
The Hands of Fate

“He’s so funny isn’t he?” Yoojung had her head turned to Gain as they watched the variety show on television. Gain nodded while laughing brightly.

“No wonder he’s considered the nation’s best MC.” She added. The incident from before with Jiyong had been forgotten about for the time being.


She and Yoojung watched the rest of the show happily, enjoying the time they had together for the last day. However soon after Yoojung’s mother appeared.
“Yoojung it’s time you got ready for bed.”

“Already mum?” Yoojung exclaimed sadly. Her mother tilted her head down slightly to show she was serious. Her daughter then mouthed something to her which Gain didn’t quite catch. But from what she had seen it was asking her mother about something.

“Yes you may.” Yoojung hopped off the couch and hurried out of the room. Mrs Park went over to Gain. “It’s your last day; how are you feeling dear?”

“Better than what I thought I would be.” Gain said honestly to her. “Seeing Yoojung happy and alert has put aside any fears or worries I had about me having to leave…”

Yoojung had come back into the room with a small blue bag in her hand. “This is for you.” She bowed to Gain after handing her the bag. Gain opened it to find a small box in it. Taking it out Gain found something in a black velvet bag. Slowly un-doing the draw string at one end Gain took out what appeared to be a silver oval pendant on a round linked chain.

Amazed the words were taken out from her. It would have been expensive. “She had been saving her pocket money for the last two months so she could buy it for you.” Gain was rendered even more speechless by Mrs Parks’ confession of her daughter’s careful saving.

“Open it,” Yoojung took the pendant in her hand for a brief second. Gain carefully held it in her hand and clicked it open. Inside was the face of a clock. The numbers were in Latin numerals and there was no date but it had a quiet tick.

“Since you always wear that watch I thought you might like something smaller.” Yoojung softly explained. Gain had to swallow hard before her voice broke from the emotions swelling within.

“I-It’s lovely Yoojung. Thank you so much.”

Mrs Park put a hand on Gain’s back. “Come have a cup of tea before you have to leave. It would be my pleasure.” The nanny agreed and quietly followed Mrs Park after putting the pendant back in the bag.



“We’ve really enjoyed having you around with all of us.” Mrs Park assured Gain as they sat at the table with tea before them. “It’s a shame that my husband is letting you go. I tried to talk to him about letting you stay for longer.”

“Don’t worry,” Gain smiled at her to hide her unease about being left unemployed. “I will manage fine. My landlord understands so he will be patient with me regarding the rent.” Technically all the little ‘tasks’ she had done for Jiyong during her time there was her way of paying him. He had mentioned to her with rather sensual vocabulary that if she had been to bed with him she wouldn’t have to do all the menial deeds.


Mrs Park relaxed a little and nodded. “I see, that makes me relieved; if by any means you do need assistance you know our number.”

“Thank you Madam,” Gain answered.

The butler appeared and bowed to them when his presence was acknowledged. “Pardon me Madam but Master Kim would like Ms Gain to come by his office to gather her last pay check.”


Mrs Park stood as Gain got out of her seat. Opening her arms she gestured for Gain to come for a hug. The two ladies hugged strongly both of them squeezing lightly.
“You’re welcome here anytime.” Mrs Park assured Gain when they had pulled away. Gain thanked her with every bit of her thanks filled with sincerity. She then made a bow and departed from her going with the butler.


Mr Kim was in his office with the envelope in his hand ready. Gain almost sensed that he would be glad to be rid of her. After all when they had met the first time she had been careless in the way she addressed his absence in the lives of his children.

“Ms Gain,” he spoke with the same coldness she had been greeted with before. “I trust that you’ve made your final goodbyes.” Truthfully she had yet to see Yuna or his son but Gain held back those details. He stuck out his hand with the a4 sized envelope. “Here, take it and be on your way.”

Gain stepped forward and took it with both hands outwards and a bow. “Thank you Mr Kim.” She told him. “I know you may not like me but I appreciate you allowing me to come and become acquainted with your daughter and the rest of the family.”

“Hmm,” he grunted. “I see. Take care and have a safe journey home.”


Gain wondered if he really meant that however it wasn’t her place to ask. She just bobbed her head to show she heard before slipping out quietly.

“Gain, big sis,” Gain stopped and saw Yuna running over to her. Stopping to let Yuna catch up Gain didn’t expect Yuna to fling her arms around her in a big hug. She returned it before Yuna let go with some reluctance.
“I wish you didn’t have to go.” Yuna started appearing to be quite overwhelmed. “I’ve seen the way Yoojung is when she’s with you. She needs you here; you should stay even if you have to work as a cleaner.”

Yuna was surprised when Gain shook her head. “No Yuna,” she took the girls hands in hers. “You can be that big sister. There’s still time, that decision is up to you.” With teary eyes Yuna nodded slowly and Gain hugged her again.


“Take care Yuna,” Gain said to her. “You can turn things around. I know it.” Yuna bravely smiled. Gain held her breath as she walked away, afraid she was going to start tearing up too.


To keep her mind off the situation when she was outside with decent light around Gain opened the envelope and counted her earnings. The cheque was the same amount she had been paid the previous times. But the sight of the few notes poking behind this cheque caused her to raise eyebrows.

Who had given her an undeserved bonus? It was an undeserved bonus of ten thousand won at that. Gain had to pause and think over who would give her something without being too over generous or too stingy.


“Ah so you found it.” Soohyun’s voice said as though he expected it. Gain looked at him with raised eyebrows before forking it out and holding it at him.

“Thank you but it isn’t necessary!” She was becoming flustered easily around him. Soohyun laughed, not taking the money. In case he didn’t realise she was being serious Gain waved it at him and he just laughed more.

“I can see how eager you are for me to receive it but I cannot. Not unless you’re willing to accept something else instead.”

Gain lowered the money, a thousand questions about this spinning in her head. “What do you mean? What would I have to accept?”

“Dinner with me,” he cut her off before she could start to voice a polite refusal. “I asked you once before and got turned down. This will be the last time I ask you to have a meal with you. Once wouldn’t hurt should it?”

Now that he had put it like that Gain found herself asking the same thing. She paused before she answered him. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt… When are you thinking we should?”

He murmured something softly before clearly telling her what he would suggest. “What about next Friday? I can pick you up around seven if that would work.”


Gain agreed. “Sure I will be ready by then. What would the dress code be?”

“Smart casual?” Soohyun seemed very unsure of what she had asked so he had answered awkwardly. “I don’t usually date with a particular one in mind.”

“Ah so you must date very often.” Soohyun saw that he’d been caught and Gain laughed at his expression which reminded her of a wounded puppy. “I was kidding Soohyun.”

“Would you think I was kidding if I told you I don’t date that often?” He was asking seriously.  “Ever since I met you I have not had any interest in any other women.” Soohyun saw that he had got Gain’s utter surprise and smiled at seeing her wide irises absorbing his words as if they were rays of sun.


“I am serious.” He came closer, his head gently shadowing hers. She felt him lower his head down and she stepped away. Regardless of her rejection she couldn’t slow the fluttering of her emotions. Soohyun exhaled softly realising his actions were uncalled for. “I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking then.” He moved back to the stairs into the house.

“See you next Friday still?”

“Sure,” Gain said before going. It was clearer to her now. She couldn’t hide the fact she felt something with him. Something different compared to the disgust that came when she was close to a particular man with his quirky fashion sense.

Gain came home to find Jiyong sitting on the lawn outside of his home. She was going to ask him when he started to speak. “It wasn’t a busy night.” He stood up, turning to check his bottom didn’t have grass stuck to it. “Anyway, I guess you aren’t interested to know that anyway.”

“I finished up as a nanny.” Gain quickly said as Jiyong went to the stairs to the front of the place. He turned to look at her. “So I guess you’ll be seeing me around more often until I find out how to pay you back the rest of the money.”

“Hmm, to have worked for seven months and two weeks but to only have four months and two weeks left…” Gain knew instantly what he was referring to. “For someone who has forgotten that time will run out if they don’t raise their quota you sure seem very relaxed about it.”

She breathed in hard. “I said I would find the money. I should earn enough by then.”

“You should just ask him for the rest.” Jiyong couldn’t have asked it more bluntly, “Since you already allowed him to extract saliva from you without asking.” Gain stared at him, her eyebrows dropping down.

“I can’t believe you! What I do and with whom is none of your business!” She started up the stairs. “But for your information I am seeing him next Saturday night and you will not stop me!”

Jiyong just let her brush past him wordlessly as she slammed the door. When she was gone he exhaled his breaths coming out in tiny chuckles, none of them sounding the slightest bit amused.

“I see; you must like him then.”



A longer chapter for those of you who were disappointed I didn’t update yesterday. I hope you enjoy the read.

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Another update soon. Thank u for for reading everyone


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Daekgi #1
Fan of Han Ga In here ~~
I wish you write another one. Atleast 1 more fanfic of her.
tipani22 #2
Chapter 22: So thrilled to find this ff of Han Ga In as im a fan. Thank you so much and loved it immensely.
Reeesha #3
It's been a year now when i started reading this. And im very thankful to u writer'nim for writing this :)
Hope u could write another fanfic of Han Ga In. .very soon. Hehe
leonne #4
I thought it's a happy ending for hgi and ksh :(
Do you have other story of them?
futrefamous #5
Chapter 5: What happened to gain and her fiancé
_Ga_In_ #6
How sad han ga in died :(
I love han ga in and gd. I hope you could write another fanfic of them. Plus changmin or baekhyun XD. Because both mentioned before that their ideal type is han ga in. And gd because she is a big fan of him.
Ulaaan #7
Fanfic of Han Ga In..wow ^_^
I enjoyed reading it but at the same time sad because of its ending.
Hope to read more fanfic of Han Ga In from you author. Hehe. Han Ga In and Song Seung Hun :))
Reeesha #8
Chapter 22: So sad. . This story already finished ;(
Chapter 21: I only just started reading the story >.< Since authornim said that this isn't the end , I wonder how will gain be saved ? Butttt . It really seemed like gain is going to die . Jiyong ! How will you save her ? Great story authornim : D
Kim_chy26 #10
The story will end soon? Im gonna miss this :/