Secret Identities

Boom, Head Shot.

Ae Sook's POV 

*beep beep*

I groaned at the load noise, and hid myself under my blankets while I popped in my ear plugs. I was honestly not ready for another day of school and Monday was the day I dreaded the most. A minute later I was completely irritated from the loud beeping noise coming from my alarm clock and by instinct I reached for my gun that I kept under my pillow. Without looking, I lifted it up and took off the safety and pulled the trigger.  

"Ahh thats better." I said aloud, as the beeping finally stopped and left nothing but a useless block of metal. I turned around and got comfy in my bed hoping to get as much sleep as I can before oppa comes jumping in to wake me up.

I got home super late last night along with the whole gang since we were helping our boss finish some of his dirty work. I'm not going to lie, but yesterday was a complete disaster. However, even though we managed to escape before anymore of their back up arrived, they left most of us with bruises and cuts. Even though we are top trained assassins it didn't keep us from getting hurt. After all, we are still just normal high school students who are just trying to live a normal life.


"So why did you call us boss?" All seven of us asked at the same time.

"Today I will be assigning all seven of you on a mission and yes, this will be a really risky one. I believe in you guys and I know you guys are the best of the best. Your target will be Oh Dae Ho, the leader of the well known gang SIA. Do you guys understand?"

"Neh." we said in unison.

"Great, then you guys will set off tonight at 5pm. Here is his profile and I suggest you guys to pack all the equipment you need as soon as we're done this meeting. However, I would like you guys to skim through this file before you leave and I will be explaining how the mission will go."


"Alright, so as you guys can see, he is a very dangerous man. He is one of the top drug dealers in the black market and he has murdered many members of many infamous gangs. I expect you guys to finish this job quick and clean and remember to keep yourself well disguised. Well, that's it, good luck you guys and if you need any back up just call headquarters and I'll send them in right away."

"Neh Mr. Kwon" we replied one last time before we left the meeting room to get ready for the mission.

All seven of us headed into the equipment room and we all went to our own little walls to pick our precious babies. Yes, the equipment room was filled with many things such as firearms ranging from pistols, shotguns, bazookas, machine guns and etc. It also had grenades, smoke bombs, semtex grenades, flash grenades, etc. There were also many different snipers with many different types of scopes on the side such as thermal scopes and much more. Also of course, there were my brothers beloved butterfly knives and daggers he would keep with him all the time. Every time we came into this room, his eyes would practically sparkle and he would look exactly like a five year old kid staring at their most beloved candy shop.  

"So you guys ready?" I yelled across the whole room asking the boys while staring at my beautiful G18 and carefully strapping in a .44 magnum onto my leg strap over my black jeans. When I was done strapping it in, I turned around and flashed my signature eye smile at them.

"Neh!!" they all said but one particular boy in the other end of the room.

"Ah noona, I'm not sure which one I should use on this mission." the younger male smiled at his noona sheepishly. 

"Hmm since the mission is going to be at night, I think using the Intervention would be good and maybe use a Thermal Scope? Well that's my opinion Junhong-ah but its totally up to you." I smiled back at him.

"Nononono I agree with you noona! Thank you!"

"Alright then, then lets go kids!" Him Chan and Yong Guk said in unison.

"Neh umma and appa." we all said together causing Him Chan and Yong Guk to shoot us with their death glare.

*ahahaaa omo I ship them so hard* I giggled at the thought.

-6 hours later-

So here we are hiding at the top of a building waiting for our target. We fought for a whole 30 minutes knocking down guards causing us all to suffer from a few bruises and scratches.

"Yah Youngjae are you sure he is in this area?" I spoke to the guy next to me.

"Hey Ae Sook when was I ever wrong? I tracked him down carefully before we decided to barge into the building okay? just trust me." 

"Yo guys bequiet or were going to get caught!" Jongup shouted at us with a hushed voice.

"Wait is that him?!?!" Daehyun asked while staring at a man with sunglasses getting out of a car with ten men surrounding him. 

"What the who the hell wears sunglasses at night?" Himchan laughed.

"Obviously only he does and can he be anymore obvious, I mean look at him!" Yongguk replied back.

"Well then, Junhong-ah are you ready? since you have your thermal scope this job should be easy alright? you'll be doing the honors since you're the best at using snipers okay?"

"Alright noona." Junhong replied back to me while taking a deep breath.


"HEAD SHOT!" Junhong yelled out loud.

The men downstairs stared at their gang leader in shock. "MR. OH MR.OH ARE YOU OKAY?" "YAH GUYS GET THEM!" a muscular man yelled while pointing at our hidden position.

All seven of us gasped the moment the men turned around and started shooting at us. "GUYS LETS GET THE OUT OF HERE!" I screamed at them.

All of us ran down the stairs as fast as we could but we got cornered half way down. While we were all doing our own thing fighting the guards, I got kicked in the face resulting me somersaulting on the ground trying to get back onto my feet. However, out of no where a random man comes out of no where and head locks me and points a gun to my temple. He yelled at everyone to drop their guns and threatened that he would shoot and I was honestly laughing inside, his hands were shaking like crazy and he was clearly in fear. Everyone dropped their guns but I smirked when I made eye contact with my brother. Since he was the one that specializes with knives it wasn't time before he grabbed the butterfly knife that was hidden in his pocket and chucked it at the man's hand causing the gun to fly out of his hand. Once he was caught off guard, I elbowed him and gave him a high kick to the head and hell broke loose once again. However, thanks to the little incident, all of them were thrown off guard and we managed to bring the fight to our advantage. Thankfully for us, we were all dressed in black and we all had black masks on just in case something like this ever happened. We managed to get all the way down into the parking lot before any of their back up arrived and we headed back to headquarters without suffering from any bullet wounds.

"Yah guys that was so close holy that was so intense! we almost got caught!" Junhong jumped around in excitement.

-End of Flashback-

So that's how the mission went last night and you can't blame me for being so tired. Before I knew it, I was pushed onto the hard floor of my bedroom with a loud thud. I looked around for the culprit who happened to be standing right at my door.

"JUNG DAEHYUN! GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW! YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!" I screamed at him while he laughed like a little boy pointing at me.



"Nah I'm good, go shower and get ready for school and come down for breakfast okay?" He walked over to me and ruffled my hair.

"Fine whatever." I pouted

"Oh right and by the way Yong Guk hyung said that they'll be a singing contest tonight at the club we always go to. You're going to sing with me and Youngjae right?"

"Neh but aren't you scared that the loan sharks might be there?" I replied with a smirk because I knew we were going to win no doubt and honestly, if we ever encountered the loan sharks again we could just beat them up, no biggy.

"Who knows we haven't seen them for months since the last time we killed five of their men. Anyways we will see what happens tonight arraso?" He smiled back at me.

"Neh oppa" I replied with my back facing him as I walked away getting ready to take a shower.


Hmmm so they're secretly assassins huh? 

Anyways, so are you guys enjoying the story so far? Tell me what you think in the comments below! ^^




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Chapter 11: YAAAAAY~~~
d_han96 #2
Chapter 10: GLAD YOU'RE BACK,!!!!! FIGHTING!!,
Chapter 10: Yyeeeaaaaaayyy!!! ^_^
Chapter 9: Hahah rlab, wat is it with Junhonggie oppa and his "HEADSHOT!!!!"
But... I guess it makes him even more cuter, and it goes with the title!!! ^^
Update soon ^^ HWAITING!!!!
Chapter 8: Omo... Wtf
Chapter 5: Himchan is such a ^^
Chapter 4: Himchan...just no. xD Aesook and youngjae are really adorable <333 update soon~ renren~
Chapter 2: omg, this is getting more interesting :D update soon renren <3
Chapter 2: update again soon please!