
That Little Coffee Shop

It wasn't long before he was meant to arrive, you knew he would be late however, he always was. He would always blame it on the training or one of the other members needing to talk to him about something important, but you didn't mind too much.

That was the life of dating an idol after all.
Although no one was allowed to know that you were dating him. The company would throw a fit and so would their fans, you knew there was no way of them accepting you, so you put up with being his 'secret girlfriend'.
What made it better was the smile he would have plastered on his face when he would fill you in on everything that had happened that day, the trouble he had gotten into with his hyungs, the amount of fans he had come into contact with, the funny stories that Daehyun had told him, and when he spoke of how much he'd missed you, it made your heart swell.
No matter how hectic his life became he always seemed to make time for you, and you always met up with him in the little coffee shop just around the corner from your parents house.
All it would take from him would be a text with a date and time and you would drop everything for him. You had to after all, his free time was limited and your schedule was easily rearranged.
He could text you twice in a week but he could also go a few months without a single word. The time in between your meeting seemed to pass by slowly and when you got that much wanted text, time only seemed to slow down further.
Sat in the little coffee shop just around the corner from your parents house when you took the final sip of your mocha latte and wondered how late he would be today. 1 hour? 2? Looking at the clock on the wall you noticed he was already twenty minutes late.
It's a good thing I came prepared, you thought pulling out your purse ladened with change as you walked up to the counter. 
There wasn't a line of people waiting to order so you could quickly get your coffee and sit back down in the corner of the shop. The boy who was serving people always seemed to keep an eye on you whenever he was on duty. It creeped you out so much, so your were even more thankful that Junhong always wanted to sit in the furthest corner of the room, away from prying eyes.
The coffee boy reminded you of Junhong, he could only have been a few years older than you but he was very tall for his age just like Junhong, and the smile that worked its way onto his face when the two of you made eye contact looked a lot like the one Junhong seemed to constantly wear whenever you saw him. 
Apart from those few physical similarities, he couldn't have been further from your Junhong. There was something about him that had your skin crawling, every fiber in your being told you he was bad news, and yet the little coffee shop just around the corner from your parents house was the only place where you could meet up with Junhong, so you were willing to put up with the employee for as long as was needed.
"Same again?" He asks, already setting to make your mocha latte before you even have a chance to nod. "Your boyfriend always seems to be turning up late. Whenever I see you in here you're always waiting for him. I think you need someone who can turn up on time to your dates. A pretty girl like you can't just hang around for most of her life waiting for her man." He says with his back facing her, too busy focusing on the coffee he is making to hear your noose of disapproval. "I've seen him around town you know?" He says trying to get your interest, "He constantly has a lot of girls hanging onto him, and he hangs around with a group of older guys. He's always seemed like the player type to me and you don't deserve someone like that... Me on the other hand-"
"I don't mind waiting for him," you tell him confidently, "he doesn't mean to be late, and it's always worth the wait to see him."
"Well I just thought that if he wanted to see you so desperately then he would at least turn up on time once in awhile and get rid of all those girls." He says turning around to face you with your coffee before quickly looking at the counter as he slides your coffee towards you and takes the money you left on the counter for said drink.
"I have my reasons for being late and its a miracle that my girlfriend is still with me, but believe me when i say, if i could spend all day everyday with this girl then i most certainly would. Now have you heard enough about our personal lives?" The coffee boy quickly nodded and made his way quickly into the back room of the shop, and only a few moments later another employee emerges to take his place at the front of shop. "I'm sorry I was late." Junhong said as you turned to him glancing up at his tall figure. Tilting your head to the side you take a sip of your latte from the straw and saunter off back into the corner of the shop, sitting at the table waiting for him to follow suit. "I really am sorry but-" He sits down opposite you with just the small round table separating the both of you.
"Want a sip?" You cut him off outstretching your arm with the latte in it.
Giving you a content look he paints his face with a lopsided smile and places his hand over yours, holding the latte, and pulls it closer to him, taking a long slurp from the drink before he releases your hand and chuckles.
"Sooo... You forgive me?" He asks, resting his head in his hand as he places his elbow on the table.
"Of course I do." You answer, taking a sip from the coffee for yourself.
"Indirect kiss." He mutters, to which you lightly kick him under the table.
"You have a busy schedule, I know that. I'll wait for you for however long you need Junhong." You tell him carefully scanning the room.
"I wasn't followed if that what you're looking out for." He states taking one of your hands in his own gently rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand. "And I'm sorry that you couldn't be a bigger part of my schedule, as much as I love spending time around you, the company would just never allow it. But hopefully TS will add some more groups so the pressure wont be on us as much and I could spend days with you instead of just afternoons."
"I know. Don't worry about it so much Junhong. Just take the time out now to spend the time with me. Yeah?" You ask, to which he nods eagerly.
You noticed the girl who stopped and stared into the shop window straight away. She must have been a fan. You had been watching out for people like that for a long time.
You had been with Junhong in that little coffee shop for a few hours and you were sure it would be risky to stay any longer.
"Junhong..." He looked up at you with the straw from his drink still in his mouth, "I think... I think we need to leave now." You say as you notice the girl frantically texting on her phone.
"Why?" He turns to follow you eyes and understands right away. Putting down his coffee he quickly picks up his jacket and holds his hand out for you to take.
Rushing to put on your own coat you take hold of his hand and make your way towards the exit, looking back and taking note that the girl was nowhere to be seen.
Rushing out into the dark alley behind the coffee shop with Junhong in front of you felt your heart pounding out of your chest. The cold wind cut into your skin and sent a shiver through your body, freezing it to the ground. Looking left you noticed the brick wall, dead end, and right must have been the way back out onto the street, you just hoped that the girl didn't round up her friends so they could corner you in the alleyway.
"It's cold isn't it." Junhong said in a hushed tone. Putting on his jacket, Junhong rooted through the pockets before he found his much needed beanie. Putting it on he noticed the your jacket was still undone. "My silly girl." He said in English, closing the distance between you and carefully zipping up your jacket, ignoring the bright red blush that spread across your cheeks.
"You look adorable when you blush." He compliments you instantly becoming embarrassed and looking down towards his feet as he started kicking the dirt.
"Do you think she's gone?" You ask wanting to change the subject as quickly as possible.
"My fans are dedicated. If they think they saw me, they'll do everything in their power to find out if it really was me or not." Adjusting his beanie, Junhong takes a step back from you and looks around the alley way.
"I'll go round the corner and see if their there." You say walking away to the end of the alley way.
Scanning the area you found no one and figured they had just given up or passed it off as someone who just looked a lot like him. You thought you were being too overly cautious and she might have just been looking at someone else in the shop, maybe she had seen one of her friends in there, but you just couldn't take the risk of being discovered.
As you were walking back to him you heard heavy rushed footsteps rounding the corner. 
When you spotted him you knew something was up. His eyes were wide and his face held utter confusion.
He didn't slow down as he neared you and he ended up pushing you against the wall and closing any physical space between you.
"I went back into the shop and she was in there with her friend looking for me. I down have time to run and I can't afford to be caught. That stuck up guy you were talking to when i arrived told them we were here and he pointed to the back door... I'm sorry." He reasons just as the door to the back alley is opened.
Both of you held your breath as the girls footsteps drew nearer and Junhong took one last tug at his hat in order to disguise himself more, as he looked down at you. 
His whole being seemed to wrap itself around you as his arms kept you trapped between him and the wall, and you had never felt so safe in your life.
"Junhong." You whispered, finally realising that you felt nothing but love for the boy.
The two of you made eye contact and as he heard the girls voices much more clearly, he closed the few inches of space between you and captured you lips in a chaste kiss, hoping that you wouldn't push him away.
Shocked, you put your hands on his chest and closed your eyes, yes you were sure you were in love with him. And no sooner had you heard the girls, had they already sped past you, still searching for your precious Junhong, probably not even glancing in your direction.
"I'm sorry." He whispered against your lips once the girls were far enough away.
"Stop saying sorry."
Pushing him away you both took the time to analyse each other then burst out into whole hearted laughter.
"We should probably get going then. That's enough drama for me for one day." You tell him as you start to walk out of the alleyway.
"I miss you so much you know." Lacing his fingers with yours you look up and notice he has covered his face with his mask, making it easier for him to get home in one piece you think.
"I miss you too." You say, squeezing his hand and resting your head on his arm.
"Lets do this again sometime." 
3 months had passed without a word from him after that day and deep down you were starting to get worried.
But you shouldn't have been.
I have great news!
Meet me in the usual place?
Tomorrow 1pm
Zelo x
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Chapter 1: Author-nim... I think i readed this fic last june i think?
dodokchae #2
Chapter 1: are you making any sequel? cause im so curious wats going to happen next!