Sing a Song For Me


Sing a Song for Me~


Main Characters

1. Bae Suzy

she is a student in Juden Highschool. She is one of the best singers in Juden. She is the goddess of Juden Art School. She is multi-talented and really energetic. 


2. Yong Junhyung

A Popular Singer in a group band named Space. He moves to Juden Highschool and falls in love with Suzy.


3. Ok Taecyeon

He is Juden art school's Sportif student. He is really good in all Kind of Sports. He also jas a crush on Suzy.


4. Lee Jong Suk

Yong Junhyungs Best friend. He is a really good actor. He has a crush on Suzy's Best friend, IU.


5. IU

She is Suzy's best friend. She has a crush on Jong Suk but, doesn't want to tell him.



Suzy is one of Juden Highschool's best student. One day, a really popular singer transfered to her school. She doesn't have any feelungs to the singer but, the singer Likes Suzy very much. The singer, Junhyung, made a friend called Jong Seok. Jong seok is really close to Junhyung and he has a crush on Suzy's best Friend, IU. The problem of making Suzy likes Junhyung is getting bigger because the crush turns to a love triangle. At the end, Suzy must choose between Junhyung or Taecyeon.


I hope you guys ike this fanfiction and always help those 5 characters! Hope you Enjoy!


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