A/N: Im Sorry

Two Hearts That Met Each Other [DISCONTINUED]

Hello readers who subscibed this, I'm so sorry I disappointed you guys


As I said, this story was actually based on true story, my own love story. I was waiting for all our story to end, so I could started this fic, telling readers about my heartfelt -or maybe not- love story.


This story is actually me loving him for a long 4 years, every year, we would broke up once, as a strangers and get back together months after, as someone we knew very well.


But things actually changed when I started being closed with my guy friends, I was always like that, the girl every boy loves to hangout with, just because I'm not exactly like a girl. It lasted until last December. We broke up, he fell inlove with another girl, too soon, that I even doubt if he even love me.


Months passed, with me thinking I love another guy, instead of the main character.


But the main character just had to come back and ruined my life, again. He came to tell me, how he hated leaving me alone, how he still loved me so deep. It was like a confession, and it was kind of me and him getting back together. We had always wanted to have a date, a real date, just me and him, but it never happened.


We stayed like a couple, with him loving me and I love him back. We didn't talked, but we're kind of going back with each other. That was too, until a senior invited me to their party.


I could say I'm a really nice person that I would feel reallyyyyy guilty if I actually rejected their invitation, so I actually go, and got drunk home. I'm still wide awake tho. But the main character, I dont even know, he just came and be like


"This isn't working, I wasnt expecting you to go, you disappointed me, and you even got home drunk." I don't understand a tiny bit of this . And that was when I realized, I dont even know what is love. 


I've been such a fool, believing him again after he hurt me all these years, I've been too hopeless that I could only laughed at myself. So I thought, a jerk like him, isn't even worth for me remembering every single piece of us.



And that is why, I decided not to continue to story, or maybe I should say, to even started it. I'm deeply sorry. /bows/

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