Chapter 4 - No! I don't Believe You!

A Frozen Love

[Lea's POV]

I'm so cold. Where am I? I forced my eyes open and was greeted with a rather dull looking room. Majority of the place was white. I hate the colour white. I wonder why... Oh my head hurts like hell. I saw some strange equipment beside my bed. I stared at it, wondering what it was. Hmm... I can't think straight. I looked up when I heard footsteps. A man dressed in a rather long white coat came in. My first thought was... I hate him, he's wearing white. Oh my god! What's the reason why I hate white!?

The man spoke in formal words. "Miss Lea. You're awake. It's good to see you're back with us." What is he talking about? What's wrong with me sleeping? "I'll be calling your guardians." Guardians? I don't have any... How did I mangae to get guardians in Japan? He left before I could say anything. Is this just me, but doesn' this all seem a bit too strange?

I was now alone, thinking hard about what had just happened. It took me half an hour to realise where I was. I'm in a hospital aren't I? These machines beside me now make sense, and that man is a doctor. But that still doesn't explain much. How long have I been sleeping? And white. What is my deal with that? White... Hmmm...

Ice. Ice? That's it isn't it!? Oh now it's all coming back now! I'm in Tokyo and I was going skating on the lake! Oh and I met the members of the GazettE. Such lovely people they were, well not all... Shorty. Ruki his name was. I don't like him. He has a y attitude. But Uruha, he was so sweet a true gentleman he is. We were skating together and... The ice... It cracked. That's why I'm here isn't it? No wonder why. I must of passed out when I fell in the water after I pushed Uruha away. I wonder where he and the others are. Maybe they visited my in hospital. If so, then that would make my day. I guess I have a lot of catching up to do.

It was about a couple hours until I saw any other more signs of life apart from mine. The doctor from before came in and gave me small brief smile. Behind him I saw the member of the GazettE enter. I smiled and waved. "Konnichiwa! It's so good to see you guys again!" They waved back, but their facial expressions was dark and dull. What is wrong with them? I stopped smiling and stared at them. I then noticed that someone is missing.

'Where is he? Where's Uruha?' Silence falls over everyone, they look upset as if something terrible happened. 'What!? Where is Uruha?' Only then I realised why eveyone is silent. I look at them carefully, realising that they were crying. Wasn't it just me that fell through the ice?

Does that mean...

No it can't be!

'Uruha! Let me see him!' I climb off the bed, but my legs were too weak to hold me up, so I ended up collapsing on the floor. Kai and Ruki rushed over trying to keep me still.

'I'm s-sory Lea, but Uruha's d-dead.' Kai says while stuttering.

No. It's not true. Don't believe them, they're lying.

'No! Uruha isn't dead! Don't lie to me!' Tears now filled my eyes, and my words became muddled in my sobs. 'N-No, he wouldn't... Uruha wouldn't leave m-me. He can't leave me. Cause I-I love him! I love Uruha!' I finally stop talking and just cried. Ruki pulled me into a hug and he let me cry into his shoulder.

An hour later, after I had calmed down they explained to me everything that happened. They told me what happened on the lake. They told me when I fell into the lake and didn't return, Uruha jumped in to save me. With the help of everybody else, me and Uruha was pulled out of the water.

They found out that I wasn't breathing and Uruha was losing conciousness. But before he did, he held my hand and whispered to the others asking them to save me. After getting me to saftey, it was too late for Uruha.

I cried for hours. I just couldn't face the fact that he was dead. I know people die everyday, but the fact he was gone... I-I just didn't want to believe it. People must think this a bit odd. But I still believe Uruha is out there. Not physically, like maybe he's up there somewhere watching over us...

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Chapter 9: I hoping for happy ending!:D Ahh and Rei... like a guardian angel *-* Love it! Ganbarimaaasu! ^^
Chapter 5: Can't wait! *-*
Chapter 2: Please update soon! :3
xXDarkRox #4
Chapter 1: sounds interesting :) i can't wait for the next chaps :D