[R] we monsters distort too easily

Where the Sidewalk Ends; A Review/Advice Shop [OPENED/HIRING]

we monsters distort too easily by exothermc


Title          5/5
Appearance          5/5
Foreword         9/10
Flow           3/5
Characterization       13/25
Plot       15/25
Style         8/10
Grammar        7/10
Dialogue           5/5

Total      70/100

reviewed by Suliee

Title: I really like the title. But the way you've explained, the way it showed up in the story, it doesn’t come out to its fullest potential. In the beginning, I believed that Hongbin and them were the only monsters, no; they all are. The utopia itself (monsters) + 'distort' = dystopia. Love it.

Appearance: The layout is simple. No useless information but I would’ve loved to see a poster.

Foreword: I like the sentence but it’s really vague. Give the readers a sentence or two for more depth into the plot. Even a change in the wording can help.

"i'm sorry," is all that hakyeon chants, to wonshik, to taekwoon, to hongbin, to sanghyuk's and jaehwan's lost soul.

The descrpition is a scene from the end of the story. You have Hakyeon, the main characters and then the others. Who are they? From the sentence, we can't find out. The readers will assume they are themselves, normal people. But they're not. And for this story, I believe it's important to note in down in the description. So maybe, like this:

hakyeon is a failure as a spy and "i'm sorry," is all that he chants, to wonshik, to taekwoon, to hongbin, to sanghyuk's and jaehwan's lost soul.

Now we kind of have a better understanding about the plot.

Flow: The flow was at a good pace till the end. To me, it was all too sudden. The first half eases into the story, throws a few background story here and there. But in the second half, it feels rushed and introduces a lot of unknown characters (that should be important) and ends. The story should be longer to get at those characters and plot holes.

Characterization: Because there were so many characters, all or at least most were underdeveloped. I won't go through each character but I will say that for short stories, you shouldn't have that many characters. Each will have their own issue so in a short story, focus on one or two (at most). Hakyeon is the main character and the other VIXX members are important to him. Then we shouldn't have that much information about Baekhyun. And you shouldn't have even mentioned Luhan's name. They are names that shouldn't have been remembered, but I remembered them. Especially Baekhyun, to me, he was the most interesting. A good way of ignoring minor characters—even more if you don’t want them to stand out: don't name them. 

Plot: First of all, you can do so much more with this. The plot feels incomplete. You brought of lots of problems and never solved them. It ended like 'well that's how the world works, you can't change it'. I can't say more than this. You can write more about Baekhyun and Luhan since you introduced them but never did anything with him. You can write more about Hakyeon and his life in the dystopia. Write about the reasons why people watch torture for fun, the reason their survival came to a stop so quickly. There's so much other details that (I feel, at least) you're missing, which would make an amazing story. Other than that, it is an interesting premise that came from Voodoo Doll.

Style: A very different style. I’ve seen an interesting use of lapslock in another fanfiction, which was well written (?). You should check it out. In this story I noticed that grammar was not the focus, the beats were. By beats I mean the pausing, where you put those commas, dashes, etc. It made the mood tenser and creates a great tone.

The main issue I have with this style is the head hopping. I suggest sticking with one character. Hakyeon. I'm not saying you should change to first person but don't go revealing what other characters are thinking or what they had done in the past when the protagonist doesn't know. There are a lot of pros to this strategy. One, you don't confuse the reader. Two, a lot more space to leave foreshadow. Three, easier to trick the readers in thinking one thing then ends up being something else. Four, less information given all at once.

Grammar: There are awkward sentences. Sometimes you use the wrong word. And sometimes I think it's the lapslock confusing me.

“Blood, blood, so many blood,” should be “Blood, blood, so much blood." (the one that popped out to me)

Dialogue: I enjoyed reading the dialogue. A bit weird but yeah...

Reviewer's Comments: Sorry, this took longer than it should have. This story doesn’t have enough meat so it's vague. However, this could be a good beginning to a chapter of a chaptered story. There’s a lot of potential. It’d be nice you made it longer.

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request: review
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Story Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/611747/i-do-cherish-you-drama-elvin-romance--vinseop-ren
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length: 8 - on-going
Marked: No
Chapter 3: To be honest, the story was indeed rushed. I sort of lost the original plot but also didn't have enough time to write the story. That resulted in me neglecting certain parts of the story. (especially the characters><)

The name is random actually, haha. I will take note for the description^^ I would not have noticed that I have run-on sentences if you had not mentioned it... It's my first try writing in present tense and I guess I got kind of mixed up (?) I'm not really sure when I should put a 's' behind some words, so yeah.

I will definitely work harder on my writing and hopefully be able to develop a good style ._." The review is really helpful (I want to request again! Next time. And hopefully, with a story of better quality ><)

Once again, thank you for taking your time to do this review and I will credit you as soon as I use the computer! ^^;
request: review
author(s): Paradisezxc, Yonguk, byungchann
Story Link: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/596779/telling-chunji-goodbye-angst-chunjoe-teentop-
Genre: angst,
length: There's 19 chapters
Thanks so much for the review! It was most helpful :) I agree that Siwon's part could have been improved, I was contemplating whether or not to include it at all or to just have Sooyoung's POV, oh well. Thanks again! Merry Christmas!
request: review

author(s): exothermc
story title: we monsters distort too easily
story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/619700/
genre: angst, tragedy (i guess?? laughs), friendship, dystopia
length: around ~2500, i guess
notes: this story is written in lapslock so i basically don't capitalize anything haha. and it's vixx with a major exo role in it?? i hope you accept it laughs;;
Request: Review
Author: colours_
Story title: A White Christmas
Story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/614007
Genre: romance and slight angst
Length: around 1500 words (short one shot)
P.S. I hope to have a more in-depth analysis of my writing style :) The plot isn't really on the creative side but I hope to know if my writing style is fine and how I can improve. Take your time, thank you^^
Request: Review
Author: amber_rose
Story title: Whiskey Lullaby
Story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/598704
Genre: Romance, Tragedy
Length: ~9500 words

Appreciate any feedback you may have to offer! :) Thanks!
Chapter 6: Thanks so much for the detailed review! I've already linked the review from my story. :) Ah the font highlight thing wasn't meant to be there, tbh. It was kind of a html problem when I copied the story from LJ to AFF.