Krystal's First Love

Saving Sulli

           This conversation wast making me feel any better, she already knew what happened next, why am I telling her all of this stuff? "She couldn't love me back, she told me. It wasn't right, my kind of love. She'd said we'd still be friends, that she wouldn't break my heart. I told her to be careful." My voice started cracking in the empty air. "I told her that my heart was delicate. That it wasn't something to be played with. She agreed. But we drifted apart, how could we stay together after what I'd confessed? It tore what little friendship we did have in two. There was nk way for us to still be friends when she knew I loved her. When she would know why I was trying to get close to her." I stopped talking to let the words sink in. 

           I heard a muffled sniffle from Krystal as she reached up to wipe her tears face with a pale hand, but I kept my eyes trained on the snowy landscape appearing everywhere around us. It was surprising to me just how much snow ha already fallen, had built up on the dead-spider like branches of the trees. "Thank you," she whispered. "I'll tell you about my first love then." I turned to her, surprised: Krystal had been in love? Since when? And why hasn't she ever told me about it before?

           Had she already given away her first kiss? Had she already been claimed, taken away from me? We were about graduate high school, seniors, so it was normal for students to be dating and falling in love, but I was still shocked at her. "I'm saving myself for someone really special," She'd said once. Even though it was a long time ago, I stilled remembered it clearly.  I felt something like jealousy boil inside me, a feeling I hadn't felt in almost half a year. "Okay," I told her, leaning back into the bench. 

           "I met her this year. But she didn't notice me until a couple months ago." My heart did a weird fluttering notion. I had known Krystal was there, I'd always know Krystal'd been there, she'd been introduced to our orchestra class in the beginning of the year, but I never really did anything about our relationship, never did anything, until...a few months ago. That's funny, I guess the girl Krys fell in love with did the same as I did to her. "She caught my eye immediately, but she didn't say anything to me. She made our whole class laugh, though, and she plays the viola." My heart dropped. I play the viola, I'm the second best in the whole class, but what if she's not talking about me, what if she's talking about Amber Hyung, my best friend? 

           "She has this eye smile, turning her eyes up into little half crescent moons whenever she smiled. We had this particular relationship. She'd always try and persuade me to take home my violin and practice to help me with tests and concerts, but I never did. You gave up after a little while, you stopped trying to change me." My heart leapt at the word "you", so she was talking about me. "You played with my mind. Talking to me the whole time during orchestra class, but ignoring me whenever I passed you in the halls with my friends by my side." 

           "It was confusing, especially when you used to try and link our arms together while we walked side by side in the corridors, I'd always be scared someone would be watching us. I asked all of my friends and one of yours, too, about you, but they always said pretty much the same thing. They didn't really know much about you. Victoria told me that you lived in her neighborhood. Once, when I went over to her house to work on my college applications, I looked out of her bedroom window and thought I saw you walking your dog. Luna told me you were in her Biology class and that you were hilarious, but that you weren't close enoug to her for her to tell me much of anything about you." I felt the cold melting away from my heart with every word she spoke, color bursting back into my vision, the world becoming alive again. 

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To be continued..


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This story is pretty interesting ^^, thanks for this author-nim
Interesting in a good way^^
Ooooooh you're first story this should be interesting~
Chapter 5: So sweettt,now i know why i love winter ❄ ♡ keep writing, you'are awesome!
Chapter 5: sooo sweet, sooo beautiful