Awkward Encounter

Personal Taste❥


I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock screaming my name. I opened my eyes to find that I had fallen asleep in my workshop again. I reached up to turn my alarm off while taking a quick glance at it, luckily I did, or else I would have dozed off again. I threw the alarm clock onto the floor 

"Oh no!" I thought to myself, I was late for work, and today was promotion day!

I quickly hopped back onto my feet and rushed off to the bathroom. I darted out the bathroom and looked at my extremely un-tidy room, eyeing to spot a clean outfit to wear. My clothes were nothing special, just hoodies and jeans. I was about to grab a t-shirt when my phone rang.  *Hye-Mi ah.. I don't get how you could be late on this occasion. dress nicely, no sweaters or sneakers, okay?* My manager said

"Oh come on!!' I quietly cursed under my breath. Doesn't he know I don't have those kinds of clothes?

Then it struck me, "Su-Mi! she must have something I can wear!" I quickly rushed to her room and opened her closet "Wahh, so many options! She wouldn't mind, after all, we are best friends!" I picked a black mini dress with a single ruffle at the waist, and grabbed some black pumps. I had a few minutes of struggling putting it on but I managed. I walked out of my room proud, as I never had worn something like this before. Just as I was about to walk out of the house, CRACKKK~ "Oh no! Su-Mi is gonna kill me"

about 10 minutes later I finally managed to dress properly and leave. I had a baby blue blouse on with a black high-waisted skirt that hugged my pretty tightly and it reached my knees. I paired it with some white vans and a high ponytail. By then I was out the door and speeding to the busy streets of Seoul.



The sun crept through my balcony window and onto my face, I woke up still half in dreamland. I stretched my neck, then snapped out into reality when I noticed a figure laying next to me. It didn't take me to long to figure out who it was. I bolted up and looked at her. I don't remember letting anyone in last night.

"Yah, Park Soo-Hi, wake up" I slapped her thigh, she only responded in groans and shifted so her leg was on my thighs

I pushed her legs off mine causing her to almost fall off the bed. "Soo-Hi, I know you're awake, it's pretty obvious. stop faking it, you're a really bad actor" I teased, and with that she sat straight up giving me a pout.

"Oppa, you're so mean" She said still having that pout smeared on her face. Suddenly, the smell of alcohol lingered in the air.

"Ahh, you stink of alcohol" I made a face and pinched my nose together

She just smiled and put her hand up to covering it. I just stood up from bed and went to the bathroom, completely ignoring her actions. I came out and she was still sitting there. 

"When did you get here?" I asked, but already knowing that my mom let her in

"Oppa!!" She whined "How could you just reject a y woman like me?" She asked with enlarged eyes

I scoffed "When you take it all off, do you consider that y? I answered putting on my shirt

I was surprised when she asked "Oppa, by any chance, do you like men?" She smirked

I turned around to her returning the smirk, "You didn't know? I like men" I joked

"Yeah right" Soo-Hi replied. I gave a sarcastic laugh and headed for the door, just as i was, "Minhyun?" My mother called out. I turned to Soo-Mi

"Mother I'm here!" Soo-Mi replied to my mom. Half way through her sentence, I jumped on her to shut her up

"Minnie, honey, are you awake yet?" I heard my mom while I pushed Soo-Mi into my balcony and locked her there

I opened the door and my mom startled me since she was right outside the door. "Say ahh" I opened my mouth as my mom plopped a vitamin into my mouth

"It's supposed to be really good for skin, and one for me too" she put one in "Have you seen Soo-Mi? I almost choked on my water. Wait, if my mom didn't let Soo-Mi in, who did? That little...

"Oh, Soo-Mi?" I said nervously "Isn't she still in Canada?" I lied

"What?" My mom sounded confused

"Ah, what I meant to say was, I'm really hungry" I said as I dragged her into the kitchen

I walked out Into the parking lot with my model for the dams art gallery project in my arms happily, but that mood was ruined when I saw my car being surrounded by others cars. "You've got to be kidding me, do people know how to park these damn cars?!?" I tried pushing the cars out of the way but that was no use. "Taxi it is" And ran out to catch a taxi


I finally managed to get down to the bus station but i realized the bus doesn't come for another 20 minutes. "Aishhh! What should I do??" I said in frustration. Just then I spotted a taxi that stopped in front of me "AHA" I ran up to the taxi, I reached for the handle but as soon as I did, I felt a firm grip on top of mine. I looked up to face a handsome young man.

"What are you doing" He asked "What about you?" I snapped back

"I caught it first" He replied "I caught it first, your arms are just longer than mine" I said, desperately trying to win. 

"What are you talking about?"

"I caught it first!"

"Are you-" He didn't get to finish his sentence becuase the taxi already drove away when a girl hopped in with out us noticing.

"OH NO! AISHH" I let frustration take me over

He looked at me and brushed by my to hail another taxi. I huffed and ran in front of him trying to make him pay for making me miss that cab. I mean, like I wasn't already late enough. He must have been thinking the same thing, for he went ahead of me. I decided to try again, but only for him to respond by doing the same. He was so rude for a guy. Aishh. Well, In the end we both ended up on the city bus which I hated cause it was so crowded. Me and him were standing beside eachother and I didn't notice I have dozed off.


"If it wasn't for this idiot, I would have been on that taxi by now" I said to myself, glaring at the girl that made me miss my chance of getting to the company a little bit earlier.

Now we're both stuck on this stupid crowded bus. ARGHH. I could just kill her right now. I snapped out of my thoughts as i felt a few bumps on my arms. As if the bumpiness from the bus wasn't enough. I wasn't worried about me, what I was worried about was my precious project. It wasn't JUST a project. It was my future, my success. Once again, she bumped into me again, this time, staying on my shoulder. I stepped back causing her to fall, too bad she had a strong grip on those belts.

Just then A lady behind me got off the bus, leaving an empty spot. I was going to sit down when I saw the crazy girl heading to the chair. When we made eye contact, we both stopped and stared at eachother.

"well, aren't you going to sit?' I heard her say angrily

"Uhh, thanks" I replied awkwardly

When I thought things couldn't get more awkward, I was sitting down right in front of her . Since her skirt was hugging her tightly, it revealed alot. I couldn't help but notice the way her looked... I gotta admit.. she had a nice . I didn't realize I was staring at it until I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts. 


I was looking out the window into the pretty city surroundings when I had a weird feeling of someone staring at me. I looked down to the man from earlier and noticed him looking at... MY ?? I looked at him and he finally caught my gaze and looked at me. I got really uncomfortable so i let go of the belt and pulled my jacket down, hoping it could cover my up.

Just then the bus stopped with me not holding on, and I fell backwards. Just then I noticed something warm on my , I turned around to find the man was grabbing it. When I realized that, I jumped off with complete shock in not only mine, but everyone's face

"OMO!" i stated, still registering what just happened, in my mind "Where did you just touch?"

"I wasn't touching, I was blocking"  he replied casually, but i could hear the un-comfrotness as well

"What do you mean blocking?" I shouted loud enough for everyone to hear, "You were staring at my the whole time!"

"You were about to sit on my model, so I had to protect it somehow, I had no choice"

"What? You had no choice? So you're saying this plastic thing is more important than my ??"

"This piece of plastic is my food line"

"What? wow.... Really?" I said angrily "You ert! Ajhussi! Please take me to the police center!" I yelled to the bus driver

"Fine, let's go to the police, but haven't you ever heard of 'unintentional accidents'?"

"Uninten-- what?" 

"Since it was an unintended action, even if you were uncomfortable, it was not doing anything ilegally. Also. just because of your problem, do all these busy people need to go to the station as well? Isn't that selfish of you?" He smirked "Is your but really worth more than these peoples precious time?"

Everyone nodded in agreement. Aishh really? This man, first takes my taxi, stares at my , grabs it, and now embarrasses me in front of everyone??

I got so mad I wasn't even thinking properly, since his 'model' was so precious, I grabbed it from his hands. "HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

Just as I thought, he stood up and took it back, i took the chance, reached back and squeezed his . 




LAWL. WAS HIS SQUISHY? XD i honestly wish that was me .---. I hoped you like it!













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Tippy8382 #1
Sounds like a good story!