'Sleepover' - Keo

The small things in life - VIXX drabbles


word count: 565


„Jaehwan-ah~ Can you please move a bit?“ Hakyeon asked with pleading eyes and a sweet smile. “But hyung…” Jaehwan looked behind him were Taekwoon was sleeping peacefully and then back at his hyung, giving the leader his best puppy eyes. “I can’t move! There’s no more space left! I told you it was a bad idea to sleep on the floor in Hyuks room. There is no space for six grown men!” Jaehwan yelled whispering. The members of VIXX decided to make a ‘sleepover party’ in Sanghyuks room.  The latter and Hongbin were snuggled up in each others arms at the right side, Wonshik who came next had his leg over Hakyeons waist, clinging onto him like a koala – not that Hakyeon complained -, the leader was next and Jaehwan was sandwiched between the red haired leader and Taekwoon.


Jawhwan tried to make as much space as possible between him and Taekwoon. Jaehwan didn’t hate the older boy – hell no – it was just the feeling Taekwoon gave him that he didn’t like. The butterflies in his stomach and the racing heart. It was scaring the younger boy. “Move more towards Taekwoonie! I need more space for me and my man!” Hakyeon pushed Jaehwan away before turning fully towards Wonshik, hiding his face in his boyfriends’ neck. Jaehwan could stop himself from crashing into his hyung at the very last second.


He let out the breath he was holding in and tried to relax a bit. 5 minutes later Jaehwan was still wide awake, unable to sleep with the racing heart of his and the uncomfortable position. He let out a silent sigh and looked up at the ceiling. Raehwan was frustrated.


“Jaehwan, just close your eyes and sleep.” The latters’ eyes winded at the words from the person beside him. He turned his head to the left and stared right into Taekwoons eyes. “I…hyung, I’m sorry! I will sleep now.” Jaehwan said, turning his head back and closed his eyes tight. There was a rustle heard from beside him and Raehwan thought the older one turned back and continued to sleep but suddenly a hand grabbed his left shoulder, pushed him to the side and finally his head hit Taekwoons warm chest. 


Jaehwan looked up with wide eyes and open mouth. “Sleep now.” Jaehwans head was once again pushed down onto Taekwoons chest. After a few moments of complete silence Taekwoons quiet voice was heard. “You can tell me if you can’t sleep, you know. Your heart is beating fast, are you afraid of me?” Jaehwan wrapped his arms around the older boys torso, getting into a more comfortable position for both of them. Jaehwan shook his head and closed his eyes. “I’m not afraid of you, hyung. I just… I annoy you all the time, right? I don’t want to bother you.” Taekwoons eyes softened at Jaehwans words and he began to draw circles on the younger ones back.


“You don’t bother me. You are annoying sometimes but so is Hakyeon. He’s even more annoying than you. Don’t worry too much, Jaehwan.“ The younger one smiled and nodded, suddenly feeling tiredness coming over him. “I like you hyung.” They often exchange sweet words with one other but Taekwoon knew that Jaehwans words were for him only. “I like you too, you annoying idiot.” A peaceful silence fell over the members of VIXX that night.


A/N: Hey guys, here's another update, i hope you'll like it. I'd like to hear your honest opinions so please comment! Lots of love <33

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Hey sweethearts! I might take a bit longer this time. I'm trying to update as soon as possible! I'm working on some BTOB drabbles!


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exoandyou #1
Just wondering but what do you think about the Neo ship? ^__^
Chapter 8: All of the short stories are so cute and sweet. Thanks alot for these adorable stories
Chapter 3: Why keo so cute omaigod!
Chapter 8: Woo! All the pairings are so cute *-*
san_lgt #5
Chapter 6: Wahh I really love Leo here..
beanypie #6
Chapter 8: Awwh just finished reading the whole thing^^ so good~ im kinda sad it ended tho... oh well:)
kawaiiboo #7
Chapter 8: My god! Cute cute cute~ i feel like puking rainbows~~ move itt *--*
chibiiELF #8
Chapter 8: cuuuuuteeee XDD everything is so cute and fluffyyyy <333 can I request Keo? XDDDDDDDDDD Fighting and Hwaiting! ^^
KwangminYoungmin #9
Chapter 8: Its so goooooooood!!*saying in a high pitched voice* they are so cute together!!!!○’ω’○*ω*>_<~^~↖(^ω^)↗
VIXX <3 Love this :D