Operation: Appa's Birthday Gift Pt.2

The Adventures of Soma & Mari~


  "What do you think Appa would like for a gift?" Soma was pacing the floor of their bedroom as Mari sat on the bed, legs swinging from them being too short due to her age. 
  "Do you think he would like to play with my bunny?"
holds up her limp, white, rag doll-ish bunny. Soma smiles at her and pats her head. 
  "I don't think he wants to take away from your play time with old buns here" Mari smiled down at her beloved bunny before hugging him close, causing Soma to smile at her before pacing the floor again. 
"I've got it!" Soma pointed his index finger in the air like the brilliant genius he was. At least, as much as a two year old mind could be. 
"What is it?" Mari hopped down and walked over. They discussed their plans for a few hours before finally setting it in motion. Soma ran out and down the hall, opening the door labelled "Craft Closet" and started gathering the supplies necessary for their special gift. 
  Walking back to the room with full arms, he set everything on the table and got to work with Mari by his side playing her part. They worked for a good hour before umma called them out. Rushing out hand-in-hand they spotted their mother preparing to go to work. 
  The two youngest members always went to their Umma's work and stayed in the daycare along with the other children. The twins liked it there, they were close to umma and they liked seeing everyone that worked there. Faces were washed, teeth were brushed, clothes picked and slipped on with shoes added as the finishing touch. Out the door the three went, before they knew it the twins were buckled in and on their way. 
  When their favorite song came on the radio umma turned it up and started singing along. It always made them smile when she did that and they soon joined in with their high-pitched toddler voices. Arriving at their destination, Soma made sure to carefully pull his backpack on so he didn't damage the precious cargo. 
  Once inside, everyone greeted the twins with a warm welcome.
"Soma, Mari! How are my two favorite twins doing?" Kay punched their cheeks while kneeling at eye level. 
"Fine, noona" Soma responded respectfully, pulling his face away for the sake of his throbbing cheek. She finally released them and let them on their way. Arriving at the daycare, the two quickly rushed over to one of the low tables and started on their project. 
  The only thing they didn't enjoy about daycare, was having to see Sung Ho. His parents were good friends with their own, Jake and Meng. Sung Ho always picked on Mari, no matter where they were, he never failed in finding her. 
"Mari dongsaeng~!" Sung Ho called from across the room as he made his way over. So a rolled his eyes as they both turned around, hiding their father's gift behind their backs. 
"What do you want Sung Ho?" Soma grimaced, holding Mari's hand. 
"I just wanted to see my Mari dongsaeng. You don't have to be a meanie bear, Soma" Sung Ho snapped back, then smiles at Mari. 
"Sung Ho, you know we're older than you right? Mari is your noona," Soma pulled her toward him more," we have stuff to do. Go away" he started walking away with the gift in one hand, his other firmly gripping Mari's. 
"What's that?" Sung Ho pulled at the gift, Soma yanking it back right after," Let me see it!" 
"No, let go! It's special!" Soma held firm, but one last yank and both boys dropped the beloved gift causing it to fall, hitting the floor in several different pieces. Soma fought hard to hold back his tears, his hands clenching into fists. He looked up at Sung Ho and did something his parents had always told him was wrong unless the situation called for it, and to Soma, the situation called for it. 
  His fist collided with Sung Ho's cheek and caused him to fall back. He stood their burning with fury, Mari standing behind him in shock.  Sung Ho sat stunned for a few moments before standing up and jumping on Soma. The two boys fall to the floor and roll around hitting and yelling in a fit of anger.  Mari rushing up to her teacher and pulling her arm so she could stop them. 
"Boys, that is enough!" Ms. Song spoke with a frighteningly stern voice, causing both boys to stop and look up at her. They separated and stood with heads down in shame, "Explain". 
"Soma hit me!" Sung Ho was quick to throw him under the bus. 
"He broke gift Mari and I were making!" Soma pointed at him accusingly. 
"You both know better, until you can apologize to each other and get along you are sitting in time out" she pointed to the stools the children were banished to so they could reflect on their actions. Both boys begrudgingly walked over and sat, backs facing the other's, arms crossed in defeat. 
  Mari never liked seeing her brother in trouble, her bottom lip poking out a little. She looked down at the gift and knelt down, trying to put the pieces back together, tears starting to fall. She let out a sniffle and tried with all her might to fix what had been done. 
  Soma looked over at her, his heart immediately breaking at the sight of his little sister crying. He swore he would get Sung Ho back for being the cause of all this trouble after he himself fixed it all. 
  Half an hour seemed like an eternity  to the short attention spam of a two year old. Both boys sat shifting in their seats, anxiously waiting for the time out timer to go off. When the shrill ring filled the room they jumped off and rushed to continue going about their business. Soma quickly gathering the broken pieces their teacher had helped Mari pick up and starts repairing it. 
  Mari was asleep on a cot, cheeks tears stained when he walked over to wake her. He's fixed the gift and was excited to show her. Gently patting her shoulder, her eyes slowly opened. Face immediately lighting up when he holds the gift up, she jumps up and hugs him tight. 
  By the end of the day, the two couldn't wait to see their Appa. He always came to Umma's work if he didn't have much scheduling to do. The entire underground had set up a surprise party for him, with umma taking the kids and standing in front of the big crowd, waiting for him to walk in. The lights were lowered, waiting for the right moment to shed light on the colorful decorations and smiling faces. 
  He walked in right on time, everyone shouting surprise as the lights were raised. He looked around in confusion for a bit before a bright smile spreads across his face. Umma rushes up and wrapped her arms around his neck and sweetly kisses him. Soma scrunched his face in disgust while the girls smiled brightly. Mari always liked seeing her parents so happy with each other; to her, Umma  was a princess and Appa was her prince, just like her favorite fairy tale. 
  Soma grabbed her hand and they rushed up, holding the gift wrapped as best as a two year old could wrap it. 
"What's this?" Appa took it, his smile that no one thought could grow any bigger, suddenly became the brightest one in the room as he admired the clay guitar figurine his twins had made him. He knelt down and scooped them up in his arms, kissing both their cheeks," thank you, I love it." 
  The two had finished their mission. Operation: Appa's Birthday Gift was a success. When they were finally tucked into bed that night, they had the smiles of satisfaction glowing on their faces. Just making someone they care about smile can last give a two year old satisfaction for quite a long time. 
 So, first adventure is written! :D I love writing these. It bring back memories *sniffs from a wave of nostalgia*. I love these kids. 
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Second chapter is FINALLY up! :D


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Stars2Heaven #1
Chapter 2: Omg this is so cute!
Chapter 2: My babies are making me so proud! T____T
Chapter 1: It's so cute! >.< calling him not umma XD