[R] Whiskey Lullaby

Where the Sidewalk Ends; A Review/Advice Shop [OPENED/HIRING]

Whiskey Lullaby by amber_rose

Title          4/5
Appearance          4/5
Foreword         9/10
Flow           5/5
Characterization       23/25
Plot       22/25
Style         9/10
Grammar        9/10
Dialogue           5/5

Total      90/100

reviewed by Suliee

Title: If the story was summed in two words, it would be: whiskey lullaby. It’s relevant to the story and emits this mature-romance aura, which I am in love with. But, I do find it sends out a dull and weird imagery.

Appearance: The layout is simple and clean. Just the way I like it. I like the fact that Siwon is in greyscale. Foreshadow to the story, maybe?

The sudden change in font colour at the end hurt my eyes a bit. Since you already have it italicized, you don’t need it to be grey as well.

Foreword: Instead of a short description, you’ve inserted a short section from your short story and a good part, if I might add. It’s the centre of your story, your plot. But you could have shortened it to: The officer opened the wallet to a photograph of a face Sooyoung wished she could forget. Still, it’s vague but concise to the message. You want to try to pull the reader in, fast. The more questions asked in the foreword, the better. (Why is the officer there? Who is in the photo? What does she want to forget? Why?) This single sentence equals to the same amount as the section.

Flow: The scenes were short but each had a reason to be there and the narration connected them. It was fast paced and it matched their “whirlwind romance.”

Characterization: The main characters in Whiskey Lullaby were Sooyoung and Siwon, a great set of characters. Sooyoung was real to me. She made mistakes. She went through insecurities and has pride. It was difficult for her to face the truth and dwelt on the past.

Siwon, I find, not as real. Since he was a police officer, you explored other scenes, not just the same one used in Sooyoung’s POV. Good, but mentally, he's a lot like Sooyoung though they both agreed that they were polar opposites. He’s a generic character, the angsty officer. There isn’t much depth. It’s hard to write a character that is not relatable so I suggest a character map. Or write a background to bring the character to life and give him his own voice.

Plot: “Whiskey Lullaby” has a simple plot, focused around the romance. It’s not original (and bit on the cliche side) but it was written out properly. Delete the explanation of his life, the section before she opens the box, because it is a summary of Siwon’s section. You don’t need to explain everything for the reader; they need to think and connect the ideas too.

Style: I find first person the most interesting out of the three point-of-views. This brings the readers the closest to the characters. There is always a lingering thought: does she or he know everything that’s going on? Sooyoung didn’t, which was why I was extremely happy when I was reading her section. Her wonders of Siwon became mine as well. However, Siwon’s part of the story was too similar. Their character voices were too similar although you said they were different. Like I said in the character section, give Siwon his own voice. For example, his thoughts could be shorter, or the imagery in his section could show his cynical side.

Grammar: I was pleasantly surprised with the grammar. There were small mistakes that were scattered around but it didn’t distract me too much. Check over it and you'll find it.

Example 1: Spelling error. Heardquaters should be headquarters.

Example 2: "No." Was her reply. should be changed to “No,” was her reply.

Dialogue: It was there when needed (although, reading the same dialogue was a bit boring).

Reviewer's Comments: This was written well and I had no problem reading through it. There are a lot of novels with different point of views used. “Change of Heart” by Jodi Picoult was something I read years ago which used the same concept. Hope this helped.

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Chapter 3: To be honest, the story was indeed rushed. I sort of lost the original plot but also didn't have enough time to write the story. That resulted in me neglecting certain parts of the story. (especially the characters><)

The name is random actually, haha. I will take note for the description^^ I would not have noticed that I have run-on sentences if you had not mentioned it... It's my first try writing in present tense and I guess I got kind of mixed up (?) I'm not really sure when I should put a 's' behind some words, so yeah.

I will definitely work harder on my writing and hopefully be able to develop a good style ._." The review is really helpful (I want to request again! Next time. And hopefully, with a story of better quality ><)

Once again, thank you for taking your time to do this review and I will credit you as soon as I use the computer! ^^;
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Thanks so much for the review! It was most helpful :) I agree that Siwon's part could have been improved, I was contemplating whether or not to include it at all or to just have Sooyoung's POV, oh well. Thanks again! Merry Christmas!
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P.S. I hope to have a more in-depth analysis of my writing style :) The plot isn't really on the creative side but I hope to know if my writing style is fine and how I can improve. Take your time, thank you^^
Request: Review
Author: amber_rose
Story title: Whiskey Lullaby
Story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/598704
Genre: Romance, Tragedy
Length: ~9500 words

Appreciate any feedback you may have to offer! :) Thanks!
Chapter 6: Thanks so much for the detailed review! I've already linked the review from my story. :) Ah the font highlight thing wasn't meant to be there, tbh. It was kind of a html problem when I copied the story from LJ to AFF.