Chapter 1




Because I read something that horribly portrayed how a loving 
relationship should go. And because I use my fics to voice my 
opinions. LOL okay, Daragon story. I put in the slugs from Boyfriend, 
only because I felt like putting my baby Min Woo & the Jo twins in 
this. FIGHING! Enjoy (;


Hood up and back hunched, her arm twitched out to pull back her sleeve 
and reveal her white ceramic watch, a gift set five minutes late.

"Jagiya, for every moment you feel lonely, know I'm always thinking of 
you... And so that even when I'm not by your side to nag you, you are 
still on time, even without knowing it."

Her gaze rested on the simple, jeweled face as the thin metal moved 
it's way across the clock. Each time the little bell above the door 
rung and a crisp wind would tickle at her skin, her eyes would lift to 
look though her large shades in order to see if her heart would be 

Of course not. Silly her. She should have known.

Over the tick of her watch, the drip and gurgle of the espresso 
machine, and the ring of leaving and arriving customers, her phone 
sounded through the cafe. She was swift to see the caller ID and 
paused, her eyes narrowing in a knowing glare. With a frown and a 
small huff, she straightened her back and answered the call.


"Annyeonghaseyo, D. It's me."

She rolled her eyes, her irritation obvious in her body language and 
skillfully hidden in her voice.

"Neh, just waiting to see you. I miss you, Ji." She propped her elbow 
up on the table, resting her chin in her hand as she gazed at the wall 

He chuckled huskily. Her nose wrinkled with disgust and she pouted. 
She absolutely hated how completely okay he was with all of this. 
Taking off her glasses, she looked up to catch the eye of the employee 
present. His face was sympathetic as he met her stare. She smiled 
sadly as he mouthed 'AGAIN?'. With a shug of her shoulders, she shut 
her eyes lightly.

"How long have you been waiting, Jagiya?"

"Only about ten mi-- five minutes." She quickly corrected herself. 
Damn watch.

She heard him laugh drlt a bit once more before sighing. The sigh was 
heavy and sorrowful. However, she questioned it's genuinity.

"Look, I'm really sorry you waited for me, and I was just on my way 
there, but--"

"Work comes first, Ji. I totally get it. Just please don't make 
excuses with me. It only hurts me more." She quickly bit her tongue 
before anything else could come out.

There was a pause.

"It's not an excuse, D, it's only the truth." he explained.

She remained silent,  her eyes staring forward, heavy with sorrow. Her 
gaze lifted as a warm latte was placed in front of her, only to meet 
the smiling face of the employee from not too long ago.

She frequented the cafe and often did she find herself venting to him. 
He would listen intently. He wasn't much of a talker, but Dara seemed 
to think he was very easy to talk to. He was young, cute, and worked 
part time. He was also very good at his job. Always cleaning and 
working, service wih a smile, but she found hat whenever he talked to 
anyone he would stop what he was doing, straighten his spine, smile, 
and make eye contact. She admired this personable trait in such a 
young man and wasn't very surprised when he brought over a 
complimentary drink. Even though he didn't talk much, he know how to 
make people comfortable. His smile was contagious, and the small 
rabbit drawn into her drink helped her lips to curve upward slightly. 
His catch phrase, "Hang in there, noona!" was scribbled onto the cup 
where she would normally find her name.

With a grateful smile, she took the drink to her lips for a small sip 
before collecting her thoughts for a reply.

" Ji, this is the eleventh time."

"You counted?"

"Well, it's hard not to..." she mumbled.

"Well, it's a downer. Why focus on it?"

She scoffed and muttered softly, "I wonder why."

"You're the one counting and paying attention to such pessimistic 
things." he defended.

"It's important to me!"

"It shouldn't be. You should be worrying about your come back, Dara."

Her eyes widened at his insensitivity. What relevence did that have?! 
He was just trying to change the subject on her again. She took a deep 
breath and sunk in her seat.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I'm just stressed."

"It's okay, Jagiya, I know already." Her eyes rolled at the reply. She 
lied. How could he have known something that was completely untrue. 
NOW, she was distressed, but only because of him and certainly not her 
come back. She looked forward to it.

But it was the whole reason why she was at the cafe that morning: to 
see him one more time before she had no more breathing room for a 
little while.

"So," he continued, "as I was saying, sorry for making you wait and 
probably stressing you out more, but as you know my come back is 
coming as well and I am very, very busy..." he trailed off.

She smiled bitterly. She knew it was coming the whole time, only 
having her foolish self to blame.

"Go, Jiyong-ah. I know you're busy. We'll just see each other after 
the hype, then."

"That's my girl. I love you, and I miss you."

She couldn't help but smile, a small, sad smile. "Yeah, me too. Work 

"I will!" he was quick to hang up.

Dara gently pushed the cup away and covered her face wih her hands, 
elbows propped. With a quiet groan, she dropped her head onto the 
table and wrapped her arms around herself, hurt and angry.

Every single time they planned a date, this would happen. At first, 
she expected this from the start. Jiyong didn't have a very good 
reputation before Dara, but he quickly found reason within her to 
change. He was the ideal boyfriend: attractive, witty, clever, loaded, 
talented, and wise. He showed up to every one of their dates, even 
planning most of them and bringing her surprises, one of them being 
the watch she had on. Slowly, he began to cancel on his plans, then 
her plans, and soon all of their dates, and often not until she found 
herself alone.

Upon looking up, she saw the young boy sitting across from her without 
his apron. His curious eyes stared at her, his head slightly cocked to 
te left. Her eyes darted to the counter where his replacements 
arrived: Jo Kang Min & Young Min, the twins. They both smiled and 
nodded their heads acknowledging her. She returned the smile and 
brought her gaze back to Min Woo who sat quietly across from her, 
hands folded on his lap. He was so pretty, it made her smile. He was 
only fifteen, but she respected him above that. He had well over 
proved his character to her.

"Mianhe, I was loud." She brought her hood down, her hair tied back in 
a high bun. Her lips curved apologetically.

Min Woo only shook his head with a small smile and looked out the 
window, Dara's gaze quickly following.

"You don't say much do you?"

He quickly looked or her eyes, reflexively, and blinked. "Well, I find 
I get myself in less trouble the less I speak, mostly because of how 
much I listen."

She giggled at his reply. That was the longest sentence she had ever 
heard from him.

"Why, noona? Would you like me to talk more?"

She smiled, "A poet once said 'Be who you are and say what you feel, 
becase those who mind, don't matter, and those who matter, don't mind'."

"Ahh," he snickered, "Dr. Seuss was a good man. I'm sure we both could 
learn a thing or two from him, neh, noona?"

"Hmm, an intriguing notion." she stood and smiled, taking the last bit 
of latte and downing t curteously. "Thank you, Min Woo."

He nodded and stood, returning the smile and blushing. "Hang in there, 
noona." he said with a wave as she walked out.


Finally, the long month and a half passed and everything began to 
settle down quite a bit. There was still much to do, but not nearly as 
much as what was already done. Dara missed Jiyong with all of her 
heart. In all of this, she never held a grudge to him, always forgave 
him, even if he didn't ask for it. She found this admirable trait in 
her younger days as her friends who grew up in Catholicism would share 
their stories of a loving messiah who always forgave and loved 
unconditionally. She often made it her goal to make the 
characteristics that she admired her own.

"Yah! Unnie, what's wrong?" Minzy slipped her arm around Dara's and 
rested her head on her shoulder while looking up worriedly. "Why the 
long face? You're getting older, and you know what frowning brings..." 
the maknae pressed her skin together to make wrinkles on her face in 
different places. Dara laughed heartily with her as they both giggled 
and made faces. Minzy beamed at her accomplishment.

Dara sighed, a bittersweet smile lingering on her lips. "I miss Jiyong."

Chaerin came over with an apple at hand and a frown, over-hearing 
their conversation. "You ALWAYS miss oppa."

Dara blushed and shrugged. She wasn't about to deny that she was in 
love. His perfection was so apparent to her. She recalled back to when 
his intuitiveness was first brought to her attention.

It was at a photoshoot. All of the members were almost ready, hair and 
make up ready, awaiting on the wardrobe. The girls had been invited to 
sit in and watch, along with the rest of the YG family, in hopes if 
time allowed that they would be able to get a good group shot at the 
end. However, there was an error. The clothes brought were not the 
ones that were requested and previously fitted on the boys. Instead of 
colorful, playful denims and patterns, a line of elegant suits, 
blazers, button ups, and slacks arrived. After a moment of panic, the 
staff began to lose hope. Jiyong confidently stepped out in the lead. 
He carefully chose outfit for each of his brothers and himself, 
beckoning the hair dressers and make up artists so that he could 
careully collaborate the mood with the set with hair wih the make up. 
Dara was fascinated, completely mesmerized by his quick thinking and 
impecible fashion sense. While everyone was gaping at their handsome 
features, and Dara did appreciate those, but she was stuck on Jiyong's 
cleverness. As they shot, his facial expressions emphasized his 
ability to alter things into collaboration. Her curiosity was sparked, 
her eye was caught. She needed to know more about how he worked. She 
needed to know just how perfect he really was.

But soon after she got the opportunity, she found the flaws.

Right when the girls were released to leave from their meeting with 
the president, Dara excused herself and called Jiyong.


Her heart fluttered at the sound of his voice.

"Ji, it's me."

"D! I miss you, babe!"

"I miss you, too."

---(I only broke here because I'm going to be omniscient in Jiyong 
rather than Dara now. Sorry if it's awkward.)

Jiyong sat with his beanie pulled over his eyes, on the verge of 
dozing off just before they were released from practice. His mind 
wandered and his stomach roared as his body seemed to be scolding him 
for over working it with unneccessary parties on top of the hectic 
work schedule he found himself in. He wondered when he would get a 
chance to relax.

Just as he was about to fall asleep, his phone rang. He first looked 
up to see if anyone had left yet. No one had. It seemed the president 
has business with TOP before anyone could go. So, he answered the 
phone, not bothering to look at it beforehand.


"Ji, it's me."

His eyes flew open and a smile broke out on his face. Her voice was 
music to his ears.

"D! I missed you, babe!" he cried enhusiastically.

"I missed you, too." she replied.

"So, what's up? How did everything go with the come back? I'm sure it 
was the very best..." he chuckled at his own pun, his grin widenning 
when he heard her precious giggle. It made him feel suddenly giddy. 
His head spun from the sudden quicken in pace of his heart, but he 
loved it. He loved her.

"It went great! And yours?"

"I'm glad. Ehh, it's been rough. Right after we finished, well, 
Daesung..." his voice trailed off as he looked to see if anyone was 
paying attention to him.

"I know, I heard. It's horrible, we went to visit him just a few days 
ago, right when we got the chance. Is he okay? He was so out of it, 
Ji, I'm worried." her sympathy dripped from each word and warmed his 
heart at her caring nature.

"Time is all we can give him right now. Our initial comeback date is 
goingto be pushed back," he sighed and brought his beanie down more, " 
as usual."

"So, then you are free for some resting time?"

"Neh. Daesung isn't he only one who needs it." he said matter-of-factly.

"Oh yes, of course. Then you wouldn't say no to meeting for some 
dinner tonight?" she asked, her voice hopeful.

He bit his lip leaning his head back on the wall. He was so exhausted, 
he could hardly keep his eyes open. How was he supposed to go out with 
her that night? He wouldn't be able to live with himself I he fell 
asleep on her during their first date in almost two months.

"Noona, I'm sorry, but I am so exhausted you don't even know." he 
muttered with a yawn.

"Oh, o-okay, I understand." Her voice made his heart sink. "Well, are 
you hungry? Are the boys hungry? I can wip up some food for you guys 
if you want me to." she offered.

"If I know them, they'll go to bed wihout dinner tonight. We are all 
so tired." he reasoned, rubbing the back of his neck sorely.

"Neh, I get it. Well... Uhmm... Have a good sleep, rest up okay? And 
please eat something, I already am envious of your figure, do not make 
it worse."

He couldn't help but grin at her joke and snicker. "Will do. I love 
you, baby, goodnight."

"Goodnight. I love you, too." her voice was low again, full of sorrow 
and sadness. The dial tone pierced into his soul as he leaned his head 
forward only to swing it backwards and hit it hard against the wall. 
He groaned and pulled the beanie allthe way down over his face.

He wondered how she was feeling. It was the twelveth time he has 
canceled on her in a row. God only knows the total times. He knows he 
hurt her. But she never liked I express being hurt. He learned early 
on that Dara was  a fun, goofy girl who liked being blunt with people 
and making fun of them and making them laugh and smile. He also learned

[A/N: sorry guys, quick note: I wrote this on my iTouch LOL so there's going to be an odd change of format here. I don't know if you can already see it, but I apologize for the awkwardness! Continue!]

that she was very blunt about everything but the touchy subjects. She knew when it was too much, but often she spoke her mind and allowed other people to react as they would. With him, it was no different. However, she was scarily good at keeping to herself what she wanted to, and she never wanted to hold in much of what she thought. One main thing she always hid were her negative emotions. And he knew that in this relationship it was very, very dangerous.

"Hyung! I'm sleepy too, but you can't doze off here. TOP hyung is almost done, come on, get up!" Seungri kicked at his shoes and whined. Not in the mood at all to deal with him, he merely sighed and pulled the beanie off to reveal his messy blonde locks. Without a word he stood up and looked at TOP and the president with tired eyes and a hand on the door knob. They acknowledged him and his anticipation to leave and continued to talk. Since they didn't stop him, he left and slammed the door behind him, leaving a very confused and a very shocked Seungri. Taeyang only snickered in the background, watching the maknae try to make his own escape.

"And where do you think you're going, Seungri?" he called. Seungri froze for a moment and looked back over his shoulder, pouting as best as he could.

"Lee Seunghyun, where DO you think you're going?" President Yang then echoed.



Dara frowned at her phone and looked around. Everyone had already left. She didn't feel like going home. She was all dressed up with no where to go. Her lips pouted as she considered different places to go. Although tired, her heart ached and she knew if she went home she would cry and she just didn't have to energy to face the girls yet. Upon getting an idea, she smiled to herself like a child and headed down to her favorite coffee shop.

Arriving at the coffee shop, the little bell chimed and three pretty, familiar face turned with smiles on their faces.

"Noona!" the three cried in unison. The twins rushed over to her, giddy with delight.

[A/N: another change; sorry!]

"Noona, we kept up with you through your me2day! Your come back was 
great, you have a beautiful voice." Young Min blushed and he softly 
whispered into her ear so the few others in the restaurant would not 
go crazy. For all they knew she was just a beautiful girl who hid 
behind large sun glasses and a hooded jacket.

She could only smile back, her own cheeks flushed pink. "Why, thank 
you, Young Minnie."

"And your outfit was stunning." Kwang Min added, trailing behind his 
brother. Their eyes twinkled as the fanboys marveled at her beauty.

"Kwang Min was afraid you weren't going to return." One accused with a 
knowing smile. Dara sat herself in a chair, mirroring his expression.

"Yah! Was not, Young Min was!" he defended.

"They both were, actually." Min Woo quietly called from behind the 
counter. "The usual?"

Dara nodded and laughed. "I love this place, why would you ever think 
I was going to leave for good?" They both smiled sheepishly.

Min Woo came back with her latte, another rabbit carefully drawn into 
it. He had his apron off and sent the twins off to put theirs on. He 
took his seat across from her with that same blank, waiting stare. He 
was so curious, so willing, so knowing. He knew just when she had 
something new to tell him, for when he did he would sit directly 
across from her at the table and make clear eye contact, speaking with 
his eyes.

"Twelve? Or did I miss something?" he mumbled finally breaking the 
silence they sat in. Dara's eyes fixed on the latte as a bitter smile 
formed on her lips. Her gaze rose and she didn't have to answer. He 
sighed and his eye brows furrowed in confusion, catching her attention.

"What are you thinking?" she asked.

He straightened his spine and kept his eyes on hers. "I don't 
understand why you're still taking it. You should telling how you 
feel. He'll never know unless you tell him, and nothing will get 

Dara stared at him, trying to figure out who he reminded her of. He 
was so blunt, only spoke when he needed to say something or when he 
was making someone smile. She saw flashes on Jiyong in him.

"People are more aware of emotions they themselves have felt 
before..." she trailed off, breaking their eye contact. The anger 
inside of her began to bubble up and she knew he would say something 
if she kept looking. Turns out, she didn't have to give him her eyes 
for him to figure out what she meant. She ducked her head and pressed 
her shades to get face, rising to her feet, the latte untouched.

Min Woo quickly leaned over the table and grabbed her wrist. Her gaze 
dropped to his hold as tears began to well up in her eyes. "Noona, are 
you hurt?"

She looked at him like he was crazy. He just waited. "Of course I am."

"So, you would inflict this pain on him willingly?"

"He did it to me." she defended.

"And you'll just stoop to his level then. Okay." His grip loosened and 
he sat back in his chair, breaking their eye contact. He looked 

Dara was taken back by his dry statement. Her eyes spilt her tears and 
they gathered on her glasses. He glanced back up at her to see her 
tears begin to flow on her cheeks. His lips pouted slightly. He didn't 
mean to make her cry, only to think.

"When you love someone, the rules don't apply anymore. Ultimate love 
is loving their flaws and forgiving everyone, forgetting their past 
and living each day as if it were your first together, like life was 
new and no sin before it existed. It is based on trust and 
communication. If you don't talk to him and tell him everything, then 
why? Only because you dont want him to know would you ever hide a 
secret from someone you trust, but loving someone is loving all of 
them, and in order to do that you have to know all of them. Now, 
noona, I can tell you I've never had a romantic love like yours, 
however I am very aware of it. Communication is the best way, and even 
if it doesn't turn out the way you wanted it to, then you learn if one 
of you lacked one of the three: trust, love, or communication." With 
ending his speech, he got up, fixed his jacket with a small smile and 
headed for the door. The bell rang and a cold wind hit her back as her 
lip quivered in realization.

"Hang in there, noona..." The boy muttered before shoving his hands 
into his pockets and letting the door shut behind him.


He returned to his dorm and laid in his bed, Gaho following suit and 
finding a comfortable spot on the bed against his chest. Jiyong's arms 
wrapped around the small dog and he gently scratched his small pet as 
he thought.

Guilt was eating his insides out. He hated when she hid her feelings 
from him. He possibility and inevitability of her emotions in that 
particular situation were all negative. And for this he was beating 
himself up about. But it wasn't enough.

He wanted her to get back at him, to go out and party, so have some 
fun, to flirt with guys.... No, scratch that. It would hurt too much. 
He cringed just thinking about it. He wanted her to slap him, scream 
at him, be jealous, hate him... He would have a little bit of guilt 
lifted if she did. But no. She had to be that loving, perfect woman 
that he always dreamt of.

"DOOR!" TOP yelled upon hearing the doorbell. Everyone was in their 
rooms except for him. He waited a few seconds for someone to come to 
answer it. When no one came, he sighed and stood up, mumbling about 
his brothers. "I'VE GOT IT!!" he yelled before reaching for the door.

Jiyong watched as Gaho's eyes slowly closed and held his tiny head in 
his hands. He pouted just like him and attempted to mirror his puppy's expression.

"Ji, you have a visitor." Jiyong's eyes lifted to see TOP peek his head through his door. His eyebrows rose. A visitor?

"Who?" he asked.

His hyung's face dropped. "I was afraid you'd ask that," he muttered quietly and slipped out, shutting the door. Ji's face remained in confusion as he strained to listen to the door from his position. Gaho seemed to have the same idea, for he walked over and pressed his ear against the door. He could only hear so much from the bed.

"...I don't know if he'll get up." TOP mumbled. He couldn't hear anything from the other person, their voice was too soft. But he heard them speak. Suddenly, the door swung open and Gaho toppled over. He blinked into the light to see ohsofamiliar arms scoop Gaho up and hug him against their chest. His gaze softened and his heart ached. Her smile ony increased the heat that cooked his heart in his stomach with his guilt. He prayed that she would drop the dog, walk over, and slap him across the face. But of course, she only smiled at him and seated herself next to him.

He looked up into her eyes and lost himself in her big brown orbs. She kissed Gaho's little head and shifted his weight into one of her arms, putting her other hand on Jiyong's chest and leaning down to peck his lips with a small smile. When she didn't feel him respond, she frowned and looked at him curiously.

"Hi, Ji. I hope you had some rest, I'm sorry for coming over without telling you. I just missed you so much." She held his face in her hand, caressing his cheekbone with her thumb. He shut his eyes and held her hand to his face, rubbing his cheek on her soft hand, kissing her fingers gently.

"Dara, are you hurt?"

Her eyes widened as his eyes locked with hers and he muttered a familiar sentence. She couldn't look away, nor could she find the words to speak. He took this as her obvious answer. He smiled sadly.

"I knew it..." Her eyes never left his. Gaho leaped from her arms and trotted out of the room. Dara took this opportunity to climb herself over him and lay her head on his chest, lacing her fingers with his and holding them at their sides. She could hear his frantic heartbeat in his chest. "I'm sorry, D. I never meant to hurt you... I hope you know that."

She could only smile. "I forgave you long ago, there's no reason to apologize..." She played with his hands in hers as she always would when they held hands.

"But, why?" He asked, staring up at the ceiling. "You have no reason to forgive me. I haven't given you one, I keep doing it over and over again, I haven't proven anything to you except that I don't deserve you."

Dara paused, her heart beat skipping. Unconditional love was hard, she had to put so many things aside, so much of her hurt and pain, she had to over look it. Bringing her eyes up to meet his again, she rested her chin on his chest and looked up at him, meeting his eyes. Suddenly, everything Min Woo said at the cafe only made more sense.

In his eyes, she only remembered all of the good times they had together, and all of the bad. But she realized how much she loved it all, that without those times, they would never have been where they were now, only getting stronger. The rules all vanished. The less she told him about her feelings, it only made things more distant. He began to beat on himself for her, thinking he owed her, but she didn't want anything from him but the same thing: honestly, open to share his feelings, forgiveness, and unconditional love. And he would never know if she didn't tell him.

"I love you, isn't that enough?"

He smiled. "I kind of wish you'd punch me right now."

She laughed at him. "Sorry, not going to happen. I will demand one thing, though."

"What," he asked, "anything! Did you have dinner yet?" he asked, ready to get up.

Her laugh filled his ears once more. "No, not dinner... Just that if I ever slip up, you'll forgive me like this, too."

"Of course." he didn't even pause before he answered. He loved her beyond anything he's ever known.

Only the genuinity of the love could ever power the willingness to forgive so quickly. Without it, forgiveness is probably the hardest concept for people to grasp. It really requires self-sacrifice, and self-sacrifice requires real love, not attatchment.

"It's hard, because it hurts." she admits, allowing her feelings to be out in the open. Tears immediately began to run down her cheeks. "But I really love you, and I refuse to let my sensitivity to ruin it." She smiles sadly, lips quivering from crying. He could feel her body tremble as she cried.

Jiyong was quick to lock his lips with her and kiss her deeply. The kiss was innocent, but all of the passion their beings made this kiss, like each other one, just like the first. Every moment like the first, like a fantasy, but true love making it all a reality.


Okay, sorry for making it all one chapter, but I was too darn lazy towards the end to break it into two like I was going to. I just really was eager to get it out. I can never look past things until I let them out -_- some how, I've really enjoyed this method LOL and it gives more Daragon fics so... yeah. But, anyways.

I wrote this starting at 5 AM this morning in bits and pieces and ended up posting this about 10:30 lol. It's really, REALLY raw, like my other stuff. ENJOY, or try to <3

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Dorkhiem #1
how can i miss this fic of yours!! aigoo.<br />
<br />
anyway, yes! i agree with your point on this. communication is really important. its basically the base of all thing. and then came tolerance and compromise and etc. <br />
<br />
gosh. how can you be so amazing with ideas? aigoo. write more please!!<br />
i love this <3 <br />
you actually captured the real life situations!
rizukikun #2
well communication is really important for relationship..<br />
l'm glad in the end they can get through their problem.. :)<br />
great job! <br />
Update soon :)
krianel #3
sounds promising. please update as soon as you can. i'll be waiting for the next chapters^^ :)