Sakura Nagashi

Flow Of The Sakura Blossoms

Listen while reading!! :D

Changmin's Pov



We watch as the blossoms bloom once again like every other year. Somehow, it has a yearly event for us. Every year during the spring, Kyuhyun and I would come to watch the famous cheery blossoms bloom to their fullest. It gave us a feeling that we yearned for. It healed us in a way which kept us wanting to come back again and again. No matter how busy we were, we would always come back to see them in bloom. As they fell, their beauty captivated us. Only Kyuhyun would bring me back to reality with his perfect by my side. I could never say dreaming for too long. Not when the love of my life was right next to me.


“Too early this year...” I hear Kyuhyun say next to me. I look over at him, my eyes away from the blossoms as his eyes show a little disappointment and regret. I hold him in my arms, giving him a small smile as he pressed his whole being against me. His warmth makes me feel giddy and the closeness makes me blush but I do my best to not wither under his touch. Doing that would be a very bad idea since it gave him more ways to make me submit to him, not that he hasn't got enough already. Being a slave to my lover, though tempting was something I couldn't do. Not with my pride.


“Don't worry, they're still beautiful. See?” I say as I point to the blossoms as the gentle summer breeze causes some of the blossoms to fall on us. I move away from Kyuhyun a bit, still holding his waist tightly in my grasp. The pink petals dance around us for a while making the whole scene too angelic for me to handle. I found my self falling for him all over again. A blossom petal gets stuck in his hair as the event passes, making him more look adorable and more feminine then he already is. I give a small laugh while he looks at me confused. The urge to kiss him on the nose is there but I stop myself from doing it.


“What's wrong? Did I do something weird?” He asks suspiciously while looking at me with his big doe eyes. The smile I have grows bigger as I take the blossom petal out of his hair, putting it in front of him. Kyuhyun looks at the petal and then at me for a bit with an expression of shock and embarrassment. He grabs onto the flower, giving it a small squeeze. Despite that, he smiles at his closed palm which has the petals trapped between his soft, thin fingers.
“You're right...They are still beautiful...” We watch on for a while longer, taking in the scenary in front of us as our body and mind heals from the purity of it all. As time goes by, the park becomes more and more deserted. Maybe it was because the sun was beginning to set or because the optimum time to see the blossoms had passed but it was no longer as crowded as before. Looking around, I decide it's best to move onto our next place.


“Where do you want to go now?” I ask him, taking his hand into my own. We interlock out fingers like normal but Kyuhyun's eyes stay watching the petal in his hand as though hypnotised by it. I can tell Kyuhyun is thinking of our next step as silence takes over.


“Hmm... Since it's early, let's go to the festival!” He jumps around while swinging our interlocked hands back and forth. The whole of his body shoes excitement as I watch him with interest.
“Let's go! Let's go!” Kyuhyun nags which catches me a little off guard since it was rare to see this side of him. His eagerness reminds me a lot of when were were children, how he couldn't wait to go the the festivals and eat his favourite sweets. Nothing about him has changed. Just before I opened my mouth to speak, Kyuhyun pulls me from my standing position and in the direction of where the festival is being held. I fumble at the sudden imbalance of force but just about manage to not fall to my death (little exaggeration never hurt anyone). I give him a chuckle while letting him pull my body to where he wanted to go.


“Ok! Ok! Don't get lost though! Remember what happened last year?” I say without thinking. The reminder of last year's incident brings a pout to his face. Throwing my hand to the side, Kyuhyun turns around to give me a scolding look which cannot be described as anything other than cute. As much as I wanted to tell him that, I knew it was going to upset him more.


“It wasn't my fault! You were too slow so I went on ahead!” He turned to his side while folding his arms as if he was angry, kicking an invisible rock on the floor. Knowing I had struck a cord in the other, I sneak up behind him to give him a back hug. I could feel his body jump from the impact of our two bodies clashing together. Kyuhyun does his best to remain sulking but I knew I was on my way of redemption. Like Kyuhyun had with me, I could easily make Kyuhyun forgive me with simple actions which made him grow weaker than ever. Of course I made it my mission to not use it unless he was really made with me to make sure the effect was as strong as day 1.


“Ok! Let's go quickly~ I'll get you anything and everything you want!” I say while resting my chin on his shoulder.


“Really?!” There, I've got him. He smiles while looking back at me, I give him a small peck on the lips.


“Yup!” I let go of him, immediately regretting it as the warmth disappears as well. I take him by the hand to drag him to the summer festival. He follows as I did before, giggling behind me as he lags a step behind. We leave behind us a trail of petals as we leave the park. With Kyuhyun's hand in my own, we make our way to the place where the festival is held. The sun begins to disappear, readying itself for the moon to take it's place. The sky is a mixture of blue, pink, purple, orange and yellow. The smile I have doesn't leave my face.


~Few days later~


Here we are again. Where we were a few days ago. It hasn't been long since the blossoms have bloomed but soon enough before we knew it, it had already withered away. All that was left was it's bark which stood proudly in it's place. I look over at Kyuhyun, readying myself to console the other. Every year since we first came here, he was always like this. The first day we would visit the blossoms would be like a dream to him. As soon as it withered, reality would come crashing down at full force. It hurt him which hurt me as I felt min and his pain combined together. He was sad since they wouldn't bloom again until next year and I could see the sadness, once again in his eyes. But knowing they would be here again always made him look forward to something each year. At least that was what I hoped since even I wasn't too sure what was on Kyuhyun's mind sometimes.


“I told you the bloomed too early... Maybe if they bloomed a little later, when they were meant to. They could have been around a little more.” I could see and hear he was upset. His eyes tinkled in the sunlight as he looked up to the sky like he did when the petals fell on him before. I made it a mental note to myself to book our flights back to South Korea before the cherry blossoms withered so Kyuhyun would feel less sad next time. However, I had a feeling Kyuhyun wouldn't like it as much as it hurt him to see them die away. He always liked staying for the full cycle before we returned back to our lives in South Korea. It was always like this. Today wasn't going to make him change his routine.


“Don't worry, they'll come back next year.” I tell him, trying to reassure him of a next time. My words give him a little bit of hope, earning a small smile from him. It wasn't enough but I knew Kkyuhyun couldn't give me any more than that. I had to let that go.


“Yup! They always do!” Kyuhyun tried to sound positive but I could hear the small choke in his voice. He held onto my hand, staring at our interlocked fingers for a bit before turning away. We looked at the withered blossoms once again to say our farewells and told them that we were waiting for the next year. Before we left to go back to our home in Seoul and back to our lives as singers. As we departed, I looked over to Kkyuhyun who was looking at the grass below us which were covered in the small pink petals which once completed the trees which now stood .


“We'll come again and see them. I promise.” I squeezed Kyuhyun's hands with a promise held to my heart. Kyuhyun looked up and smiled widely with the hope of 'next time' in his heart.


“Promise~” He repeated with a childlike grin.




A year has passed and here we are, back to Japan and back to see the blossoms. Once again hand in hand, watching like every other couple did in the time of bloom. This time, we came a little earlier compared to last time as the sun above us shine down on us with full beam. The strong UV rays make me remind myself to get from sunscreen for Kyuhyun since the other had forgotten to put some on today. Unfortunately, the both of them had slept in and had to rush out since they promised each other to watch the cherry blossoms at noon. Any later and there would be consequences of missing out on the best seats.


“It's like last year... They're too early...” Kyuhyun sighed. It was true. For the past couple of years we've had to book earlier flights as the dates of which the cheery blossoms blooms became earlier and earlier. It was hard enough getting permission from the company and the change of blooming dates meant that I would have to request a holiday earlier each year. Depending on how busy we were, there would be a chance we could be refused. Luckily, that had yet to happen but something told me our luck would run out soon enough. I held onto his hand, giving him a pat on the head to comfort Kyuhyun.


“Don't think too much about it Kyuhyun.” I said in a soothing voice. Kyuhyun nods his head, knowing there isn't much he could do since mother nature always went by her own ways. It was our first official day in Japan and seeing an upset Kyuhyun was the last thing I wanted to see. He looks a lot better when he was smiling and having fun. That was when he was most beautiful. Not that he isn't beautiful when he isn't happy but he radiated when he was. Like the sun, he would light his surroundings with the perfect smile he had.


“Ok...” He says with hesitation and a small smile. The summer breeze once again comes, this time a little colder since the season was just changing into the next. A shy sneeze escapes from Kyuhyun. I look over with a smile.


“Here, take my jacket. It's getting a little chilly” I put my thin jacket on Kyuhyun, thankfully it was thin so it won't make him too hot. I look up at the sky which is painted in blue with the occasional white fluffy clouds every now and again. Once again, I am reminded of why I come here every year. Once again, I am healed with my lover hand in hand and mother nature by my side.


“Thanks” Kyuhyun thanks me shyly. We look at the blossoms, this time a little longer then last year. And like last year, I thank the world for being so beautiful. A smirk comes to my lips as I open them to speak.


“Want to go to the festival?” I smile at myself in triumph as I was the first to suggest going to the festival this year.


“Of course!” He gives me a slight smack on the arm like it was the most obvious thing to sdo, going to the festival that is. Without needed, to ask twice, he turns towards the direction of where the stall keepers were finishing in setting up.
“Who wouldn't want to go!?” Kyuhyun's words come more as a statement than a question as he smiles brightly ahead. Not warning me before, he runs ahead by himself.


“HEY! Wait up!” I shout to my shorter lover after realising he was no longer next to me as he should be. I sigh, knowing how unpredictable Kyuhyun could be sometimes. Under his crisp, clean image of being a mature adult was a kid which rarely came out when he was on stage or on other shows. Sometimes it would pop out every now and again for the public to see as he was indeed, the maknae of Super Junior but he liked to think of himself as the most mature in the group. I would agree, to an extent but kept it to myself since Kyuhyun would definitely throw a fist or two at me. Not saying I can't stand his punches but Kyuhyun knew the places to hit which always hurt the most. Pretty sure I and the Super Junior hyungs have had a few bruises on our bodies from Kyuhyun during our time together.


“I'll leave you if you're too slow!!!” Kyuhyun shouts as the distance before him and I grow bigger by the second. Leaving him alone is a bad idea. I have had the taste of that and it's something I didn't want to taste again. He runs over to the festival grounds where all the stores are without bothering to turn around to look at me which leaves me slightly sulky.


“KYUHYUN!” I called to him before running after him. Luckily, I'm the sporty one in this relationship.







Present day~


Now that leads to today. Here I am, looking at the blossoms.


“Hey, Kyuhyun.... They aren't early this year. Look!” I say while pointing at the cherry blossom trees to no one in particular. The people look on as I talk to myself but I take no notice of them. My thoughts are on Kyuhyun and Kyuhyun alone. I keep on talking to myself, as if you were still here with me. The both of us are looking at the blossoms from below. Like little ants from their view, we continue to look up. I find myself thinking up sentences he would say.


“You're right!" You would say with a bright smile and that twinkle in your eyes. You would look around, running towards to tree. What would you do next? Maybe press your hand on the trunk to see if it's true. Maybe you would think it's a dream and find something to prove that it isn't.
"Finally!” You would then say as you realise it's real. Despite booking our flights at a later date than last year, you wouldn't believe me until you proved it yourself. You were always like that.


“You waited a long time right?” I would say in return while watching the child you come out again after your hectic schedules. The tiredness would disappear as you look on and your smile would come back to you after fading for months on end. I would feel it all as well as you are my other half.


“Of course! 2 whole years these blossoms kept me for!” A pout would form as he folds his arms, as if he was angry. I would bring my arms up to pinch his face before he sulkingly swats them away.


“Kyuhyun-ah...” I call out as tears begin to form in my eyes, I stay strong for you. I stay strong to keep the tears from falling. It's hard but I do it. I do it for you and no one else.


“Yes Minnie?” You reply with that horrible nickname I actually adore but didn't have the pride to admit it. To this day, you still that. It's only a matter of time before the nickname would leave this would.


“We..." I paused, biting my bottom lip.




“We never kept our promise...” Tears flow down my cheeks as I keep watch of the blossoms, I hear more whispering from the people around me but I ignore them. instead, I keep my eyes the on you who should be here.
I guess, ignorance IS bliss...
I could tell that a concerned face would be plastered all over Kyuhyun even though he's not here as he reaches to dry the tears that stain my cheeks.


“What are you talking about! I'm right here! Aren't I?” A small smile crawls on my face as I hear those words. That's right. You're here, in my heart. You're always with me, right?





“We'll come again and see them, I promise.” I squeezed Kyuhyun's hands.


“Promise~” His words from 2 years ago come back to me as if it was just yesterday. As memories of those two years come back from when we watched the blossoms, everything became clearer...for me that is...


A sneeze escapes from Kyuhyun.


“Here, take my jacket, it's getting a little chilly” I put my thin jacket on Kyuhyun. I remember, that year we looked at the blossoms longer than before.


“Don't worry, they'll come back next year.” I tell him, earning a small smile from him.


“Yup! They always do!”




“Yes...You did...I was the one who couldn't...” I correct myself. I turn around to see Kyuhyun standing behind me. His pale face had grown paler if that was even possible. Tears flow down, staining his cheeks in the same manner as mine. His eyes are red, telling me he's been crying for a long time. Unlike last year, his raven locks were down chocolate brown, giving warmth to his whole being. It was messy but stylish.


“Changmin ah....” Kyuhyun calls as he starts to walk towards me. He doesn't stop when he reaches and walks through me. I see him hurting but I can't do anything. After all, he cannot see me, nor can anyone else. It's only me who chooses to see them.
“Why...? Why did you leave me? Yoh promised that you would watch it with me every year....Why...?” He cried as he fell onto his knees, holding onto the cherry blossom tree to keep him from falling forward. Rather than that, it was there to keep his mentality strong.


“I'm sorry Kyuhyun...” I say but is left unheard.




“HEY! Wait up!” I shout to my shorter lover after realising he was no longer next to me as he should be. I sigh, knowing how unpredictable Kyuhyun could be sometimes. Under his crisp, clean image of being a mature adult was a kid which rarely came out when he was on stage or on other shows. Sometimes it would pop out every now and again for the public to see as he was indeed, the maknae of Super Junior but he liked to think of himself as the most mature in the group. I would agree, to an extent but kept it to myself since Kyuhyun would definitely throw a fist or two at me. Not saying I can't stand his punches but Kyuhyun knew the places to hit which always hurt the most. Pretty sure I and the Super Junior hyungs have had a few bruises on our bodies from Kyuhyun during our time together.


“I'll leave you if you're too slow!!!” Kyuhyun shouts as the distance before him and I grow digger by the second. Leaving him alone is a bad idea. I have had the taste of that and it's something I didn't want to taste again. He runs over to the festival grounds where all the stores are without bothering to turn around to look at me which leaves me slightly sulky.


“KYUHYUN!” I called to him before running after him. Luckily, I'm the sporty one in this relationship. As I run towards my lover, I notice something strange happening to my body. I stop of a bit as a sudden pain on my chest acts up. I clutch onto my chest and leave forward before coughing while covering my mouth. My coughs are painful and frantic. As I remove my hand, my eyes open wide in shock. Blood...


! ! ! I thought it stopped?! No…please…not now! Not when Kyuhyun is here…


“Changmin!” I hear him call me from upfront. He stops and turns towards me. I stand up straight, hoping that he didn't notice my little coughing fit from a second ago.
“Aren't you coming?” He says with a raised voice. I see him waving his hand with anticipation from afar.


“Wait a second! I'm coming!” I wipe my mouth with a tissue from my bag as well as wiping the blood off my hand before I run over to him.


“What took you so long?” He said, pouting.


“Sorry! It seems as though I've become slow at running” I laugh, wrapping my arms around his thin waist.


End of Flashback~


“You like talking to yourself too, don't you Kyuhyun?” I walk over to Kyuhyun, giving him a back hug even though he won't be able to see or hear me. It feels so right as he is here next to me. Someone is talking to me but I ignore their words as I already know what they're trying to tell me. My grip around Kyuhyun grows tighter but he doesn't feel it.



“Changmin…” He calls my name which brings a smile to my lips.

I close my eyes willingly. It takes me back to that day. I remember the horrifying cries and scream from Kyuhyun as I am dragged to the operating room from a sudden collapse. He is scared. I am too but I don't show him.




“CHANGMIN AH! CHANGMIN AH! PLEASE! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!” My eyes slowly open as I feel myself lying on a bed and getting dragged into the hospital as I just came out of the ambulance. I see Kyuhyun's tears fall like crazy as he calls my name. Some tears fall onto my hand, dispersing as they meet my skin but I don't feel them from my numb skin.


“Kyuhyun...” My voice is hoarse but words are still able to come out. Kyuhyun's eyes widen as he hears his name being called. He's running alongside me, just barely able to keep up with the nurses that are pushing me to the operating tables. I feel his hands holding onto mine just barely. He hold onto me tightly as if saying he's never going to let go. Kyuhyun looks up for a second before looking back at me. I could tell we were nearly at the operating room. That meant we had to split up.


“Promise me...!” He says.




“Promise me you'll watch the blossoms with me next year!! Promise me!” He cries out, desperate for my answer. I feel his hand before to loosen but never letting go as his body grows tired from the running. He was never the athletic type.


“I...promise...” I say before the nurses forcefully grab onto Kyuhyun's hands, prying it off me. I wanted to shout at her. I wanted to tell her to treat Kyuhyun gently but the words didn't come out. I was getting tired and the anaesthetic entering my body through the face mask wasn't helping. Open my mouth to speak but no words come out. All there is, is a broken groan which sounds foreign on my tongue.


“Please! Let go! The patient needs to go in now!” The nurse shouts at him.


“NO! NO!” Kyuhyun doesn't obey. It was as if knowing this was the last time we were to see each other


“Kyuhyun...let...go…’ I manage to him. He looks at me for a bit before hesitantly letting go. My heart being to ache as Kyuhyun disappears from my sight. Something wasn't right but I didn't know what. Before I could figure it out, darkness overcomes me.


As I sleep, I don't hear the doctor announce my passing. As I sleep, I don't hear Kyuhyun's cries. As I sleep, I feel nothing but emptiness.


End of flashback~


I know now. What I was meant to say was 'Kyuhyun, don't let go'. My grip stays as I continue to hug Kyuhyun while he cries as if knowing I was there.


“Kyuhyun-ah...” I call him with affection.




“I do not believe that we will never meet again.” I say, admittedly.




“There is something that I have to tell you...”




“I love you. I promise, we'll watch the blossoms again tomorrow.”


“You promise?” I hear Kyuhyun reply. My eyes widen as my grip becomes loose for a second from the shock and surprise. Without me knowing, a smile grows on my face and I am unable to wipe it off.


“I promise.”








Unnie, Oppa and Dongsaeng's you probably hat e me for such a sad ficcie right... I'M SOWWIE!!!!!!!!!!! Don't kill me!
Here are translated lyrics of the song! I love this song so much! GO HIKKI CHAN!!

Flowers bloomed but quickly withered
'They're falling so soon again this year'
That was what you said heavy with regret
You were so very beautiful
If you could see me now
What would you think?
For you are no longer a part of my life
Everybody finds love... everybody finds love
In the end... in the end

If somewhere in the streets that you protected
You should hear
The enduring healthy cries of a newborn baby
Then I am sure it would make you happy
They are the footsteps of those who will follow us
Everybody finds love... in the end¨
I will not believe that we will never meet again
There is something that I have to tell you... there is something that I have to tell you
Flowers bloomed but quickly withered
The trees felt helplessness when they saw it
I will never look away no matter how great my fears are
If love awaits me at the end of the world.

Comments and Subscribes will be treasured and loved <3


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Changkyu - Flow of the Sakura Blossoms Edited: 12/02/2017


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Kyung1Ari #2
Chapter 1: Beautiful written sad story. I thought the song match perfectly.
Chapter 1: So minnie died? Poor kyunnie...
Chapter 1: So sad...Why Hae die? But, Its a great story~^^
Chapter 1: Alice....why are you killing everyone! First'(
Chapter 1: T^T wwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so sad so sad
I love it its really amazing got me really I thought that Kyu is the one who died
thank you for sharing it ^^
Chapter 1: Oh Gosh...hold on..Im crying too much!
Omg...I dont think i have cried this much in a while! That song sure added to the angstiness!!! This was so beautiful written!!!! At the present time I thought Kyu had died, but it turned out to be Changmin!!! OMG!!! This...I just...can't!!! OMG it so beautiful! Truly amazing!! THank you so much!!! Thank you! I love it!!!
OMG!!! YES!!! I love Sakura blossoms! It bet this is going to be amazing!!!<3