


Some things seem to happen because we weren’t expecting them to. But the truth is that we didn’t spend time to think about the possibility of them happening in the first place.


In reality, no one can blame us for not expecting them. Expectations, when they’re too high, they tend to fall even further away.


That was what you always thought at least.


Loving a certain person never seemed scary as it did now. You stood in front of Infinite’s dorm waiting for the man that made your heart flutter to appear.


For some reason, your current life collided with his making you both meet up in a very unusual way.


You were looking down the street rubbing your arms because of the cold weather. You hoped Sungjong would appear soon since it wasn’t allowed for girls to enter their dorm.


You took a few steps pacing randomly in front of the building; you didn’t understand how it was even possible for you to be waiting for him of all people.


Out of nowhere, you felt hands covering your eyes.


“Guess who?” A squeaky voice chirped.


“Ummm…Sungjong?” You guessed.


“Yah! How come you always guess right?” He said removing his hands off your face and looking at with a frustrated look.


You smiled slightly “That’s because I’m waiting for you, of course it would be you!” You replied.


“Yeah, yeah.” He answered dissatisfied.


You smiled at him again enjoying his natural adorableness.


“Where are we going today? Yesterday we went and checked that avenue but it was too small. Are we checking on another one today?” He asked as you two walked side by side.


“I talked to one of my friends and he took care of the avenue. I booked it for 500 people, what do you think?” You asked.


“Sure, that would be nice. Not a lot of people, but still a good number.” He nodded.


“Alright, today we’ll be choosing the cake.” You took out your notepad and checked the avenue’s box.


“I think this would be hard.” Sungjong sighed. “Sunggyu hyung is hard to please.” He grimaced.


You put a hand on his shoulder patting him softly. “It’s alright, it doesn’t have to be perfect. We know he’ll be touched about it and that’s what matters.” You said soothingly.


Sungjong looked at you then nodded acknowledging how right you were.


Expectations as they seemed, can sometimes be reached.


It all started almost a month ago when you went to an Infinite fan meeting and you were the last of the fans to reach Sungjong.


“Oh! Is that an SG?” Sungjong asked pointing at your bracelet.


“Yeah it stands for Sunggyu oppa,” you replied blushing.


“I thought it meant me.” He pouted cutely.


“I’m a Sunggyu oppa fan, but I like you too.” You said whispering to him. “Actually, me and the other fans have been wanting to prepare a surprise birthday party to Sunggyu oppa.” You told him as he signed your album.


“Really?” Sungjong exclaimed replying to you in a hushed tone.


You nodded excitedly eyeing Sunggyu sitting in his place yawning and stretching his arms after a long day.


Sungjong looked at the direction you were looking at then looked at you.


“I think I might help you with the surprise party if you want.” Sungjong whispered. “I’ll write my number for you and you call me so that we can plan it!” Sungjong started writing.


“What? Are you serious?” You asked too shocked for words. Sungjong merely gave you a smile before the manager told you to leave.


You went back to sit in your seat yet the whole time you stared at Sungjong not believing what just happened. You opened the album and just as promised, there was a mobile number.


When Infinite bowed and were about to leave, you caught Sungjong’s eye who winked at you in return and waved cutely.


You could’ve sworn that you breathing stopped in that second.


For some unknown reason, you actually finally had the courage to call him. He picked up on the first ring as if he were waiting for that call.


“Hello?” You said in a small voice.


“Hi!” Sungjong’s sweet voice replied.


You breathed quickly trying to control yourself. You spent the time talking to him about the arrangements and getting to know what Sunggyu would like and what he wouldn’t.


The calls weren’t frequent at the beginning, however they ended up being daily. Every time you would call Sungjong, you’d start gathering information, telling him about the new updates and discussing the date and time of the even that you both were preparing.


Sometimes though, the conversation would stray away to you, which made you uncomfortable. For some reason, you didn’t like talking about yourself, it made it seem surreal. It made it some not true!


Then the meetings started. It was Sungjong’s idea saying it would be better planning it personally than on the phone.


You couldn’t lie to yourself; you spent the nights thinking about him noticing how your feelings were growing for him. It was true you liked Sunggyu, but Sunggyu still seemed like a fantasy, while you had Sungjong there actually noticing you and talking to you.


It wasn’t that only, it was also how much of a listener he was. How he was patient with everything you put him through, and how sweet and compassionate he was.


You started wondering how you never noticed him more before. How could you not see how wonderful of a man he was?


It somehow scared you how your feelings were appearing for him. You started dreading the day of Sunggyu’s surprise event, fearing that once it’s over, he wouldn’t contact you again.


You tried to ignore those thoughts as Sungjong started to talk to you about his schedule. You listened intently sympathizing with how tired they were, and how hard they worked.


After some walking, you reached the cake shop. You went in and sat on one of the tables while the waiter went to get the catalogue.


“I think we should get two cakes because one will be thrown at his face, which means we need another one to eat it.” Sungjong rubbed his chin looking at the catalogue.


“Don’t you think we need more than one cake? The fans should eat too.” You told him looking at the choices.


“Right, but it would be hard to cut for them in that moment. Why don’t we get a cake that’s already cut for fans and we have them wrapped? It would be less messy and easier.” Sungjong suggested looking at you.


“That’s a better idea! Ok I agree!” You nodded approvingly. “We should choose the flavors now.”


“Should we get the traditional? Get some vanilla and some chocolate?” Sungjong asked. “Sunggyu hyung likes chocolate so let’s get him that.”


“Ok, and for the fans, we’ll get a mix from both?” Sungjong nodded at you.


You both agreed on it, calculated the amount of money, and decided how many you’d order.


After fixing everything with the owner of the restaurant and setting the date, you and Sungjong went out of the shop feeling excited that the last touches had been done.


Sungjong and you stood outside the shop in a silence that seemed awkward at first.


“I still have two hours to spare, would you like to go have a coffee?” Sungjong asked looking at the ground.


You hesitated at first but then you nodded. “Sure, let’s go.” You told him.


Sungjong smiled brightly then hailed a cab. As soon as the cab stopped, he opened the door for you letting you go in first.


He got in after you closing the door behind him. He told the driver the location then the car started moving.


You sat next to Sungjong a small space separating you both. You really couldn’t bring yourself to believe your luck. A few months ago you were a mere ordinary fangirl dreaming of such a moment. And now, you had it.


The silence between you didn’t feel awkward; it was full of shyness instead. You glanced at Sungjong and that was when he looked at you too. You both turned away shyly.


Finally finishing your mission, you knew this time you weren’t going out for Sunggyu; there was more to it and that made you extra happy.


The cab parked in front of the café you were heading to, after Sungjong paid for the cab, he gave you a smile nodding his head towards the glass doors of the café.


You walked there opening the door then going in. You and Sungjong ordered coffee; he made it obvious that it was his treat.


You sat on a table that was somehow isolated from the rest of the tables. The silence in the cab returned showing how shy you both were.


Before, having the event as an excuse, you both had so many things to talk about. However, now once you both realized that you were on your own, words seemed to stay away.


“Why do you like Sunggyu hyung?” Suddenly Sungjong asked you.


You thought for a moment trying to gather your thoughts.


“He is a really passionate person. He also has a childish side to him although he pretends he’s mature. He’s funny and cute but he doesn’t seem to notice it. I like how he’s a very good leader too.” You replied honestly.


Sungjong seemed to agree with you as he nodded. “Although he treats me meanly sometimes, I have to acknowledge all of that.” Sungjong said.


You smiled softly remembering the weird relationship the leader and the youngest shared.


“He still cares about you though, right?” You asked him sipping your coffee.


“Yes, he really cares about me.” Sungjong’s lips twitched into a half smile. “He’s been treating me really well lately.”


“That’s great! Maybe from now on you two would have a better relationship.”


“Right? Look at me all grown up but he still treats me as a child! I really want to continue on showing him that I've grown up.” Sungjong frowned.


“Did you try talking to him?”


“Not really.”


“Then maybe you should. Sunggyu oppa really cares about you, probably talking to him would help.” You suggested.


“You’re right. I’ll talk to him soon.” Sungjong smiled patting your hand that was resting on the table.


It was the first time he touched you since you met at the fan meeting, the touch of his hand on yours made feel hot all over your body.


He quickly removed his off yours rubbing his neck. You drank your coffee in silence not knowing what to talk about.


Sungjong and you got up after a while of making another small conversation about the weather, then left the café.


“Is there anywhere you’d like to go to?” Sungjong asked.


“I’d like to walk there.” You said pointing at the park in front of you. You could see the water ahead of it glistening in the sunlight from the setting sun.


You started crossing the street with Sungjong, he held your arm by the elbow guiding you through the way.


“Careful!” He said.


Safely, you crossed the street reaching the public park. You hurried in your steps reaching the border that stands between the park and the sea.


You stood there then looked next to at Sungjong. He looked at you and smiled. Your lips replied with an equally cheerful smile.


You turned your head again looking at the sunset before you.


The water was colored with red, orange, and yellow. The scene was too picturesque, too serene, and too striking. You closed your eyes eventually trying to keep the scene forever engraved in your memory.


You could feel the breeze caressing your face and pulling your hair to the back. It was the dreamy scenario every girl wishes she could have. Having Sungjong by your side perfected the picture.


An alien feeling of softness on your lips made your eyes shot open. Your eyes were met with Sungjong’s closed ones.


It took you a few seconds to understand what was going on. When his lips started moving, the thoughts clicked in your mind and you realized he was kissing you. His lips opened yours gently gaining access for his lips between yours. You could taste him, smell him, and breathe him. It felt good… It felt new… It felt tender…


You pulled back immediately startled by his actions.


Sungjong pulled back to looking at you with his hand on his neck. A slow blush was spreading on his white cheeks.


Your fingers instantly touched your lips where a second ago, Sungjong’s lips rested.


Sungjong was now looking anywhere but at you. A flustered look masked his beautiful face making you wonder what he was thinking in the first place.


“I…” Sungjong started to say at last breaking the awkward silence. “I don’t know why I did that.” Sungjong stuttered.


You remained silent not able to think about what to say next.


You found your eyes looking at his lips and the way they were moving.


Those lips were on mine.


You heard the bell of a bike in the near distance; you looked away from Sungjong in the direction of the sound to see that the bike was getting nearer. It happened so quickly; one moment you were standing there, the second you were enfolded in Sungjong’s arms.


Your arms entwined themselves naturally around his waist; you could feel his arms around yours too. Your head was resting on his chest hearing his heartbeat drumming in your ears.


You pulled your head back gradually to glance at him. He was looking down at you with a blank face. His face was so close to yours, and the moment you had a few moments ago wasn’t lost on you both.


The thoughts that crossed your mind were urging you to follow them. The space between you wasn’t that big, every thing you wished you could do with him surfaced in your mind.


Just like a magnet, his head leaned towards yours as yours leant towards his. It was as if you both didn’t notice it happening, but your bodies were aware of what was going on.


“If you don’t like me, pull away.” Sungjong mumbled still looking at your eyes intently.


You couldn’t register what he said right before his lips landed on yours devouring them. His plump lips spread yours open making space for his lips in between yours.


The train of thought that was there a second ago disappeared immediately. What remained were his voice and the last words he said to you.


If you don’t like me… Kept on getting repeated in your mind over and over again.


Finally understanding what that sentence meant, you pulled away from him. He looked stunned that you actually pulled away from him after all. You were standing a few feet away from him completely disconnected from his embrace.


“I’m sorry.” You whispered looking him in the eyes, the shock still present there.


You gave him a last glance before you ran away.


You didn’t understand why you did that. You did like him, then why did you pull away?


What were you afraid of? It wasn’t like you didn’t imagine that moment with him countless times.


You continued running not stopping to pick up your ringing phone or see where you were going.


After a while of running, your feet carried you to a bus stop. You went back home trying to figure out the whole situation.





For the rest of the week, you busied yourself with preparing for the birthday event. You got the tickets collected and everything ready by texting Sungjong formally and not accepting his calls.


In his texts, sometimes he would include an apology or ask to meet up. However, you always ignored those parts in the text.


In truth, you figured why you pulled away. It was true you liked him, a lot, but that didn’t mean what you were doing right.


You were afraid.


You were afraid that he wouldn’t take it seriously with you. A month ago, you were a mere fan to him just like everyone else. What would make you different and special? He wasn’t allowed to date and you were afraid you both would never reach that stage.


To cut the whole thing short, you didn’t want to encourage him. You didn’t want to show him that you liked him in case he took that to his advantage.


The day of the event arrived; you stood by the door checking the fans tickets and making calls about the cake and the things that were supposed to arrive in time.


You and Sungjong agreed that he would tell Sunggyu that they were having a fan meeting; the other members were in the whole process with the help of the managers.


You were feeling anxious and worried about it not working out, but another part was worried about seeing Sungjong again.


You had an earpiece connecting you with the staff backstage. It was a special event since all the staff was fans dedicating their time for their idols.


“They are about to finish getting ready.” A voice said through the earpiece.


“Got it.” You replied taking the last ticket from the last fan waiting in line.


You looked at the hall from your place and saw all the fans seated carrying light sticks and already chanting.


Your heart started pounding so fast and you hopped this event wouldn’t go wrong.


“Let them in.” You whispered.


“They’re walking in now.” The lights turned off and Infinitized started playing as the members walked in.


The fans screamed at the top of their lungs then quieted down when Infinite introduced themselves.


The screams started again when the individual introductions ensued the group intro.


You were standing further away than the other fans, but you could still see them. Your eyes were on Sungjong the whole time monitoring him from far.


He looked as good as ever. He held himself in the way he usually does showing his coolness and the manly side of him.


“On your sign.” The person backstage said in your ear.


You nodded to yourself. The members stopped talking then Hoya gave Sunggyu the sign to talk.


“We were really happy when we heard you requested this fan meeting. Having this number of fans allows us to communicate to you all in a better way. Thank you very-”


“Now!” You commanded.


The music blurted and the happy birthday song started. Sunggyu looked bewildered at him being cut off all of a sudden. The members caught up and started singing along. The fans followed and sung for their leader.


Sunggyu stood in his place shocked as two of the staff carried a table with the cake you ordered for him.


The candles and the soft lighting made the atmosphere of the hall seem very quiet and sincere.


You sang along with the crowd with a huge a smile plastered on your face. It was going exactly like you imagined it. The leader’s shock was enough to show you how much of a surprise it was for him.


When everyone stopped singing and it was time to blow the candles, Sunggyu closed his eyes moving his lips making a wish that you somehow you knew what it was.


Everyone started clapping and cheering for him, the members were hugging him and throwing jokes about his age.


“I don’t know what to say,” Sunggyu started stuttering. “I’m so speechless! Thank you all for doing this to me. You being with me is the best gift, and now this is the best birthday!” His eyes glistened. “Thank you very much.” He bowed before the crowd in front of him.


You stood there proudly smiling at the stage in front of you. You immediately started arranging the activities there were about to be done.


Everyone was enjoying his and her time. It didn’t feel like a meeting among celebrities and fans – except for the screaming – it felt more like a meeting among friends having fun.


The activities weren’t boring and while everyone was eating or playing, you could see the boys’ faces and how genuinely excited they were.


Every once in a while, your eye would catch Sungjong’s but then you’d divert them away from him quickly.


“It seems we reached the end of our party.” Hoya said to everyone.


Screams of displeasure filled the hall making the boys pretend they were crying.


“Thank you everyone, we had a great time. We hope we can have such events in the future with you.” Dongwoo bowed.


Each member took his turn in saying goodbye and thanking the fans till it reached Sungjong.


“Thank you Inspirits! But special thanks goes to the person standing at the back for organizing this event and making it such a success! Everyone let’s give her a big hand!” Sungjong said pointing at you.


You were flustered not knowing what to do next.


“Come on stage!” Sunggyu called out.


You timidly walked on stage bowing slightly to the members when you passed them.


They were smiling at you ushering you to stand in the middle. You slowly bowed to the crowd in front of you.


The boys huddled around you to take a picture for the memory. Sungjong was on your right while Sunggyu was on the left. You were aware of your approximately touching bodies.


The event ended officially and you found yourself walking backstage alongside the Infinite members.


They were thanking you and making jokes about various things. You were a little star struck considering they were your favorite group.


Reaching the changing room, you waved for them getting ready to check on everyone before going home.


Someone’s hand on your shoulder stopped you in your tracks. You turned around to see Sungjong looking at you intently.


“Can I talk to you?” He murmured to you.


You barely nodded before he grabbed your hand and pulled you to the first room he saw.


There were a few people sitting in the room. Sungjong asked if he could have a moment with you, asking them politely to leave the room.


They all looked at you for confirmation before you nodded. They left the room with bewildered looks.


You stood in the middle of the room with Sungjong’s hand wrapped around yours.


You slowly let go of his hand; he was looking at you fixedly watching your every move.


“What is it?” You asked him in a small voice.


“I just want to know why you were avoiding me.” His voice came out clear without any quivering unlike yours.


His eyes were stable gazing without shifting at you. You couldn’t meet his eyes, you were very aware in that moment that he was a celebrity. You were a mere fangirl standing in front of him; it took every ounce of your sanity to not start shivering.


“I wasn’t avoiding you, it’s just that the preparation for the event is over.” You mumbled taking great interest in your shoes.


He let out an audible breath making you looking up at him.


“About earlier,” he started. “I don’t want to apologize, but I want to explain.”


You waited for his next words; for the first time today you noticed he was hesitant.


“From the moment I saw you, I was attracted to you. When you said that Sunggyu hyung was the person you liked, I felt disappointed. I was hoping I was the person you liked.

When I offered to help you, honestly that wasn’t acceptable. The manager got angry and didn’t want the whole even to happen. But I convinced him so that I could see you again. I didn’t know how to see you again if it weren’t for the event.

What started as curiosity in the beginning, turned into liking. I started anticipating hearing your voice and meeting you.” He looked at you before reaching to your hand again making the distance between you both closer.


“I like you. I admit it.” He said gently. “I kissed you because I like you and I don’t regret any of that.”


You blinked a few times trying to make sure your ears weren’t fooling you.


When you didn’t respond, Sungjong fidgeted in his place. You could tell he was nervous.


“Sungjong,” you said. “Thank you.” The words came out without your awareness.


His eyes widened in surprise at the two words.


“You don’t like me?” He asked.


“It’s not that I don’t like you…” You looked away from his gaze. “It’s that I don’t know if it’s alright for us to like each other.” You replied.


“So you like me?” He asked ignoring the next part of your response.


You blushed slightly before nodding still not looking at him.


He put his arms around your body taking you by surprise. His face rested on the crook of your neck pulling you even closer.


“Thank you.” He murmured.


You let go of the resistance your mind was trying to create; you simply hugged him back.

He pulled back just enough to look at you. “It’s enough for me that you like me.” He whispered.


“But you know we shouldn’t be liking each other. You’re an idol and I’m a fan.” You mumbled back fearfully.


“Let me deal with that. As long as you like me back, it’s enough.” A smile you’d never seen appeared on his lips; a smile that reassured you of his feelings.


Your fears were vanishing; he was serious about you both. That one simple sentence proved that much to you.


“Do you still like Sunggyu hyung?” He squinted his eyes at you.


A small chuckle left your lips. “I like him, but it’s a different liking than me liking you.”


The smile reappeared back on his lips making you feel giddy with happiness.


“Then I think it would be ok for me to introduce you to the members now without fear of them snatching you away from me.” He said with that smile still plastered on his face.


“I think so.” You put your hand on his cheek. “What are you going to introduce me as?” You asked.


“As my girlfriend of course!” He replied as if it were the most obvious answer.


You didn’t reply to him with words, instead you grabbed his face and kissed him on the lips showing him how that term was good enough for you.


He smiled against your lips pulling you towards him even closer and kissing you back.


You were now Sungjong’s girlfriend. Weird how expectations can sometimes meet reality; if someone told you a month ago you were going to be Sungjong’s girlfriend you would have had called them crazy.


Right now, a new streak of hope was created for you. Expectations are simple dreams waiting to be turned into goals.


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that was really good :)that's how I see him as well ^^ cute
Chapter 1: it's sossosoososossososo cuteeee><
Chapter 1: Awhh so cute ^0^
Marciakslp #4
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;