leave.

“You can pay me back later… That is if you don’t go with the others.”

Watching him walk out Gain could see what it was that needed to be done. She walked after him briskly, her arms out to him. With his back to her he stopped when she hugged him.

“Thank you, for what you’ve done for me.”


Jiyong turned his head slightly, his pulse had gone up. He swallowed unable to control how warm he was feeling under his collar. With a breath out he took Gain’s arms and pushed them off, stepping out of her grasp.

“I don’t want your pity or sympathy.” He stated giving Gain no chance to explain her thinking behind it. As he left Gain thought hard over her behaviour. What had led her to do that in the first place?


Soohyun called the next day to organise another date which would be two weeks away. It was because Gain wanted to pay and make sure she could. They talked for a while before he had to leave. His father wanted to have lunch with him which he expressed as a complete surprise. In response she told him to make the most of the time with him and to let her know how it went.


After their call she was calling all the places that were listing work online and asking if they were hiring. Unfortunately no one seemed keen on hiring a woman in her thirties to do the jobs. It was a hard blow for her since she’d already gone through this frustration before.

She went to find Jiyong in his room for some ideas. But he was not in there. Normally his room was off limits to her because of the smell; it had empty bottles, cigarettes and the atmosphere of a truly disturbed person. Going to his desk she discovered that he’d left his phone. She wondered why he would leave it behind. Checking his call log she found Youngbae’s number.

He’d helped her before, she remembered that much. Although the idea of speaking to him again made her cringe, this time around she would be sure to thank Youngbae somehow. The phone almost rang out before he picked up. “Uh yes Jiyong?”

“It’s not Jiyong…” Now she was faced with the dilemma how his phone got into her hands. “It’s Gain, we met a while ago.”

However he didn’t seem phased in the slightest. “Ah yes, what can I do for you?”

“I know that you helped me before,” Gain caught her breath. “But I was wondering if you would be able to let me know if you know anyone that needs a worker… I’ll do anything.”

He murmured on the other end of the line making her nervous. “There is one place I know of… Why don’t I come over I’ll give you the details?”

“You’re coming over?”

“Uh huh I’m sure he won’t… Wait, Jiyong is not home is he?”

Gain started to shake her head before she saw the silliness of it. “Ah no he’s out. He forgot his phone I think.”

“Ah should I come another time?”

“I don’t think it should matter,” Gain quickly interjected. “As long as we stay in the lounge room no one will think anything’s suspicious.” He offered to come around in fifteen minutes and she agreed.

He came as expected, his hair in a few braids this time and in a black sleeveless shirt, loose pants and black sneakers.

“It’s been a while,” he remarked when they met face to face. “Though you look better than you did before.”

“I can’t say the same about you sorry,” Youngbae smirked though he was probably being polite. She asked him what he would like to drink and he asked for water. When she was back with two glasses and a jug they sat down.

While she poured their drinks Youngbae took out a piece of paper and placed it on the table. Reading it in her head she saw it was a job advertisement for a waitress.

“If you ask for a Seunghyun he’ll be able to introduce you to the manager.” Youngbae said having a sip of his drink. “We’re friends and he said if I knew anyone that may be capable that I was to ask.”

Gain nodded as Youngbae sat comfortably. “I really appreciate it, how do I thank you for this?”

He thought it over his eyes lingering over her. “You and Jiyong… You’re not sleeping together are you?” Gain immediately drew back in repulse. “I guess not based on that expression.” He appeared a little cautious now. “Maybe it was because I only saw that ring just now. It’s the sort of thing he would splurge on his favourite woman at the time.”

Gain hadn’t looked at the ring in a while. Truthfully it needed a good clean as there was not really any shine coming from the stone. Slipping it off her finger she peered at it closer. The only person she knew that may have given it to her thought she was dead.

“Are you telling me to get rid of this?”

Youngbae’s mouth moved as though he was unsure of how to answer. “Well, they probably are expecting someone younger for easier wages so getting rid of it will help you look younger.”


He had a point. Gain thought about it. She replaced the ring but on her middle finger instead. “Does this look any better?”

“Who are you trying to fool?” He scoffed. “It’s still a pretty pricey rock there—“

“—who invited you over?” They both moved, standing up as Jiyong entered. He stared at Gain before facing his friend. “You should go,” he abruptly said. “You may have someone waiting at your place.”

Youngbae took the strong hint. “Let me know how it goes,” he said over his shoulder at Gain and then he was gone. Jiyong came straight up her grabbing her forcefully by the chin.

“Are you inviting people over to laugh at my downfall?!” Releasing her she almost stumbled to the floor. “How does it feel seeing me like this?”

Touching her chin Gain could only stare at him. He raised his eyebrows at her. “What’s wrong with you? Why aren’t you disgusted with me? Just tell me that you hate me!”


With trembling lips Gain bit them together, her eyes starting to fill. Dipping her head she hurried past him to her room. Slamming the door shut she started to sob. Why were his words hurting her? Did she really hate him? If so then why did it not feel right in her mind?


So I did another update to keep you all keen. Thanks for reading and I hope you’ll give me your feedback on this.

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Another update soon. Thank u for for reading everyone


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Daekgi #1
Fan of Han Ga In here ~~
I wish you write another one. Atleast 1 more fanfic of her.
tipani22 #2
Chapter 22: So thrilled to find this ff of Han Ga In as im a fan. Thank you so much and loved it immensely.
Reeesha #3
It's been a year now when i started reading this. And im very thankful to u writer'nim for writing this :)
Hope u could write another fanfic of Han Ga In. .very soon. Hehe
leonne #4
I thought it's a happy ending for hgi and ksh :(
Do you have other story of them?
futrefamous #5
Chapter 5: What happened to gain and her fiancé
_Ga_In_ #6
How sad han ga in died :(
I love han ga in and gd. I hope you could write another fanfic of them. Plus changmin or baekhyun XD. Because both mentioned before that their ideal type is han ga in. And gd because she is a big fan of him.
Ulaaan #7
Fanfic of Han Ga In..wow ^_^
I enjoyed reading it but at the same time sad because of its ending.
Hope to read more fanfic of Han Ga In from you author. Hehe. Han Ga In and Song Seung Hun :))
Reeesha #8
Chapter 22: So sad. . This story already finished ;(
Chapter 21: I only just started reading the story >.< Since authornim said that this isn't the end , I wonder how will gain be saved ? Butttt . It really seemed like gain is going to die . Jiyong ! How will you save her ? Great story authornim : D
Kim_chy26 #10
The story will end soon? Im gonna miss this :/