| chapter five |

Nothing's Over With U

"Lizzyyyy-ahh!" E-Young calls to Lizzy running up from the hallway at school. "What happened yesterday?" 

Lizzy smiles, "My oppa called me from the hospital. He just wanted to know if I was alright on my first day." 


"He's my guardian. He's been staying in the hospital for a while now." 

"Ohh well do you need help or anything? The hospital fee, rent, anything? Don't hesitate to ask!" E-Young says cheerfully. E-Young came from a wealthy family, living in a studio apartment. Although she doesn't use her parents money for herself as much, she would rather use it to help others. 

"It's fine E-Young. I'm pretty sure oppa and I will be fine once he gets out hopefully," the words "hopefully" make her cringe. 

School finally ends with Infinite baring with unfortunate news. 

"What are we gonna do now Hyung? The music room is now a dumb study hall," says Hoya. 

"Don't we have a library for a reason," comments Woohyun,

"We won't stop, we'll find a place somehow," says Sunggyu "That's why we're Infinite."

They all go to their homes in Seoul except for L who goes straight the daycare. He wonders if Lizzy will be there. He comes inside the daycare, like always greeting the desk lady. As always Dasom comes to him first instead of L having to look for her. 

"Annyeong oppa!" 

"Dasomie are you feeling good still?" 

"Nae but I'm missing Lizzy-Unnie today," says Dasom sadly. 

"She wasn't here today?" L sounding surprised. 

"Ani, I haven't seen her all day," she says with a pout. L is feeling uneasy now. It's not a usual feeling. L never really becomes curious where girls are excluding his mother and Dasom. He's surprised he didn't see her in school today. 

"Gaja, I'll take you home," L says. He says goodbye to the desk lady. Walking out while holding Dasom's hand. He unexpectantly sees Lizzy walking up the steps into the daycare with a blank face. He was so used to her smiling, he felt uneasy seeing her like something bad happened. 

"Lizzy-Unnie!" Dasom calls to Lizzy, making Lizzy's face smile brightly. She crouches down to Dasom to eye level. 

"Did you miss me?" Lizzy says to her. 

"Unnie, I missed your tunes today, you left your guitar." 

"Mian, Dasomie I'll play next time." 

"Promise?" Dasom holds a pinky up. 

"Promise~" Lizzy giggles. She then greets L. 

"Annyeong L, you didn't see me at all today huh? You miss me too?," she says still smiling. 

"Ahh I was wondering why it was so quiet today," he says with a giggle. 

She giggles a little, "I was stuck in the classroom, doing extra work that's all."

"You ditched your friend E-Young for that? Not only ME?" L says jokingly. 

"I'll make it up to you by...walking me home!" Lizzy suggests. 

"This sounds more like favor for you," L laughs. 

"But will you do it?" Lizzy says with her arms to her back. 

"Fine, after school tomorrow," L says with a smile. 

"Promise~" Lizzy says to L holding a pinky. 

L giggles a little, "Promise." 

She laughs saying bye to L and Dasom walking into the daycare. 

"Oppa do you like Unnie?" Dasom looks up to L. 

"A-Ani, why would you think that?" He scoffs "C'mon you're just tired." L picks her up. He takes Dasom home by bus. He's secretly breaks into a smile without Dasom looking. 

Sunggyu enjoys taking late night walks around the main city of Seoul. He enjoys seeing the bright lights and eases off his stress. There are many people who walk around too. Sometimes couples, singles, or groups of teenagers enjoying a night out. But this time he wasn't walking to ease off stress, he was looking for a place for Infinte and him to practice their singing if they want to become stars. A lady with a guitar bumps into him. 

"Oh mianhae," she bows down but looks up seeing its Sunggyu. 

"Oh Sunggyu-ah," Lizzy seemingly surprised. 

"Lizzy what are doing here?" He asks.

"I'm just getting off work right now, I just had a night shift." 

"Oh isn't that scary?" 

"Not unless you're in a daycare," she says smiling. 

He giggles a little, "So that's where you work?" 

"Nae, most of the time." She says nodding. She looks at her watch. 

"Well I needa be home by now, goodnight Sunggyu," she says with a wave while walking away. He nods at her while grinning. She's not bad he thought. 

First class: A couple of people are in class early socializing. E-Young ,who sits in front of Lizzy, turns to see what she's doing. She appears to be sleeping.

"Lizzy!" She bangs on her desk. 

She groans a little, "Oh E-Young, did class start?" She says half awake. 

"You worked late last night didn't you?" 

Lizzy puts her head on her desk, "Nae. Late cleaning, then I had to stay up doing homework." 

Somebody hands her a cup of coffee. 

"Oh Sungjung-ah, kamsa," she grabs the coffee sipping its warmth flavor. Sungjung sits right next to Lizzy at the back. 

E-Young turns back around.

"Lizzy-ah don't get too stressed," Sungjung says. 

Lizzy chugs the coffee down. "I'll try not to." 

Sasaengnim Kim Jung Ah walks in "Text books to page 56. Class starts in 30 seconds!" 

School's almost over and Lizzy can't seem to stay awake that well. She's been sleeping before her classes. Sometimes during breaks. E-Young seems to be dragging her to almost all her classes. Lizzy goes into the bathroom to wash her face. 

"Oh. You're here," Jiyeon says holding an eyeliner. Her group is right behind her. 

"Lizzy is it, well isn't that a cute name?" Jiyeon says sarcastically putting her makeup bag away. Arms crossed and turns to Lizzy who seems to be stuck in the doorway. 

"If I were you, I wouldn't hang out with Infinite," she says to Lizzy to her ear where her group can also hear. She leaves with one of her friends, Eunjung, purposely pushing her by the shoulders. Lizzy finally becomes awake without even splashing water to her face. 

School's over now, she ignores Jiyeon's warning. She picks up her guitar in the storage room. Sungyeol, Lizzy, and E-Young are both walking out the campus. 

"Lizzy-ah I didn't see you leave earlier for work?" Sungyeol says. 

"I asked to change my schedule now, I work after school now mostly." 

"You work too hard Lizzy," Sungyeol compliments Lizzy putting his hand on her head. She smiles. 

She says goodbye to them and head towards the daycare. She wonders if she'll see L there. Or if he remembers their promise. She greets Kahi-Unnie. Alongside with fellow co-workers Im Jin Ah and Uee. She doesn't see Dasom. She guesses L has already left. 

6:00 PM it gets dark quickly this time. Lizzy is about to get off work in 10 minutes. She bids everyone goodbye. Lizzy walks out but waits a while wondering if L had kept his promise. She sees no sign so makes her way home but decides to walk this time. Just then two hands are on her shoulders.

He lets go when she turns around "Remember?" L smiles at her while she smiles back. 

Author's Note: 

yusss if you haven't noticed Jiyeon is my bully no hard feelings Jiyeon fans or T-ara, I get this all from Dream High lol. 

as you can see Sungyoung is love-hate relationship 

promises are cute so why not? :)

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Chapter 13: come on eonnie i'd love it for real cause i'm also shipper for lizzy and myungsoo us couple so please if you love us ur fans please upload the chapters and finish this story cause everyone wanna to see the end and are exiting for it so please i'm pleasing you for third time or more
Chapter 11: eonnie it nice story please find some time and finish it i really love it please
Chapter 13: Please continue!
lunieya #4
please continue...
Chapter 13: please continue ;;
nolovenolie #6
Chapter 13: update soon!!!
Sophiana #7
Chapter 13: Please update!!!!!!!
chasft #8
Chapter 12: I FOUND THIS SOOOOO CUTE TTTTT_____TTTTTT I love myungliz please update soon <3
shinyoonjobaekho #9
Chapter 12: please update this fic T^T
shinyoonjobaekho #10
Chapter 12: please update this fic T^T