3. Wrong Place!?

7 hours from home, next door to heart (in the process of editing)

Hyung Jun wanted to leap off the plane when his brother didn’t come, despite the urgent request on the loud speakers for him, but the flight could not be delayed for long. Closing his eyes in resignation, he bowed his head as if to pray.

Stay safe little brother. I will wait for you.

He ended up sleeping on most of the flight until they were an hour away from landing. He looked outside the window.

That… That wasn’t ravaged Japan! That was not the Japan which had been struck by an earthquake! It was full of life, a big city with a river, no desolation or destruction. “Um excuse me,” he got the attention of a stewardess walking past. “Where is this?”

“Melbourne in Australia.” Hyung Jun felt the color go from his face.

“Melbourne?!” The stewardess nodded, unable to understand the distress he had.

“No, that can’t be right. The plane at gate thirteen was for Osaka!”

“No Osaka was gate three, but your ticket says gate thirteen.”  The stewardess outlined the very vague one, “see?” He glanced at the ticket again. No wonder he had been confused, the ticket had a one on it alright, it was a misprint! Hyung Jun leaned back in his seat, not believing the situation.Kibum would be in Osaka soon but without him.

“I see,” was all he could reply. The stewardess moved on. He slumped forward in his seat his hands at his forehead.



Two hours later and he was on land. He'd forgotten how much hotter it was  than it would be in Seoul; afterall the last time he’d gone had been years ago.

“You must be Mr. Kim.” He saw a chauffeur dressed smartly standing before him; he had Kim Hyung Jun written both in Korean and English. Hyung Jun assumed the man could speak the same language as him, based on his looks alone

“Yes but I won’t be staying for long, I need to be on a plane to Osaka Japan.” The chauffeur gave a hearty laugh.

“I guess you and your dongsaeng weren’t informed then.” The use of Korean surprised Hyung Jun but at the same time confirmed his thoughts.

“About what?”

“That you were both to arrive here and then I would take you to where you are staying.”

This startled Hyung Jun. He retracted a step, shaking his head. “No, we had meetings in Osaka Japan! Not Australia!”

“Try not to be loud, we are speaking in Korea you know,” It made him dip his head when he realised the man was right.

“Sorry, but there was a mistake, my dongsaeng Kibum, he...”

“Don’t worry he will be located as soon as possible and arrive on the next flight here.” The chauffeur patted him on the back in support. “Cheer up, it could be worse. Your plan could have crashed and sunk into the sea.” Hyung Jun gave him a horrified look. Thanks for even thinking of that!

“How about I get you to your apartment?” The chauffeur suggested, “oh yeah call me Lee Kyu Yang.” The beginning of his first name reminded him of his SS501 friend and group member, Kyu Jong. At the moment he was in a musical so Hyung Jun hadn’t spoken to him in a while. Now he thought about it, he missed the other members too. Especially his little brother who was miles away.

I would edit more but my eyes are getting tired.

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I'm going to edit this story at some point. Just the grammar and vocab because it's horrible.


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lavi018 #1
Chapter 32: I liked the ending very much, cute story... Baby seemed so mature with kibum and then on meeting his hyungs he turns again into his old cute self.. ^-^
hielooo #2
^___^ nice story!
PART TWO. I was surprised by your wall but I feel bad I have not commented. SILENT READER IS SORRY :(((

gREAT story!!
Aawww..... I want part 2!! XDD
kYAA!! I want a kiss too!! xDD LOL~ though I don't want it from Hyung Jun but, from Kibum hahaha!!!

The song, did you just translate it to Korean or is it really a song? I'm curious...
nice chapter! :) waiting for more ^^