
How I Met Your Supposed to be Umma


Minho's part is ORANGE

Your part is GOLD


My first Dream Team episode was the last time I was her. It was unfortunate for me because I didn't get the chance to thank her. 

One day, I was planning to shoot some hoops at the dorm's basketball court. On my way I heard sneakers screeching against the floor and basketball bouncing.

I thought it was maybe Taeminie or one of the Super junior hyungs. As I got closer it was a girl, wearing an SM Town t-shirt.

I remember no one from SNSD who had short hair lately, her hair's black and not blond like Amber. Who is that? 

I watched her from the bleachers, she's good.

'She screeched to the left, and right, into the 'D' zone, and she shoot, she scores!' she said to herself.

It tickles my funny bone seeing someone acting that dorky but still cute.

She twirls around the court with her hands up. 'And the crowed went wild! Ahhh~'

She accidentally tripped when twirling and fell on the court. A loud thud was heard. Automatically I came to the rescue.

I approached her closely and realized I've seen her somewhere.

'Aigoo~' she said as she massages her right ankle.

I looked at her pretty face ,and she looked at mine.

'Wait, aren't you I of the staff from Dream Team?' I asked.

She smiled, 'You remembered?'


Amazingly, despite the loud fall, she wasn't injured. But I was worried so I carried her to the bleachers. She squealed a bit when I carried her unknowingly. But I know inside she likes it.

We were both sitting on the bleachers, I watched her as she continues to massage her ankle

It was really quiet that time, and I had to break the silence. 

'I have got the chance to say thanks...' 



She looked at me and nodded, 'You're very welcome. But it's no big deal really, I do it every time.'

It got quiet again. 

'What are you doing here anyway? Are you a trainee here?'  then I started to ask her questions.


'Nope.' she answered once. Just a simple 'nope'. _____-yahh you're killing me!.

'Wait, are you one of those fans that goes undercover as an SM staff so you can meet your idols?'

She nodded, 'Yeah. Scared?'

I gave her the *are-you-kidding-look* and she smiled. Her memorable smile that melted my heart on my first day on Dream Team.

She looked at the basketball that I was holding and grabbed it off my hands.

'1 on 1? I still got time before leaving with F(x) for Music Bank' she got up to the basketball court.

'You're on...'


I updated my story a day ago~ why you no comment? *sad face*

Okay, I won't force you..I'll just push you to post a comment, just one comment and it will make my day <3

Happy reading guys ^_^

Ohh~ P;S: I'll be on a camping trip for 3 days and 2 nights, so I can't update on the weekends, aww :(...

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Chapter 5: ACTUALLY I LOVE IT!!! SOO GOOOD ;_____;
Chapter 2: awesome! i like it :3 <3
foundationgirl #3
i want a sequel!!

IHeartSHINee0525 #5
Aww.. already end? Anyways, I love your story! Great ending. But, you should put more minstal.. *pouts* HAHAHAA!! GREAT ENDING AS ALWAYS!!
very nice ending!!!<br />
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@miakoo: Sorry chingu-ahh~ I gotta admit, it is kinda bad :( But still thanks for reading <3
miakoo #8
Wahh I wish the ending was longer. My heart aches for minho. But it was a good ending :)
thelostwishes #9
But i don't want Minho to end up with Yuri~ Krystal better or even me LOL