
Third Time's the Charm


I punched him in the arm as I let out my secret frustration. 
"OW! What was that for?!" Youngjae exclaimed, throwing his empty soda can away to rub his arm.
"Oh, sorry. It was an accident," I replied with contempt. We walked on the concrete pathway through the park, while I sulked under the sunlight pouring on us.
Suddenly I felt my hand being swung back and forth. I looked towards my right and saw Youngjae, grinning cheekily. "You may have punched me really hard, but that doesn't mean that I won't stop liking you,"
I could feel myself blush and looked forward to hide my embarrassment. "Stop being so weird,"
He suddenly stopped and grabbed my arm with both hands. "Kyunggie!" He whined. "Please tell me why you're mad at me. I know you didn't hit me on accident. And you've been glaring at me a lot."
I sighed, not knowing how to go about this matter, so I decided not to beat around the bush. "We've been together for a month already, yet we have never actually kissed."
It was true. I kissed him lightly when he first confessed, but that was our last one. He'd kiss me on the cheek and hands, but come on. I'm a girl and a er for romance.
Youngjae stopped short, pinking slightly. "We...we haven't? Well. Okay then."
I looked at home with an eyebrow raised. "Then what?"
"I guess we have to kiss then. But," he met my eyes forcefully. "But how am I supposed to do this? It'll now be awkward."
I scoffed. "Oh come on, just find the perfect opportunity. That's it."
Youngjae looked away, thinking and scratching his head. He then smiled at me brightly and pulled my hand. 
"I've gotten an idea." He said, his cheeks seeming like they'll stay pink forever.
We walked towards a tree in an empty corner of the park. He sat down and patted the area beside him. I sat down warily when suddenly he pulled me down to lay by him.
My heart started thumping when I saw him lean over me, his head resting on his fist.
He searched my face curiously and used his other hand to my hair. I could see him feeling a little nervous, but then he started to lean towards me. Oh my god oh my god oh my god.
As I was about to close my eyes expectantly, it was not his lips that I felt.
It was a sneeze.
"Kyunggie, I said I'm sorry!"
I stalked away, keeping my head high and pretending I couldn't hear him.
"Kyunggie, please forgive me! I forgot, it's allergy season!"
I walked into a cafe as Youngjae followed me, looking desperately towards me. I walked to the cash register and ordered a cappuccino with whipped cream on top and walked away, letting Youngjae order his drink and pay.
I sat down at a seat near the window and looked outside as I felt Youngjae sit down in front of me. "Kyunggie. I said I was sorry,"
"You sneezed on me, Jae."
A deep sigh. "I know."
"I might get sick."
"I know."
The waitress came over with our drinks and I took mine, thanking her. Youngjae sat in thought, holding his coffee. I honestly wasn't that mad at him. In fact, I wanted to laugh at his embarrassment after getting over the disgust. 
Youngjae then started watching me as a carefully took a sip of my drink.
Vanilla goodness and whipped cream felt good in a day as depressing as today.
Youngjae looked at my lips and suddenly stood, towering over the table towards me. He held my chin and tilted it upwards. I suddenly knew what he was going to do.
He was going to pull a Secret Garden.
In shock, I couldn't say anything as e leaned closer. My heart was beating too hard. He stopped midway and then whispered, "Are you okay with this method? You have cream on your lips anyways."
I could feel his breath on my lips. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. He then came even closer, but before he could press his lips against mine, he pulled back slightly. "I can't reach you," he said blankly.
I wanted to punch him.
I pushed his shoulders back into his seat and go up, grabbing my phone and walking away without finishing my drink. 
I started walking home, sighing in frustration every once in a while. I could feel Youngjae waking a feet behind me, probably giving me space to cool off. We walked in silence for a long time as Youngjae slowly caught up with me and slipped his hand in m smaller ones. They didn't as fit perfectly as other couples, but at least it felt right.
As we neared my house, I became a little angrier, which turned into self-consciousness. Wasn't kissing supposed to come naturally? Why was Youngjae feeling so awkward and nervous? Does he not like me?
I stopped in front of my house, suddenly extremely frustrated. How hard was it to kiss someone?!
Youngjae was about to say something when I turned towards him and grabbed him by his jacket and pulled him to me in a kiss.
He froze, as did I with my unexpected action.
Oh lord, what have I done?!
I wanted to kiss him, but wasn't this going to make our relationship awkward?
But my doubts slowly disappeared when I felt two arms snake around my tummy, pressed against my back. Youngjae responded immediately to the kiss, his lips blossoming around mine as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
We broke apart as soon as we needed air, even though he had already kissed me completely breathless. Our nose and foreheads were still pressed against each other and I slowly opened my eyes, looking up at him. He was already looking at me just as sweetly and I wanted to faint and squeal and jump at the same time.
"Now, was that so hard?" I asked, my voice still shaky.
Youngjae grinned and then looked at me, with an eyebrow raises cockily. "Well, you just couldn't resist me, could you?"
I sighed quite happily, not feeling the need to refute his statement. I closed my eyes again, inhaling his scent. I heard him whisper, "I love you, Kyunggie."
I looked back, shocked at his sudden confession. "I...I love you too..." I replied, dazed.
He pressed his lips against mine, his mouth slightly opened. He whispered against my mouth, "Are you happy? I finally kissed you. You know what they say, third time's the charm."
I smiled in reply.


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allkpopluvr890 #1
Chapter 1: waaahhh this is so cute and sweet at the same time~~