A Different Light - Hoya

A Different Light - Hoya

Fans stood in a line waiting to see their idols. Infinite. You were waiting as well, feels ran high, as did nerves and everything in between. Checking your outfit and you phone a couple more times helped seem to keep the nerves down. The line wrapped around the corner as the talking quieted down, you knew the idols were in the room and you were behind the wall. You have waited for this moment for several years. Never having enough money until now and now you get to stand in front of the idols that you have watched from the other side of the screen. The line began to move as you could hear the idol’s voices as the squealing girls past them. Laughing a little they moved onto the next person in line. The line moved slowly until you got past the doorway and you got to see all of the seven beautiful, perfect angels that sat in line. Greeting their fans they humbly bowed and listened to each of them as they signed their page and bowed to them once more. The line was almost moving too fast. Dongwoo looked down the line of girls and began to point a girl out that was around you to Hoya. You looked down at your feet shyly as the line moved up and you were now next to the table. Sliding your book up onto the table your heart began to race as Sungyeol smiled at you turning to his page in the book.

"I really like your hair, it is very unique" He said gazing at it for a while before sliding his felt tipped pen over his picture in the form of his signature.

"Thank you, I did it myself" You confesses as his lips curled into a smile, “Thank you Sungyeol" You bowed to him lightly as you looked to the next Infinite member that you would be meeting, Dongwoo.

Dongwoo’s mouth gape open as you moved your book in front of him.

"What is your name?" Dongwoo asked giving you all the attention in the world

”_____" You replied as he gave you one of his signature smiles and signed your book. “Thank you Dongwoo, your rapping is really fantastic" You slid a compliment in there as you moved to the next member, Hoya.

Hoya, Lee Howon, your idol, your bias, and your rock. Your heart began to slowly beat as you wanted to treasure every moment that you had with him.

"Hello" He said giving you a warm smile as you slid your book into his grasp. Dongwoo leaned over and whispered something in his ear before smiling at you once again then turning his attention to the fan that was in front of him once again. “So ______ is this your first event?"

"Y-Yes it is. I had to save my own money to come here" You nicely said

"So are you going to come to the concert tonight?" He asked looking at you as he tried to find the perfect page to sign on. You shook your head in embarrassment. “Why not?" He asked

"I don’t have enough money for the ticket and I also have to work tonight, my manager only granted me a little while" You watched his fingers jerk slightly as to your response. Taking in a big breath he nodded his head signing your book.

"I hope that you will come to see us in the future, ______. Good luck with work. _______ hwaiting!" He raised a fist like they would do before a concert.

"Hoya and Infinite hwaiting!" You followed, “Thank you so much Hoya. This means a lot to me" Bowing to show your appreciation and admiration for the man that made you feel like you belonged somewhere. That you had more to you than what meets the eye. He bowed to you back, flashing his perfect smile at you once more. The rest of the line went fine, asking you the basic questions trying to get to know their fans that follow and support them through everything.

— Hoya’s POV —

I watched her go down the line, she was so genuine, so sweet, so warm hearted and welcoming that she captured my heart before I even knew that it was her heart that I was giving my love to. Her perfect hair pulled into a tasteful hairdo, her outfit made her stand out like no other, but if that wasn’t enough her personality, the way she talked, the way she looked at me, now that was an impression that someone can’t memorize or put on a show. That was different. After she finished the line I watched her being escorted by the security guards out of the building. I heaved a sigh of sadness as I watched her leave almost certain that we would never meet again. But then again I wanted to see her. She was a breath of fresh air in this hot and musty place where lust and selfishness loomed. Signing the rest of the books was just like any other. All of the fans in their own talents were special but she caught my heart and held it with her.

Within the late night hours, the fan signing was over and my mind was still faceted on you. Your conversation and all of your actions was like a movie reel in my mind. Always on the replay button, with the slow motion option activated. Packing up my things into my purple backpack, I bumped into the security guard that had escorted you out of the building.

"Excuse me?" I described you in detail as his eyes began to recognize you.

"Yes, I did." He responded almost dismaying the special information that I entrusted him with

"Do you know where she went? Or where she works? Or what her last name is?" I desperately tried to find out more about you. He knew nothing more and nobody else was much of a help either.

Later that night, I sat up from my purple comforter and rolled my legs out of the warm bed. Putting on some jeans and a clean white tank top with a black collared shirt over it. I walked out of the dorm grabbing my phone and shoving it into my pocket. I walked several blocks before my feet began to ache. Rolling up my sleeves to just above my elbows I slid my hands into my pockets as the breeze took the open flaps of the black shirt and brushed them against the contrast of my white tank top. Looking into the store windows, I looked at the products and the people that worked there, hoping to find you. A café was up ahead as I thought that a nice warm drink couldn’t hurt.

The bell jingled my welcome as I found a booth. A younger woman walked up to me and took my order. Glancing at her nametag I looked at her face.

"Sir?" She asked as she looked at me confused

"Hot chocolate please" I said adverting my eyes trying to check my memory. With my order in her hands she walked to make it. Walking back with the warm cup in her hands she placed it in front of me as the steam rose from the deep colored mixture within the cup.

"Will that be all?" She asked tiredly

"Um" I paused debating weather to bring it up or not, but my heart spoke before my mind could catch up, “Did you by any chance go to the Infinite fan signing today?" I looked into her eyes as the frames of my glasses framed her face.

"I did" You quietly said bashfully hiding yourself. I let out a sigh of relief as I had found you.

"Can I take you out tonight?" I dared, being risky like I do on stage.

"I would like that" My eyes met yours, “I just have to clean up some things and clock out before we can go ok?"

Nodding my head happily, “I will wait for you then" smiling in one of the happiest moments of my life. I took a sip of my hot chocolate as you returned to take my empty cup.

"Did you enjoy it?" You asked as I couldn’t fathom how I couldn’t have.

"Did you make it?" I asked curiously

"It was my own recipe, sometimes the boss doesn’t allow me to sell it but you looked like you needed some extra happiness" Your words were honey to my ears as I couldn’t help but smile.

"Thank you that was exactly what I needed" I confessed as she took my cup back to have it washed.

— Your POV—

Hoya, Lee Howon was here and he just asked me out. I wonder why, there isn’t anything special about me. You wondered

Pulling your purse over your shoulder and taking off your apron you walked to Hoya.

"Ready?" He asked as you nodded your head as his hand slid into his unexpectedly. You locked the door and turned off the light as he waited for you. Walking beside him after you finished your duties, he walked with you through the trees as more surrounded you as the time passed.

"Did you like doing your fansigning today?" You asked trying to break the silence

"It was ok, I guess one girl stood out to me today and I met some boys that liked us so I guess you could call it a success." He put his hands in his pockets again as you noticed his apparel.

"You look very nice tonight, a lot different that I thought you would actually" You bit your bottom lip wondering if that question would make him uncomfortable.

"Oh~ Thanks, I just felt like it I guess, trying to find my own style is kind of hard with coodi noonas" He let out an airy laugh as you approached a clearing that opened to a lake. A bench was nearby and you both sat down, enjoying the peaceful night that was almost familiar to you.

"Is it hard being an idol?" Trying to ask some more general questions

"It has its moments but I like music and dancing that is why I do it. It isn’t for the fans or for the money or the fame but for the passion that is behind every idol and every fan, how they can connect with you through instruments and your voice is just amazing to me, Also that international fans can get feeling from our music that is the most inspirational part for me." He rested his arms on his thighs as a single candle on the water caught your eye.

"So is it hard being a waitress?" He asked in return

"It has its moments" You giggled, “I like seeing all of the different people that come in and what they order is interesting cause it fits their personality so well. But it has its downfalls and its highlights too I guess." Sighing you slid down the bench a little more.

More candles began to fill your view on the reflective surface of the lake. Hoya sat back like you as his hand set on yours.

"You are not like most girls and fans, you are different. Different in a good way. You make me see myself like no one has before. I couldn’t bear to not see you again." His kind eyes met yours, “I finally see my life clearer than I have ever before, like a fog has lifted and I see the light, something new, and it’s warm and real and bright like the world has somehow shifted. Now that I see you" The words that he was saying was vaguely familiar to you. You couldn’t put your finger on it.

More candles on boats floated across the water. The candles, small with light when more joined the candle the light seem to glow brighter than it ever could with one. All the candles filled the lake as they flowed with the current lighting up the whole park on their way, floating on the streams and the creeks that moved, sending the lights out on their own journeys hoping to meet someday with their fellow candles to share their light once again.

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Chapter 1: Omg!! I love this story author-nim! I was smiling the whole time and my heart literally melted while imagining this. ^^