
Boom, Head Shot.

Just a heads up, but the words that I marked in blue like this are links. I just wanted to tell you guys incase you guys don't know what it means when you start encountering them. :)

Aesook's POV 


I heard the bell ring one last time, signaling the end of the school day. I shot out of my desk right away and packed my stuff before meeting up with Daehyun and Youngjae at the door and we ran to the gates of the school together. This was basically our daily routine: once the bell rings, we get out of the school as fast as we can before our fangirls or fanboys can trample us. We were the first ones who reached the gates and soon after, Junhong and Jongup came running from the left, while Himchan and Yongguk came running from the right. 

"Holy we almost got caught by those crazy girls." Yongguk managed to breathe out while panting

"Well that's what you guys get for being so attractive." I said without hesitating 

All six of them gaped at me with their eyes wide open and seconds later they started grinning like idiots. I honestly didn't realize what I said until they started playfully winking at me and making me lower my head in embarrassment.

"Yah dongsaeng you think we're good looking?" Himchan said while putting his arm around my waist 

"Aniyo, I said you guys look like little s." I glanced up at him and he playfully smacked me on the arm

"Wow thanks for lowering our self esteem, Aesook." All six of them said jokingly

"You're welcome." I responded with my irresistible eye smile

"You're lucky you're cute and you're like our sister or I would have punched you in the face." Jongup glared at you

"Oh really, would you really Jongup? would you dare hit a girl? I saw how you blushed when that girl talked to you today during lunch time." I smirked at him

"Whatever." He sighed in defeat

We all continued to talk as we slowly walked home together just enjoying each others company. As we were nearing our house, we realized that somebody spray painted our door with a big black logo with green specks here and there. 

"Dude guys is that a logo or is that just some random picture?" Daehyun asked with confusion and anger written all over his face

"Wait hold on...uhmm that says S...I...A....The SIA?" Junhong questioned

I thought about it for a second as I slowly recalled where I would have possibly heard that name from. Then I heard someone snapping their fingers behind me and I turned around and ended up staring right into Youngjae's eyes. I ducked down in embarrassment but Youngjae turned away while he started to speak.

"If I remember correctly, weren't they the gang that boss told us to kill the leader of the other day?" He said while rubbing his temples slowly and trying to remember correctly. "Oh right, Oh Dae Ho right?" He smiled in victory as his memories slowly started to flood into his mind.

"Ahh right! it is them! wait hold on is that a letter?" Daehyun said while pointing at a little white sheet of paper that was sticking out from under our door mat.

I slowly bent down and picked it up and scanned my eyes through the letter before my eyes buldged out at a certain sentence that caught my attention.


To: B.A.P

From: Your worst nightmare

We have been informed that you guys were the ones who were there that night. Yes, I am sure you guys know which night we are talking about. You guys were the ones who were up on the rooftop at that building that night.

Since you guys were the ones who killed our boss, we will take revenge. Meet us tomorrow night at 8pm at Kangnam station and we will settle our unfinished business there.

P.s we know your secret so I suggest you guys go unless you want the whole world to know your precious identities.

-The SIA


I didn't realize I was clenching my fist so hard until Daehyun held my hand and asked me what was wrong and I slowly snapped back into reality. I shoved the letter in his face and told them to read it as I was slowly fuming with anger. 

"!" Yongguk screamed in anger 

"Calm down, lets talk about this inside or someone might hear us!" Himchan told all of us calmly, which was totally expected from the umma of our group.

All seven of us stomped inside and even the most calmest members in our group were fuming with anger. The maknae line slowly sat down in the living room as the rest of us joined them. Himchan, being the one that has the most self control in the group spoke up first.

"So what's the plan?" He asked while staring at each and every one of us in the eye

"Were obviously going to kick their , what else?" I replied 

"Well obviously we know that, but how?" Daehyun shot back at me causing me to glare at him with cold eyes. He slowly sunk back into his seat, obviously intimidated by my glare and I laughed inside. 

"You know what? We will just do what we always do. We don't know for sure if they know we're actually assassins or not but we have to keep our identities a secret or we will never be able to achieve our dreams arrasso? So in case they are actually just bluffing, we will just go their as a normal gang arraso?" Yongguk finally replied 

"Neh" we all said in unison

"Good, so everything's set, we will just go there as a normal gang and fight it out. However, lets forget about the fight for now and talk about it tomorrow okay? We have a contest tonight so everyone get ready and we will be leaving in a few hours or so arraso?" 

"Neh" we replied once more and we all stood up and walked into our rooms

As soon as I closed my door, I plopped on to my bed and drifted off to sleep in which seemed like hours. 

"Yah Aesook-ah wake up!" I heard someone say to me as they gently shook me causing me to stir in my sleep.

I slowly fluttered my eyes open and squinted at the ceiling waiting for my eyes to adjust to the bright light. Once my eyes fully adjusted I looked to the left and glanced at my brother staring at me and I quickly scrambled out of bed once I realized why he was here. I ran to my closet and picked out my outfit for the night and I ran into my bathroom to change as I heard my brother chuckle inside of my room. I changed into my black dress, which was very simple but elegant. It was laced at the top and the sleeves were laced as well. It stopped around the middle of my thighs which was not too short or not too long, it was just right. It looked like this and once I finished, I decided to put some light make up on and curl my hair. I smiled at my reflection in the mirror as soon as I was satisfied with how I looked and headed out the bathroom.

As soon as I opened the bathroom door, I heard a whistle coming from the middle of my bedroom.

"Looking good Aesook" Himchan said while giving me the most pedo looking smile he could muster

"T-Thanks" I said back to him as I avoided making eye contact with him

As I slowly walked down the stairs I couldn't help but realize that everyone in the living room was staring at me with their mouths wide open. 

"Yah guys, close your mouth or a flies going to fly in." I laughed

I slowly approached the middle of the living room when my brother suddenly came out of no where and put his arm around me. I glanced up at him wondering what he wanted but he just glanced back down at me with a cute smile.

"As expected from my blood related sister" He said to me while his smile was getting bigger by the second

"You don't look bad yourself Daehyun, as expected from my blood related brother." I said, copying his words and he just laughed some more

"Awhhhhh they're so cute" Himchan said while staring at us like a proud mother

Both Daehyun and I glared at him while he continued to keep his arm around me. We walked past him and we went to go put our shoes on. I decided to match my lacy black dress with my red pumps and my red leather jacket.

"Alright kids, lets go then" Yongguk said while flashing us his gummy smile

We slowly walked out of our house and walked into the cold chilly night. We were all ready to go head on head with what's to come. It didn't matter if it was The Loan Sharks or The SIA because if they did appear, we will fight them head on with no mercy. After all, we were a team and if someone in the team goes down, we go down with them. We will fight together until the end and whether if its Junhong or Yongguk's problem or maybe even mine or Daehyun's. We will solve them together as friends, as gang members, as fellow assassins and of course, as family.

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Chapter 11: YAAAAAY~~~
d_han96 #2
Chapter 10: GLAD YOU'RE BACK,!!!!! FIGHTING!!,
Chapter 10: Yyeeeaaaaaayyy!!! ^_^
Chapter 9: Hahah rlab, wat is it with Junhonggie oppa and his "HEADSHOT!!!!"
But... I guess it makes him even more cuter, and it goes with the title!!! ^^
Update soon ^^ HWAITING!!!!
Chapter 8: Omo... Wtf
Chapter 5: Himchan is such a ^^
Chapter 4: Himchan...just no. xD Aesook and youngjae are really adorable <333 update soon~ renren~
Chapter 2: omg, this is getting more interesting :D update soon renren <3
Chapter 2: update again soon please!