winter symphony;; apply open


story info:

title-- winter symphony

author-- syelbi

start-- 2013

end-- tba

genre-- romance, drama, angst

(c) 2013, syelbi. this story is completely and originally my own; any likeness it shares with any already-existing story is completely coincidental.


The Story

It's winter in the city of Goyang. Everyone seems to think that autumn and spring are the seasons with the most change, but for these four girls, that is not the case. Each are students at Korean Orchestral University & Conservatory, the most prestiguous musical school in South Korea. With just 500 students admitted every year, our four leading ladies already have a huge toll on their time. But what they don't know is that love is in the air for all of them, and it's not going to be easy. From lies and betrayals to successes and love, this is one year that is not going to go by smoothly-- for anybody.



1. Please subscribe before you apply

2. If you are chosen, please comment every 1-2 chapters. I'll update a lot quicker if I get motivation!!

3. If you're not chosen, I suppose you can unsubscribe, but if you don't please message me and we'll work something out for your character; they could be a minor role or even get their own chapter, I haven't decided yet ^_^

4. No bashing the story or other subscribers. If you have a problem with me or any of the applicants, please take it up with me or them privately.

5. Four girls will be chosen; I will not be in the story

6. Please use only love interests, friends, etc. from the masterlist, unless you PM me about it first.

7. The password is a hyperlinked song, preferably a classical solo or concerto in your character's instrument.

8. Put it under the "Other" section

9. There is no deadline as of right now; I will announce when there is.

10. Once the story gets going, I'll try to update every week or so.

11. Once you have finished your application, please message me or comment with a link to the blog. Apps posted onto my wall will not be accepted.


The Stories

the white couple

her {freshman, harpist} :: him {sophomore, flautist}

New to the musical world, she's finally living her dreams after years of practice and hoping, excited over the idea of becoming famous, she's ready for glamour and beautiful places on tours. Being unaware of the competitive corruption within her school's orchestra, her best friend, who was a major reason in her starting here, tries to warn her not to be fooled by the school's deceiving "glamour." When she stumbles across a scam artist, someone who promises fame at a price higher than she can afford, will he be able to stop her before it's too late?


the gray couple

her {sophomore, pianist} :: him {sophomore, pianist}

With a familial background of famous musicians, it's expected that she be famous and a top musician. With the pressure from her past she can't afford to lose anybody and must do her best to live up to the standard set for her. As of now she's considered the dissapointment of her family; she's panicking and desperate to please her parents. Hesitantly, she accepts the arranged marriage her parents set before her to the son of a famous Korean composer. He's a pianist like her, also pressured into the life he's leading. Will they forge a bond through their troubled pasts, or instead just try to get by?


the brown couple

her {junior, clarinetist} :: him {senior, composer}

Practicing into the wee hours of the morning and then pushing herself even to skip meals, it's without a doubt she's insecure about her talent, and to this girl only perfection will do. Forever wanting to step away from being the wallflower of the orchestra, she works hard to appeal to her peers, but what she doesn't realize is that her insecurities draw her even more into the background. She's never been satisfied with herself, she's oblivious to a lot of things, including the charismatic student composer who has admired her from afar for so long, not realizing that there are people who see in her what she does not yet see in herself.


the black couple

her {senior, violinist} :: him {junior, violist}

With an elegant demeanor and flowing talent, it's hard to deny the fact that she's the most talented among those at her school, as the concert mistress of the school's orchestra, she currently sits on her throne with an arrogant and overly-confident attitude. Superiority exudes from her and everyone seems to worship her, but no one likes her for who she is. She has no friends because of her haughty personality, but somehow her dongsaeng remains by her side no matter what. He loves her, but she can never picture herself with a younger man and sends him off, but he won't give up so easily.


[ws] applying is still open! sorry for the slow updates.


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