Chapter 2

Silent Heroes and Loud Cowards

They left me alone for days. At least five, by my count. Only the first guard, the one that slapped me, he came in every once in a while to check up on me and to make sure I didn't die. If I looked weak, he'd give me some water, or some leftover rice. I was so hungry. But I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of letting him see the purple bruises that I could feel on my cheeks. I could see my reflection on the bowl of water that he left, and what I saw wasn't pretty.

As he left one day, I heard a voice cry out, "Private First Class Kyuhyun! Come here please." I couldn't believe it. He was a Private First Class? That was a rather low ranking to be involved in an interrogation, wasn't it? But now, I had gotten the absolute pleasure of learning his name. Kyuhyun. Let's see what I could do with that.

The next time he came in, I made sure my face was hidden by the shadows and I told him, my voice creaky from not using it for a while, "I want the names of the other people in the interrogation room that day."

He turned, surprise showing clear as day on his face, and asked in wonderment, "Well, why?" He apparently didn't expect me to talk with him whatsoever. Ah, did he think that he broke me last time? My my, little boy. Don't you know that it takes much longer than that to break someone of the Lee blood? Idiot.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out. You'll never guess, though. And you better do it, or else I'll tell your superiors that you dileberately told me your name, and you know how they don't like the underlings working without their permission, even if it's a small thing such as this."

His nose twitched slightly, and I knew I had him. But he, of course, wasn't about to go down without a fight.

"Ah, girl, do you think they would let someone like me go? How do you know if I'm not important to the cause? For all you know, I could be the most valued soldier."

"Do you take me for an idiot?" I scoffed at him. "Look at your duties. Feeding the prisoner, checking in on me, these are lowly deeds. A higher ranking official would never be forced to do something like this. Hell, even someone with valuable information, nothing else, wouldn't have to do what you're doing now."

I thought I had him. I did. But unexpectedly, he sneered, and turned around and left the cell. "What I do as a soldier doesn't determine my importance to the cause. I am from the Cho family. Girl, you have no idea what my family can do and has done. Your poor little mind probably can't handle it. if I told you I joined the army when you first got captured, you would be fairly surprised, wouldn't you? After all, even though my ranking seems to be low, it's high enough so that advancing so far within several days would be almost impossible. And did you not notice? I was in the interrogation, a privilege reserved for higher ranking officers. So no metter how mundane that tasks that are given to me are, I will always have privileges to outweigh them. Such is the life of a member of the Cho clan."

And with that he left. 

So, Cho Kyuhyun was unexpectedly, a part of my life at the prison in North Korea. A major part, actually. 


The next day, or at least my approximation of a day, judging by the light from the window, that is, Kyuhyun visited me again. 

"I'll give you one name," he told me, all while giving me some water.

To be honest, I didn't know what he was talking about. My body was uncomfortable, since it was cramped from being in such a small enclosure, and I literally just woke up. I am not a morning person. I don't even know how I survived the training that happened so frequently in the morning. I'm pretty sure one of my bunkmates had to drag me out of bed and I just mindlessly jogged the five laps before getting breakfast, which was the only thing that could wake me up. Ah, breakfast. Army food is terrible, but when you're actually in the army, and doing the work, then army food is heaven sent.

Ah. I would kill for army food.

I digress. Kyuhyun looked expectantly at me, as if he thought I would crack a smile, or at least look happier. I suppose my reaction of a half cough-half retch wasn't exactly what he thought I would do. I squinted up at him, and kind of looked dazed, I guess, and he sighed and hurridly explained. 

"You know, the thing that you wanted? You were willing me to blackmail me, and I had to tell you how important my family is?"

Oh yeah, that. I wanted to know the others that had been interrogated before me. I wanted the names. No particular reason, really, I just wanted to see if the threat of his name would have any hold over him. It seemed like it didn't, but I wonder why he's telling me now.

In explanation to my unspoken question, he said, "It wouldn't hurt. She's scheduled for an execution anyways."

"So what's the name? Who is it?" I asked impatiently.

"Im Yoona. The name is Im Yoona. You'll be meeting her soon enough anyways, a new prisoner is coming in, so you two will be sharing cells."

Im Yoona. I look forward to meeting you. 


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Chapter 2: Authornim!! Please update soon^^ ANW new reader here>_< i addore ur fanfics
Chapter 2: maybe i must read the next chapter to understand more,is cho clan the important family in north korea? and what about Yoona? hehehe see...still much that i dont know,,i will wait for the next chapter ^^
camille0510 #3
Will you update this ?? Please !! :)
Purpletrain #4
ouojououououou update soon ^o^