(´ ▽ ` )ノ♡


hi. so i'm currently cringing at the title of this story. but i didn't know what to put for the title so fluffy emoticon it is. 
i have no idea what this is either, but i hope you like it. /gives myself one of those gold 'i tried' stars; bricked.
i'm pretty much hopeless at coding, but after some help from some friends, 
i managed to come up with something decent. 
...at least i hope this looks decent. i actually don't know what this looks this on desktop. my school blocks all image-hosting websites so i had to find ways to get around that while i was making it. 
do you recognise the song playing in the background? aha. i hope it doesn't put you to sleep before you get to the end of this.
but anyways...
happy first monthsary.
one month.
it honestly feels like i've been with you for so much longer than that.
for this past month, you've done nothing but make me happy, and i'm so grateful to have you by my side.
to be completely honest, i still feel insecure sometimes. not because you've ever done anything to make me feel that way. but because
you're just so darn perfect.
so i ask myself from time to time again:
why me?
but when i'm with you, i tend to forget about all this; i cast all my troubles and worries aside and just seize the moment.
that's just the kind of effect you have on me.
before i met you, i've never even thought of waking up early in the mornings to talk to someone. you should know how much i love my sleep. but i'm willing to give up sleep any day, if it meant that i could spend more time with you.
screw butterflies,
i feel the entire zoo when i'm with you.
i don't even know what to say anymore, because you just leave me speechless. /shot. 
since i'm feeling tongue-tied right now, i'll just end this with a story.
/clears throat. 



once upon a time, there lived a boy named jeon jung kook.
one day, jung kook decided to enter
 the kingdom of paperhearts,
 which would later be known as paperstars.
upon arrival, jung kook met many people,
one of whom was the ruler of the kingdom of paperstars -- king taeeun.
king taeeun was perfection in disguise;
undeniable one of the most incredible creatures to ever
walk the face of the planet.
she was kind and compassionate, yet a strict ruler;
she was easygoing and approachable, but occasionally stubborn as a mule;
her beauty (both inner and outer) captured the hearts of many,
and she was well loved by her people.
(...oh, and i forgot to mention that she was a vampire.)
jung kook and king taeeun started to spend more and more time together.
jung kook finds out many things about her,
like her love for strawberry that could compare to his own obsession with cadbury chocolate;
or how she would base her daily decisions, big or small, solely on her mood;
he even got used to (and came to like) being bricked by her.
(he later found out that bricking people was how king taeeun showed her love for others. tough love, as she called it.)
and (not) unexpectedly, he started to fall for her...

jung kook was a lucky enough to have his feelings reincorporated by king taeeun.
the day jung kook was able to call her his, was possibly one of the happiest days of his life.
but things only started to get more interesting from then on.

in the kingdom of paperstars lived a witch
who was envious of jung kook
and king taeeun's relationship.
let's call her...lolita.
no one knew why, but lolita was constantly trying
to keep the lovers apart. 
she went as far as using her magic to
conjure up a sea that separated the kingdom into two halves.  
jung kook lived on one half,  
while the castle, which was king taeeun's home,  
was on the other half. 
but what jung kook and king taeeun had
was a power above all others;
the power of love.
because really, even a zombie apocalypse wouldn't be able to come in between the two.

very few actually believe in the concept of forever, and jung kook was no exception. but with king taeeun, forever didn't seem like an impossible thing.
and since she was a vampire, forever would technically be possible, all he had to do was turn himself immortal too.
and so, young jung kook set out on an adventure to find someone who was willing to turn him into a werewolf.
it turned out to be easier than he had expected. jung kook found a man (not much older than himself) named park chanyeol. chanyeol himself was a werewolf, and he gave jung kook a magic potion, that if drunk, would slowly transform him into werewolf.
jung kook didn't think twice and gulped down the potion right there and then.
he was now a werewolf.

their wedding would be in narnia.
it was cold in narnia, and king taeeun absolutely adored cold weather. jung kook not so much, but he could learn to like it; he could learn to like anything if it was for her.
the wedding cake would have strawberries on it. lots and lots of strawberries. it'd be custom made by cadbury, for obvious reasons.
a mansion with fancy stairs is where the wedding will take place. everyone in the kingdom of paperstars would be invited.
the couple still had a long way to go before marriage, but it seems like they already have it all planned out.

jung kook would find himself missing her every second of the day.
even when he was talking to her, he'd still miss her.
it was ridiculous, really.
during the week when he didn't have much time to spend with her,
he'd push on, knowing that the weekends would come soon.
she became his daily motivation.

one month with her and he knew he was doomed for life.
i love you.
jung kook said to king taeeun one day.
i love you too.
came her reply.
but she didn't get it.
this wasn't just one of those i-love-you's that people casually gave out;
no, when he said i love you, he had meant
i'm in love with you.



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Chapter 2: Sobs hi.. Can cooktea not.. sobs, you guys are so sweet, i think i'm gonna get cavity okay... Your reasons tbh orz... Sobs at love story. Stay like this forever ♥
Chapter 1: Why am I laughin. Maybe you should change sunhwa to Hana ! Because daedae is with Hana ! /shot/ OMF, it's such a cute story tbh. Ouo/ I have to agree on "chunyana's extreme cheesiness" HAHAHA
Sobs, yiruma. One of the songs that can make little pie fall asleep. Why so sweet. Cooktea my ship <3