Moonlit Water

Moonlit Water

Here it is! A oneshot mainly focused on Gtae, but it also contains some Topfany and Yulyang! I'm apparently having a writing spree these days. But, oh well, might as well write when the weather right?

Well, off we go!
Hope you guys like it! c:

The small lake stretched out in front of Taeyeon, and she smiled, dangling her legs off the dock, her toes mere centimeters from the water. It was such a beautiful summer day, and she couldn't have wished to be anywhere else. To celebrate their return to Korea after a succesful world tour, Tiffany had taken all of the girls and the boys of Bigbang, to a gorgeous cabin for a weekend. They were all really close, and even she was amazed that they succeeded to all sneak off without the public eye noticing it.

Taeyeon smiled again as she surveyed the lovely surroundings. In the lake, not far from her, Youngbae and Seungri appeared to be drowning each other while Sooyoung and Daesung watched, smirking. Tiffany was lying on the beach nearby, trying to get a tan, while Seunghyun sat nearby, just observing.

To Taeyeon, it was incredibly idyllic and peaceful. She had come to love all of the people around her, and accepted their quirks with open arms. They were all diverse, all similar, and all wonderful. She smiled faintly, pointing her toes so they could skim across the surface of the water.

There was only one person that she couldn't see from her vantage point on the dock. Kwon Jiyong. Her faint smile became larger as her mind drifted to thoughts of the man who had won her heart from the moment he introduced himself to her. Her young heart filled with love whenever she envisioned his playful smirk. 

How she could be so completely smitten with one man baffled her at times. Wasn't she at an age where she was to have fun, and try new things? Apparently adventure wasn't what Taeyeon's heart wanted, it longed for the contentment and familiarity that Jiyong offered it. She knew every inch of his face, every secret he held inside of him, every fear he kept bottled away. It amazed her, how easy it was to love him.

"Hey Tae."

Her thoughts snapped back and she smiled up at the man standing on the dock beside her. "Hey Ji."

He gave her one of his grins before joining her on the edge of the dock. "Here, I thought you might like a popsicle." He said, offering her half of the orange one he was eating.

She smiled as she took it from him, her hand lingering for the briefest of moments against his. "Thanks."

That's what their relationship was built on, brief moments. No heartfelt kisses or passionate expressions of love, they merely had the brief moments where one would let their love towards the other shine. They both knew how the other felt, despite never having said so, they just hadn't ever felt the need to act on it. They were perfectly content with where they were.

They sat there in silence with their popsicles, feet dangling off the side of the dock. The contentment Taeyeon felt when she was around him enveloped them both, as they watched the others.

Youngbae and Seungri had given up on drowning each other, and along with Sooyoung and Daesung, were engaged in a rowdy game of Marco Polo. Tiffany had joined Seunghyun and were now involved in a conversation.

From her place on the beach, out of Taeyeon and Jiyong's earshot Tiffany sighed. "Aren't they just adorable?" She murmured, watching the pair eat their popsicles.

Seunghyun arched an eyebrow, and merely frowned. "I hope they're wearing sunscreen." He offered, finally.

Tiffany turned her head to smile at the brown-haired boy. "Oh oppa..." She said softly. "Sometimes you can be so..." She trailed off, unsure of what word she was looking for.

Tiffany continued studying Seunghyun, who in turn was turning redder with each passing moment. Her grin widened. "Let’s go swimming, oppa." She said softly.

He blinked. "Swimming?"

Tiffany nodded, and reached over, removing his sunglasses.

Seunghyun blushed further.

Yuri burst into giggles as she watched the scene on the beach.

Youngbae, who had joined Yuri not that long ago, stood beside her, glancing at his hyung and Tiffany skeptically. "What's so funny?"

"Oh Bae, you're so unromantic." Yuri complained, her eyes shining with mirth. "It's adorable."

"What is?" He was still confused.

"Seunhyun-oppa and Tiffany!" She exclaimed. "And Taeyeon and Jiyong too, for that matter." She motioned to the two who were sitting in silence on the dock with their popsicles.

"What about them?"

Yuri turned to face him, a look of exasperation on her face. "They're in love!" She stated dreamily. "Haven't you ever felt that sweetness of first love?" The irony of asking this question of her own first love burned in her chest.

He looked at her quizzically for a moment. "Yeah, I have." He admitted finally, suddenly finding the water incredibly interesting.

"Really?" Yuri questioned, suddenly curious.

Youngbae shrugged. "If by that you mean have I ever felt so entirely content around someone that all my insecurities and hesitations melt away with her smile, then yeah, I have felt it."

Over on the dock, Taeyeon suddenly let out a delighted squeal. "Ji, look!" she exclaimed, pointing out over the lake. The sun had turned the clear water beautiful shades of gold and red, and right in front of her eyes a shimmering fish jumped, twisting in the air, before cutting back underneath the safety of its watery home.

Jiyong smiled, unconsciously shifting closer to her. "That was pretty neat." He admitted, then noticed her popsicle stick. Gently touching her hand, he removed it from her fingers. "I'll go toss these in the garbage."

Taeyeon watched him retreat towards the cabin, and leaned back against the dock, her feet still skimming the surface of the water. Above her, the sun still shone brightly.

Daesung placed the last bundle of wood atop the pile. "There, that's enough, right?" He glanced at Sooyoung.

She shrugged. "I've never built a bonfire before." She admitted. "I've only seen other people do it."

Night had fallen over the lake, and Taeyeon glanced over at the water. The reflection of the moon cast a beautiful light over the surface of the indigo water. She pulled her knees to her chest and watched as Daesung and Seungri attempted to light the bonfire.

She could feel Jiyong beside her. He was leaning back against his forearms, watching the preparation of the fire with equal interest. Seohyun was seated beside Sunny. Seunghyun and Tiffany were huddled under a blanket, as Jessica, Hyoyeon and Yoona watched from the other side of the fire. Yuri was on the back, watching the stars. Youngbae was cross-legged beside her, entranced by her face rather than the shining light above her.

Everything lit up for a moment as Seungri struck a match, and he and Daesung were finally able to light the small bonfire. The group of close friends sat around it, and for a moment the cracking embers and lightly lapping waves were the only sounds.

Seunghyun lifted his guitar into his lap and started playing a bonfire song. Not many people knew that he loved playing the guitar. It was one of those things he wanted to keep for himself, and only shared it when he felt at ease.

Soon everyone had joined in happily. Taeyeon shivered gently as they sang, and without a second thought Jiyong pulled his sweatshirt off and handed it to her. She smiled thankfully up at him, and pulled the fabric over her head, inhaling its smell.

The fire burned, and the friends told stories, sang songs, and started drifting off to sleep. Seungri's eyes were the first to slip shut, and an equally exhausted Daesung gently carried him inside the cabin before he, too, found sleep. Jessica left next, walking sleepily towards the cabin, followed by Seohyun. Soon, almost everyone was off to visit their dreams.

Yuri stood up, and wrapped her arms around her. "I'm going to go look at the water." She announced, and Youngbae also stood, murmuring something about going with her. The two soon disappeared towards the water's edge.

Taeyeon glanced beside her at Jiyong, who was smiling at the image of Seunghyun and Tiffany fast asleep underneath their blanket. As if sensing her gaze, Jiyong turned his attention to her. "They look so peaceful."

Taeyeon's lips curved into a soft smile, and she subconsciously scooted closer to him. "They do." She whispered.

The moonlit waters lapped gently against the shore, as Taeyeon gently wrapped her arms around Jiyong's. He smiled down at her, as she rested her head against his shoulder. 

"You look tired." He whispered, softly touching her forehead with his. "Maybe you should go inside and get some sleep."

"I'm not tired." Taeyeon replied, unable to stifle the soft yawn that followed.

Jiyong's eyes lit up with mirth and he gently touched the tip of her nose with his index finger. "You can't lie to me, Tae."

She sighed with mock exasperation. "Am I that transparent?"

He smirked. "Only to me," And in a move that surprised them both, his lips brushed against hers in the briefest of first kisses. The short moments felt like forever to Taeyeon, his lips were the faintest caress of the warm summer wind, sending chills and heat through her at the same time. 

He pulled his lips back, gently, leaving them hovering inches from hers. There was no embarrassment on either of their faces, and when he spoke, their breath mingled together. "Taeyeon-ah?"

"Yeah Ji?"

"You know I love you, right?"

"Of course. You know I love you too, right?"

"Of course."

Jiyong's lips met hers once more, and Taeyeon's hand tightened on his bicep. The gentle constant of moonlit water lapping against shore was their soundtrack, as the young lovers gently explored each other’s tastes. A romance born of brief moments dissipated, as a love story of two hearts, forever entwined with each other took its place.

Within Jiyong's arms, Taeyeon felt her entire world change. Everything slid into place in a way she had never imagined. They had loved each other for a long time, they had known of this love for a long time, all it had taken was the soft summer air and moonlit water to push Kim Taeyeon and Kwon Jiyong to the step of real romance.

Where Taeyeon had once felt contentment, she now felt bliss. Where once she had known every inch of his face, she now knew every inch of his soul. His gentle arms wrapped around her waist, as Taeyeon shifted against him, her head resting on his chest. She was wrapped in him, his sweatshirt, his arms... his love.

Jiyong watched her eyes slip shut as she slept peacefully, a serene smile on her beautiful features. Kissing her brow gently, he allowed his own sleep to overcome him.

The moonlit waters were the only soundtrack, as two hearts, wrapped in their love of each other, slept peacefully in the soft summer wind.

So, liked it? Hated it? Let me know please! Like I mentioned in the foreword, I really hope you guys aren't getting tired of my oneshots..
Anyways, I'm off...for now!

See ya~!

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AmberBiased23 #1
Chapter 1: Anagajjaualwnbs it's soooooo cute I'm gonna die!!!!!!!!
fuchaoife #2
Chapter 1: Oh my gahhhddd this is so cuteeee ♡♡♡
MrsDuckbutt #3
Chapter 1: More chapters please.. ❤❤❤
xxxwanixxx #4
Chapter 1: This is so cuteeeee
Chapter 1: waaa! u wrote this story beautifully! I like it!! its relaxing yet it mever failed to make me squealing! gud job authoe nim :)
TwistedIceQueen #6
Chapter 1: if only all stories were like would be soooo much better
Chapter 1: So cute *o* I'm love with this one shot!
Good work õ/
taeyeoppeo #8
Chapter 1: that was so heartwarming~~~ahhhh so sweet!
kpopsters #9
Chapter 1: this is ssooooooo sweet authorshii..& toooo pure kk^^ love it.. gtae♡ pls write some more.. thank you... hwaiting!
Chapter 1: this is pure beauty yeah just right there. loving your style :)