I'll Protect You

Traffic Lights



Changmin's Pov



It's raining. Heavily might I add as I'm driving through the busy streets of Seoul. You would think people would stay at home with the amount of rain that is pouring but you'd be wrong. As much would have loved it to be peaceful in the streets of Seoul, I guess it's not possible. Finally, the cars start to move as the green light comes on, only to be stopped a few seconds later just as I was about to pass. I give a deep sigh.

Slowly my thoughts go back to my lover, well....if it keeps going on then it would be an ex-lover. We got in a pretty big fight a week back, my mind still remembering everything, how upset he was, how many times he sighed to even naming every object her threw at me.



The red light
In this stopped time
Only your scent remains



“Why are you so stupid Shim Changmin..” I say to myself, reminding me of my stupidity.


Like a dream I'm not waking up from
I'm falling further and further into you






“WHY, WHY DID YOU DO THIS?! WHY?!” Kyuhyun shouted at Changmin as Changmin was on the floor, kneeling as he had just been caught in bed with another.



“I'm so sorry! I didn't know he had someone!” The girl scattered around, collecting her pieces of clothes which we laid in random places of Changmin and Kyuhyun's shared room.



“Shut the up, I don't care if you didn't know he had someone!” Kyuhyun shouted at the girl, giving her a death glare before reverting his eyes back on Changmin. The girl froze and tried to do a better job at finding her clothes. Finally, the only thing left was her top which she grabbed and made a run for it.

“Who the was she?”



“I don't know...I just remember her name was Suzy...”



“Suzy huh? I see how it is. How long has it been?”



“What are you talking about?!”



“How long has it been since you two have been going out?!”



“It was only a one night thing! I swear!”



“Changmin... I think we need sometime apart. It's clear that we've been drifting apart... I'll be staying with my Appa for a bit.” With that he packet a few pieces of clothing in a large bag and left me, left me in our apartment alone with the room literally upside down from all the stuff he threw at me.






My mind finally snaps back as I heard the cars behind me honk loudly, it's a green light... I feel myself starting to go crazy as my mind can't escape from Kyuhyun. What do I do? I feel myself speed up faster as I go to the place I know I have to go but is too scared to go.



The green light
I've gone crazy
Should I rush to you
My heart sounds like it'll burst
It races only for you



Unknowingly, the traffic lights guide me to where Kyuhyun is. I feel my heart beat like crazy, as if it was to burst at any time, even then I know, it will only beat like this for him, for my dear Cho Kyuhyun.

Finally, I make my way there, I step out of my car. Closing the door behind.



Like satellites
And shooting stars
Like a star
That has seen the sun



Ding dong~

I ring the door bell but there's no reply.



“Hello? Anyone home? Cho Ssi??” I call out to him since it's his house.



“...” I receive no answer from the other side and decided to open the door myself. It turns out it was already open. My eyes widen as I see blood on the floor, there he was lying on his back, Kyuhyun's Appa. Blood prints splattered everywhere as I walk around, my mind focusing on one thing, one person, Kyuhyun.



“KYUHYUN WHERE ARE YOU?!” I shout, making my way through the many rooms, opening each and everyone of them. I had no time to prepare myself for what will come, if Kyuhyun was dead or alive. I just had to find him. Still no answer I finally make it to Kyuhyun's parent's room. I opened the door, there he was, next to the window, crouched in a ball, crying.



“Kyuhyun..” I called out to him, he looked up.


I revolve around you
Though you're hot, I approach you
Finally, I hold you
I'm dazzled as I burn up



“Chang-” I ran to him, cutting him off with my lips which surprised him.



The firelight
The moment I'm trapped
In your burning eyes
One kiss from you
Will wake me up



“Kyuhyun!” I gave him a tight hug. “Are you ok?” I looked around him, examining his body to see if he was hurt in anyway.



“Yes..Wh-at ar..e yo..u doi...ng he..re?”he asked me, I looked at him and gave him a small smile.



I revolve around you
I approach you without hesitation
Finally, I hold you



“I'm here to get you back but first we need to call the police.” I suddenly here a loud crash somewhere in the house, I'm guessing they're still here.



“Oh no! They're still here! No...no..” Kyuhyun covered his eyes, shaking his head. I stood up, extending my hand, he looked up at me with pleading eyes.



“Don't be afraid, hold my hand, I'll protect you.” I said to him.



“No... You'll get yourself killed! Please.. don't!” He cried.



Inside a solar system called you
I'm a shooting star




“I'll be fine, we need to get you out of here.” I pulled onto his hand, lifting him up and slowly we made our way out.



“Changmin, please!”



“Don't worry.” We made our way downstairs safely.



“Who the are you!?”



“!” I whisper, it was the murderer... he had a gun in his hands, he looked as if he was in his early 30s, his voice deep and a slight beard.



“Changmin” Kyuhyun said, his grip on my hands tighten.


I'm pulled to you who I can't deny, the black hole
It's automatic, systematic


“Don't worry, stay behind me” I say, pushing him back



“No! Please, you'll get hurt!”



I heard, quickly, I shielded Kyuhyun who was going to be the one hit, the shot landed right on my left shoulder.




“Ahhh!” I groaned in pain, holding onto my shoulder to stop the blood.



“Changmin!” Kyuhyun held onto me so help me stand still.



“Stay here.” I removed Kyuhyun's hands from me and ran to the man, pushing him on the floor and kicked his gun away. I managed to get him on the floor and kick him a few times before getting a wooden bat to knock him out.

“Kyuhyun. Quickly call the police!” I told him, he nodded and called 911, in less then 20 minutes, the police arrived with an ambulance. Me and Kyuhyun made our way out of the house, me almost falling due to the pain and no support, luckily Kyuhyun was there to catch me. I sit in the ambulance, not fully as my feet touch the floor, I tell them to take the bullet out and just bandage me since I wasn't injured a lot.


“Please, stay in the hospital!” Kyuhyun pleads, his eyes going teary as he cried a bit. I wipe his tears away and give him a smile.


Every time I count 1, 2, 3
The world around us stops
Follow the pounding beat


“Don't worry too much about me.” I say “Ah!” I groan as the bullet is taken out. I se Kyuhyun covering his eyes so he wouldn't feel my pain. Once I'm bandaged up, the police officers arrest the man and take Kyuhyun's Appa's body away, leaving just us two alone since they don't want to disturb an injured person for too long and decide to question us when I'm feeling a little better.



“Let's....go home...” Kyuhyun says. He take my good arm and droops it across his shoulder and bring us to my car. Putting me in the front seat while he's in the drivers. “You'll have to be bedridden until you heal”



“Kyuhyun...” I called him as he is just about to start the car






“I love you...” I smile, he smiles in return as he ignites the car and turns on the radio. Shinhwa's “This love” plays as we listen silently.



In my dreams and when I'm awake
Always stay by my side
Don't be afraid, hold my hand
I'll protect you



I'm sorry, do you forgive me?”






Remind me to say thank you to the traffic lights.”






Without them, I would have never had the courage to get you back.”




Inspired by Shinhwa's "This Love" lskhsldkhs;dg I LOVE THEM!!



I have to say, best live so far I've heard. The stage outfits are amayzing however I still have a few complaints >.>

  1. Why is Dongwan the only one with a black blazer? At least get another member to wear one. Also, it should be made with shiny fabric like the other white blazers to match the feel of it! If  not, just get all of them to wear white blazers
  2. What's with Eric's hair -.-
  3. Dongwan's blazer should have like a white lace or something to match the rest! Not just plain black!! And also make one of the sleeves have that really nice purple/pink thingy! Maybe even use the white fabric and make the sleeves mis matched!
  4. 2 people with black trousers, 2 with black blazers (with modifications) and 2 with the full white stage outfit! Perfect~ (In my opinion)

And that's all of them! Sorry if I ramble too much :/ I really get annoyed when they mess up the stage outfits and of course the hair! I could say sooo much about ofther artists but let's not get on to that! I love them all~


Comments and Subsribes will be treasured and loved <3



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Chapter 1: I love it!!! they were together again!!! ;) ^3^
Chapter 1: You used This Love!
Maybe you can also use Venus by the same group for another oneshot unni.
Chapter 1: Ooooooh thank god its a happy ending ^^
the video didnt work with me T^T ugh
thank u for sharing it <33333333
Chapter 1: Poor kyunnie...so glad minnie protect him for the murderer
Chapter 1: OMG!!!!! Thank you!!! I swear.....I thought Changmin or Kyu were going to die!!! I'm so glad that they were ok! Aigoo! I love how Min shielded Kyu to protect him! That was so...Kyaaaa!!!! OMGOMGOMG!!!! I'm glad Kyu forgave Changmin even though what he did was unacceptable! I'm glad they're both ok. THANK YOU TRAFFIC LIGHTS!!!! Kekeke, thank you Alice! You never seize to amaze me!!!<3
KYU-girl #6
Chapter 1: I like this story.
But really I don't want kyu to Forgive chang. Why?? I don't know just don't want (forget about this crazy girl ).
Anyway this a great story I really like it
Thank you very much
And the song was amazing
Kyung1Ari #7
Chapter 1: Love the story and the suspense to the end. Shinwha's song fits right into it. I watched the clip and I agree about the blazer.