
Body language

One two three four.

Five six seven eight.

One two three four.

The count in the olive skinned girl's head continued as she swiftly moved her body to the beat of the music. Droplets of sweat were running down her facial features. Her hair had grown damp and her breathing became faster synchronised with the up and down movement of her chest. She was still in the confinements of her appartment, which wasn't very spacious. But by shoving some furniture away, she found enough space to at least be able to move about decently. 

The spark of determination to practice dancing again had been lit by meeting Gikwang the day before. The spontaneous dance she did with him refuelled her passion and made her realise that she actually didn't want to give up on her dream. She was now utmost embarrassed that she actually thought that she could give up on it because of a few bumps in the road. They may be deep bumps and she may have her head a lot by trying to overcome them, but she did try and was succeeding pretty well. That spark is also what made Baeri, someone who adored sleeping in when she could, rise before the sun to practice. 

She felt fresh and nostalgic. The bubbles in excitement that grew in her stomach were back again. It was a feeling that she thought she had forgotten. She couldn't help but adore the feeling. She loved dancing and the feeling she had when she danced. All of her plans since the day she decided to quit dancing and find education and a job untill yesterday seemed like a vague blur. The feeling of anxiety and hesitation to give up on her dream was almost gone. The girl had found new determination. No, Gikwang had given her new determination.


It was 10 am when Baeri finally stopped dancing. The dark haired noticed that she had exhausted herself as she started around 7 am. She had danced for 3 hours straight and noticed only after she finally sat down. It took her at least 15 minutes to be able to drag herself to the bathroom and take a shower. She had promised to meet up with her friend today at noon in the city. It was time to get ready or she'd be late.

It was almost 11 when the dark haired was finished showering and styling her hair when she walked into the kitchen. She could swear that she had left it there before she went to the bathroom. Her eyes scanned her square kitchen and finally landed on the device she was looking for. With a smile she grabbed her phone and shoved it into her pocket. Fully dressed and ready to leave, she put on a coat and her beanie before leaving the house and locking her door.

Since the girl lived in the city, the mall was just a 10 minute walk away. But before that, she had to eat breakfast. The olive skinned was hungry, so she would take the first thing that she saw, which in this case was a bright red deokbokki stand. She ordered one portion to eat and scanned her social media accounts while she busied herself with the bright red delight in the plastic bowl. Baeri ordered another portion when she decided that her stomach wasn't satisfied and decided to call Chaima as she ate it. Just for fun. Not before checking the time though. It was 10 past 11. The number was dialled and after two or three rings Chaima picked up.


"Hello?" The elder heard her friend greet her in English.

"Oh Chaima, morning." Baeri beamed.

"Oh Baeri unnie. Where are you at?" Chaima asked.

"Hmm. Let's see." The dark hair paused as she blew her spoon which had the desired next bite on it. "Eating breakfast at a deokbokki stand." She let out a light laughter. "Bring some gum with you, will ya. My breath will smell." With that the spoon entered and she almost squeeled at the taste.

Chaima laughed as well. "Don't worry, I have some. I'm also eating beans right now."

"Oh. Great." The elder replied with a joked sarcasm. "As long as your instines don't become too digestive." She laughed again. Baeri's word were kept nice, since she didn't want to scare off the lady at the stand.

"Uhu. I'll be sure to keep them under control."

"Hey what time are you here again? It's almost 11." A short-lived silence fell and soon enough she heard the gasp she expected to hear. An amused smile crept up her lips as she stuffed with another spoon.

"Crap! Ya Kim Baeri! Couldn't you inform me earlier?! I'll hang up now. Be there in an hour!" She heard the hysterical voice of her friend respond.

"Ya Bae Chaima! Don't talk to me li-" Baeri stopped as she heard the sound of the monotone tune in her phone. The signal that Chaima had hung up. The girl frowned at her phone and let out a sigh. A second later though she was smiling again as she ate another bite.


Just as she had promised, Chaima arrived at noon. Okay it was already 12.13, but Baeri didn't mind waiting another ten minutes.  Baeri had already arrived at the bus stop she knew her friend would get off on. It was right across the street from the café. When she saw the bus, she had seen the girl's bored expression and her eagerness to get off the bus once it came to a halt. The girl's hyper and care-free nature was one of the things Baeri liked about her. The dark haired had hidden herself behind a tree when Chaima had gotten off. Luckily her back was turned to her and she couldn't let this opportunity pass to sneak up on her friend. Once behind her, Baeri smacked the taller girl's head right below her bun when she was stretching.

Baeri watched her stumble forward in shock and couldn't help but grin as the girl coughed in surprise. Once Chaima turned around, she was met with a scowl and stepped back to run. It was too late. A fist collided with her abdomen making the girl duck forward in pain as she groaned. It took her a moment to get air into her lungs and let the pain sink away.


"Okay, I deserved that. But you're not supposed to hit me that hard!" She scowled as she straightened her back with her hand still on her stomach.


Both females laughed as they embraced each other before going to the promised café. Once finding a nice table and ordering a drink each, they started chatting immediately. About half an hour of laughter and chatter had passed. She even heard the shocking news about Chaima's neigbour. It was hard to keep their chattering to a certain volume in order not to be kicked out. But they had to and surprisingly they managed to. After a while, the talk about Onew stopped and Chaima was curious about Baeri's reunion.

"And?" The younger female asked.

Baeri looked up to arch an eyebrow at her friend, waiting for the rest of the question.

"How much has he changed from his younger years?"

The curiosity in Chaima's expression made her laugh. "Not much. He's just grown and looks more mature. Other than that he's still the brat I knew." She commented. "Oh and his dancing has improved a lot."

Chaima couldn't help but notice the glint of pride in her friend's eyes. "Have you danced with him?" She asked amused.

A short silence fell as Baeri sipped her tea. In her head she replayed the scenes of the day before. Everything had happened in 4 hours, but it seemed much shorter than that, although a lot happened.

"Actually... he danced for me. Then we danced together. I realised that I actually missed dancing a lot." She stated.

"So?~" Chaima anticipated, knowing what the girl would say next.

"I started dancing again."


A smile crept up her lips as she heard her expected answer. Baeri, mildly surprised by her friends reaction, mirrored the smile as she continued. "I'll do both though. English and dancing."

The younger nodded in satisfaction, proud of her friend's choice. "I figured as much."

"Oh and I met the rest of the group." Baeri added soon after with a smirk on her lips. She watched the other's eyes double in size and muffle a squeel.

"Did you get me an autograph?!" She yelled in a whisper that came out of as a hiss.

The dark haired rubbed the back of her neck as she laughed uneasily. "It was kind of awkward... so... no. Sorry."

Chaima couldn't believe her ears and was dumbfounded for quite a while.

"YAH KIM BAE- mfi mfuummm-." Her words became muffles as Baeri took revenge by this time stuffing her friend's mouth with a load of tissues.

"Keep quiet!" She hissed to the girl, but couldn't help but laugh quietly when Chaima spat the tissues out with a disgusted expression. Once finished she talked again. This time in a lower voice.

"I can't believe you met them and didn't ask for anything!"

"Did you ask for Onew's signature?" Baeri asked with a raised eyebrow.

Chaima fidgeted in her seat and stared at her cup before glancing back at Baeri. "No..."

"Then shush."


Baeri reached out her hand to smack Chaima's shoulder making the girl flinch and scowl once more. After a few seconds of scowling at each other, both laughed again resuming their conversation.


Author's note:

Yay Update!~

Sorry for taking so long guys <3. Chaima and Baeri are adorable~!

I apologise for the lack of Gikwang in this chapter, but I had to have Baeri shine for a bit <3 ~ :3 He'll reappear soon though /wiggles eyebrows. And with a surprise.

I hope you liked it! Please comment and voice your opinions! I love hearing from the readers. <3

Thanks so much for subscribing and reading! I love you guys <3


Lots of Love,


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600 views! I LOVE YOU ALL. Omg. I will be updating with a double or triple update this week


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4everaB2UTY #1
Really loving this story !
nmore19 #2
Chapter 12: dun dun dun....unread message. 0.o
Chapter 12: yoseob? why yoseob sent her e text? o.O
could u pls update this story? :3
Chapter 4: Omg gikwang oppa <3
Chapter 1: Omg. This is really good!! ♥ you really know how to write!!