Why am I here?

Of Love and Other Demons

Youngjae's POV:

A week later

‘I guess have gotten used to this new routine….lifestyle? I didn't hang out much with my friends this past week, I don't want them to ask me that many questions. I know they are worried, but I can't tell them, I am afraid of what Jaebum will do. Jaebum has changed a lot, he isn't himself. He has a lot of mood swings and honestly I am terrified.


 Why am I here? Why am I living with him? I hate him, all the love I had died that night that. Every day it’s the same routine the same ing routine, Jaebum always hits me, I can't take it anymore I want to leave, but I can't I am afraid of his reaction. He told me that if I ever leave he will find me and drag me back. I am such a coward, what am  I waiting for? I should leave now when I have the chance but then again I am afraid of leaving and leaving Jaebum behind.


 What if he is right, what if he is the only one who will love me....nobody will accept me. I don't want to burden my friends I don't want to be the pathetic person Jaebum says I am. I know Jaebum has finally gotten to me, I try not to listen to him.  I am terrified, I can't do anything without being yelled at, Jaebum makes sure that I know he is in charge.


But in the midst of that darkness, I think I have found a light. Once you have lost everything there is something that had always been there no matter what, hope. And Youngjae has found that hope. He didn't know when or how it happened, was it in their first meeting or was it the last Saturday that he had realize what he was feeling.



Cruel reality had slapped him on the face (again), he was in love with Jung Daehyun.  He had figured that out, he couldn’t sleep at night. All he thought about was Daehyun. He felt like a school girl thinking and dreaming of the boy who had his heart, but he could be with him. Youngjae laughed at his own misery, "How cruel life was, he was in love...he could love again, but it was forbidden....'

 He remembered judging the story of  Romeo and Juliet  he read in high school. He had thought that was the worst love story, he hated it because he thought that Romeo and Juliet were being weak for killing themselves, but now he understood their torment. He could relate to their tragedy and weakness now, love makes one a fool. Love is suppose to be enjoyed, not being expressed by killing themselves!  Now he could understand their pain, he couldn't be with the one he loved, he wanted to be near him, hear him and touch him. But Daehyun was forbidden. Youngjae couldn't love anyone, he was stuck in this in-between world. Could he really leave Jaebum and risk confessing to Daehyun and being rejected or staying with Jaebum forever in that misery. One question did bother him would Daehyun ever feel the same way for him?

Jaebum mistreated him but in some cruel and messed up way Youngjae knew that Jaebum loved him. It was Saturday once again and Youngjae was sitting outside at the usual cafe. He was happy his most of his visual bruises had are not as prominent as before which made it easier for him to cover it up with make-up.

Fall was quickly turning to winter, the black blazer that hung loosely on Youngjae’s shoulders was barely enough for the cold breeze. He was content the breeze wasn't strong enough to blow away his black hat. Sitting in his favorite cafe was the only thing that could calm his pained heart. What else could he do, but think of Daehyun. Actually today he was going to meet up with him, he was nervous and terrified. Youngjae didn't know how to act around him anymore, ‘should I act the same….what should I do around him?’


Youngjae turned around and saw the diva himself Kim Himchan holding hands with a lost puppy Jongup. They looked extremely happy.

"Hi hyung , Jonguppie!" Youngjae smiled as he waved at them.

"What are you doing here?" Himchan asked and hugged Youngjae.

"Waiting for Daehyun, but the idiot is late" Youngjae laugh, "Sit you guys don't have to be standing!"

Jongup pulled out a chair for Himchan to sit, Himchan blushed and thank him .Jongup blushed as well and sat next to Himchan. They leaned close together and were holding hands. They looked like a happy newlywed couple. Youngjae couldn't look at them; the pain was unbearable.

Youngjae look down at his pale porcelain cup, he let his finger swirl around the rim of the cup. The smell of the tea engulfed his nose.

"What's wrong Youngjae-ah you have been distant the whole week..." Himchan asked warily, he was surprise Youngjae was meeting with Daehyun today. Youngjae had been skipping on hanging out with them the pass days, Himchan was worried, he knew something was wrong but Youngjae wouldn't tell him anything.

Youngjae looked up at his hyung and flashed a fake smile, "Nothing hyung, I'm fine!"

Himchan pouted, "Your lying Jae!"

"I'm not...." Youngjae giggled, "so are you guys together now?"

Himchan and Jongup blushed and nodded.

"Sweet, so was it was love at first sight? I honestly thought that was just a myth, but when I saw you guys it was obvious!" Youngjae laughed more trying to ignore his pain.

Jongup blushed, "I knew Himchan was the one when I saw him. Himchan is the most beautiful man I have ever met. I just had to talk to him. And I am glad I did! Himchan is perfect, he is amazing, and beautiful..."

Youngjae smiled he remembered when he was like that, in love with Jaebum. It was an eternal bliss everything was magical. It pained him to see them so happy, but he had to keep the happy act with them.

"That’s great," Youngjae smiled but it looked more like a grimace. Every, peck, touch and longing stare Himchan and Jongup shared was torturous to Youngjae, as if they were stabbing him repeatedly on the heart.

"Youngjae, how are you? You don't look good..." Himchan leaned forward towards Youngjae.

"I'm fine Hyung stop worrying aish!" Youngjae playfully rolled his eyes, "I just want you two to be careful okay! Never lose that love you have for each other..."

Youngjae sadly smiled," love is wonderful....it' something that you cannot find easily and once it is lost, it will take a long time to be found again. It's what fuels the soul, it’s our hope..we humans are awful creatures...we destroy the world and each other...don't let the love you have for each other die. Loving someone and can't have them... now that’s worst thing that anyone would go through...love is beautiful but also disgusting it turns angels to demons. It makes the all the good in the world turn to ash just as it can make it turn to gold. Love is stupid...love makes one weak....but strong" Youngjae laughed at myself, "don't make the mistake of losing what you love most....because you won't get them back... you are lucky to have the one you love. Many people live their lives without being with the one they love...it's a pain I would never want you guys to feel...."

Jongup and Himchan looked at Youngjae worriedly not knowing what to say, "Youngjae..." Himchan looked sadly at his best friend.

Youngjae flashed them with another fake smile, "Don't look at me like that...." Youngjae laughed more and looked at his unattained tea, "I'm just giving you guys some advice..."

Himchan could tell that Youngjae was suffering; he wasn't Youngjae’s best friend for a reason. "Jae tell me what's happen…"

"Nothing hyung..." Youngjae tried to smile but couldn't, the last couple of days have been hell for him.

"If you like hyung I could leave..." Jongup started to get up, he didn't like to see his fluffy and adorable hyung  upset.

"No, no, no!" Youngjae raised his hands, "It's nothing really!"

"YOOOOOUUNNNGGGJJAEEEE!" Everyone turned around and saw Daehyun shouting and waving his hand at Youngjae.

Youngjae couldn't help to chuckle at Daehyun. Daehyun was such an airhead, Youngjae smiled and waved back.

Himchan looked at his best friend; he didn't miss the glint in Youngjae’s eyes as he looked at Daehyun. Himchan smiled sadly and now understood what was going on. Youngjae was in love with the stupid country boy named Jung Daehyun. Himchan knew Youngjae and this was something he himself was going to get himself involved in, even though he should let the two young boys figure it out on their own, but a little push was needed and Himchan was willing to give the push.

Youngjae's eye's grew wide, Daehyun looked beautiful his brown hair was slightly curled and the outfit he wore was marvelous, blue long-sleeved v-neck shirt and a gray pants.

"Is that why you were taking so long?" Youngjae asked as Daehyun sat down next to Youngjae; the younger boy reached and touched his curled hair, "to curl your hair?"

Daehyun blushed and looked away, "Jaehyo made me..."

Himchan smiled, ‘ahhh that Jaehyo….we need to make plans together….hmmm….I need to call him. We need to get these two together…’

Youngjae giggled, "it looks nice..."

Himchan smiled even more seeing that Daehyun and Youngjae were a blushing mess. Jongup nudged him and signaled him to leave them alone. Himchan pouted and shook his head, Jongup gave him a meaningful glare, saying 'give them their alone time!' Himchan pouted more he wanted to do something, but he didn't know what, next time Himchan thought and smiled mischievously.

Youngjae and Daehyun were still smiling at each other so they didn't notice that Himchan and Jongup had gotten up.

"Well, now that you have company we will leave..." Himchan smiled.

"Bye hyungs!" Jongup smiled brightly.

Youngjae and Daehyun nodded dumbly.

"Play nice now you two," Himchan wink and walked away laughing seeing both of his dongseans turning red.

Daehyun turned to face Youngjae again, he didn't know how many times more he would look at Youngjae and still be memorized by the younger's beauty. He was happy to see Youngjae again, it has been a week since he had hung out with him, and Youngjae had been skipping out on him and the group. Daehyun didn't know why but he knew it was because of what had happened last Saturday. He started acting strange. He missed his goofy loveable and outgoing Jae, what had happen to him?

 Youngjae called the waiter and  they ordered and soon after their food came out.

Youngjae ordered another tea and a banana muffin while Daehyun ordered three different kinds of cheesecakes and coffee.

"Why are you always stuffing you face, I don't know how you are not fat.." Youngjae laughed.

"Iphmts jupmst goopmht gepmes!" Daehyun said with a mouth full of strawberry cheesecake. Youngjae didn't forget what had happened their last meeting, they had almost kiss. Youngjae felt his heart beat speed up. That moment he had realized he did want Daehyun to kiss him. He found out that he didn't just like Daehyun but that he loved him.

"Good genes huh?" Youngjae understood what Daehyun said, was it weird that he understand him?

Daehyun nodded happily and kept eating. The chatted for a while, it was peaceful. The cafe mostly played oldies and jazz music. Of course Youngjae knew most of the song and sometimes would sing along, though Daehyun didn't mind he loved hearing his voice.

"So is Roxas is going to come back?" Daehyun asked once again they started talking about Kingdom Hearts.

"Well...I am not sure, since he is where he belongs....but then again Axel is back..." Youngjae tuckered his lips as he thought, that game had them talking for hours usually talking about theories.

"If he doesn't come back I am going to up!" Daehyun lifted his fist menacingly.

Youngjae laughed, "Yeah you are going to storm to the writer’s home and tell them to rewrite the story and remake the game?"

Daehyun nodded, "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea!"

Youngjae laughed and ruffled Daehyun's hair, "Sure, I'll be there to bail you out of jail!"

"Nah you would be there sitting right next to me in jail!" Daehyun laughed and Youngjae nodded.

"Ahh what are the odds of meeting you here...again.."

Youngjae paled not wanting to hear that voice and turned around hoping it wasn't who he thought it was.

Jaebum was walking up with him with Jr. Youngjae felt anger rush through him, why was he with Jr. Jaebum had told Youngjae he had loved him, but if he loved Youngjae why was he still hanging out with Jr.

"Hey Daehyun!" Jaebum smiled, Daehyun nodded not to please that Jaebum had interrupted them...again.

Youngjae looked down and noticed the half eaten muffin on the table he tried to push it away but Jaebum had already seen it. Jaebum reached for Youngjae’s wrist and pulled harshly on it so Youngjae would turn around and face him. Jaebum leaned down and hugged Youngjae taking the younger in surprise.

"Jae-ah what have I told you?" Jaebum whispered next to Youngjae's ear. Youngjae felt shivers down his spine.

"I..I..." Youngjae was too nervous to talk.

Jaebum hugged Youngjae harder making the younger wince in pain by the healing burses that Jaebum purposely touched. Youngjae buried his head on Jaebum's shoulder not wanting the other's to see him in pain.

"Youngjae, why do you want me to be upset with you, do you like that?" Jaebum continued, Youngjae shook his head, "Then stop....I don't want to be embarrassed being seen with a ing fat boyfriend!"

And with that Jaebum released his boyfriend and kissed him lightly on the lips and turned around to smirk at Daehyun who was glaring at him.

"How have you been Daehyun?" Jaebum emphasized Daehyun's name taunting him.

"Fine..." Daehyun muttered and looked away. He hated Jaebum. He didn’t know why but he hated him.

Jr. walked past Jaebum and hugged Youngjae too, " Ahhh, Jaejae you are soooo adorable!"

Youngjae wanted to push Jr. away but he knew Jaebum would be upset if he did anything bad to Jr.

Jr. continued cooing over Youngjae and started to pinch the younger's cheeks, "ahhh you are soo cute, I love your cheeks.....ahhh I think your fat is adorable!"

Youngjae tried to hide the pain and disgust towards Jr. "Ahh...please....you are embarrassing me!" Youngjae faked laughed and hide his face on his hands.

"Yah, Jr. stop messing with my Youngjae lets go..." Jaebum started to walk away.

Jr. nodded and hugged Youngjae again, making the younger more uncomfortable, ‘what the does he want…’

Jr. lightly kissed Youngjae neck making Youngjae scrim away frightened, "Shh....Jaejae it’s okay~"

"You should leave; Jaebum will g-et up-set..." Youngjae stuttered.

"AHHH Jaejae I hardly see you!" Jr. announced making Daehyun even madder, what the hell what is he doing to Youngjae. Daehyun could see how uncomfortable Youngjae was, but he didn't know why.

Jr. lightly kissed Youngjae's neck again and whispered, "Jaejae, it would be wise if you don't disturb us tonight..." 

Jr. got up and smiled cockily at Youngjae, "See yah!"

Youngjae looked down, clutching his hands tightly making the knuckles turn white, 'I ing hate you Jr. what the hell is your problem!' Youngjae wanted to cry, he hated being weak, he hate how betrayed he felt, as if Jaebum would not cheat on him. Youngjae wanted to laugh at how stupid he was, he had believed that Jaebum really did love him. 'why does he want to stay with me does he just want to him....' Youngjae took deep breaths

"Youngjae are you alright?" Daehyun reached forward holding on to Youngjae’s fists.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." Youngjae voice crack towards the end he looked away trying not to look directly at Daehyun, 'why can't I be with you....why can't I be free to love....Daehyun you really are my sin now....you are the demon that will remind me of what love I will miss out on, that love that I can have...the love I can't be with.....my sin is that I love you that I want to be with you.... why can’t Jaebum just leave me..'

"Youngjae what did Jr. tell you?" Daehyun was concerned, Youngjae was quiet his hat covered his face, he didn't know what the younger was thinking.

In the playlist of the coffee shop a familiar song played, "Can't help Falling in Love" By Elvis Presley. Youngjae wanted to laugh at that point, life was really a . It had to remind him of things he couldn't have. 'This isn't even ing jazz music why the hell are they playing it!' Youngjae shouted in his mind.

Wise men say only fools rush in
but I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay
would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you

Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
some things are meant to be
take my hand, take my whole life too
for I can't help falling in love with you

Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
some things are meant to be
take my hand, take my whole life too
for I can't help falling in love with you
for I can't help falling in love with you

Youngjae buried his face n his hands, the lyrics had played in his head taunting him. 'he couldn't take the pain anymore  he was going to explode.

"D-aehy-un can we le-ave?" Youngjae asked.

Daehyun warily looked at Youngjae, "yeah...wait here I'll go pay..."

Daehyun quickly walked to the cashier and paid, 'what is upsetting Youngjae...that ing Jr. I will ing beat the out of him! What did he tell Jae?'

Daehyun walked back towards his table. Youngjae lifelessly looked towards the park across the road.

"Hey Jae wanna go for a walk?"  Daehyun asked.

Youngjae nodded and got up, "Aren't you going to finish your muffin?" Daehyun asked.

"I'm not hungry..." Youngjae’s voice was cold and monotone.

Daehyun silently walked next to Youngjae to the park, they were now in the center. The park was beautiful with trees covering the road, the afternoon was chilly so there were hardly any people at the park. Youngjae silently walked around next to Daehyun mostly looking away. Daehyun was dying he hated not being able to help him. Daehyun sighed he knew Youngjae wouldn't tell him...again. The only thing he could do was be there for Youngjae. Daehyun felt Youngjae’s hand reaching for his. Daehyun was shocked, 'is he holding my hand?"

Daehyun turned around and saw their linked hands.

"C-an I?" Youngjae whispered.

"Ye-ah.." Daehyun blushed, he couldn't believe Youngjae was holding his hand.

"Daehyun..." Youngjae started toward the trees.

"Yeah?" Daehyun squeezed Youngjae’s had tighter.

"Do you sometimes just get tired and want to give up?" Youngjae asked.

"I don't understand, Jae what's wrong?" Daehyun asked again.

Youngjae sighed, "Sometimes I feel like just giving up, I think to myself....and I wonder what's my purpose..why am I here? Why do I have to live, I don't know what to feel anymore...I don't want to do this. I can't move from the spot I am at. I am suffocating. I hate it. I hate everything! I have nothing I can claim as my own. My own family threw me out like trash, I haven't seen them in years....do they miss me? I miss them. Do they hate me? I still love them..... I just want to stop thinking....I want to give up and just run, run until my lungs collapse and legs rip apart...."

Daehyun didn't understand why Youngjae was saying this, why did he sound like he wanted to die? He had him, Himchan, Youngguk, Zelo, Jongup, Sunhwa and her friends, Onew and the others and he had him...Jaebum. What could make Youngjae so miserable?

"Jae, don't say that, you have us," Daehyun hugged Youngjae, "Don't say that you feel like giving up, the Youngjae I know is a fighter, he will fight for what he loves and believes in. Youngjae you might feel like nothing is going to work out but it will. I will make sure it will. Even though I don't know what is going on, I'll be here, I'll always be here. Even if you try to push me away. I'll be here. Jae I care about you so much, it hurts to see you like this; I want to make you happy. I want you to be the cheery Jae I first met."

Youngjae rested his head on Daehyun's neck and breath heavily, he didn’t' want to cry, but he felt so helpless. Everything was falling apart. The love of his life had turned into a monster. Jaebum wasn't the angel he thought, he was a ing demon in disguise he was the one who had tainted Youngjae. The one that made Youngjae sin, made him hate everything. To feel anger, sadness, and loathe everything, including himself. The one that had crushed every little hope he had in life. Youngjae believed there were parts in everyones that life that were happy, and that love could solve everything.

"I can't...I can’t' Youngjae choked, his tears were suffocating. He had to let them out; he didn't want to cry in front of Daehyun. He didn't want another person to pity him or think of him as weak.

"Shh...Jae I'm here...I'll always be...I’ll protect you!" Daehyun rubbed Youngjae's back; it killed him to see Youngjae crying.

Youngjae cried on Daehyun's shoulder until he couldn't any longer. Daehyun continue to say soothing words and promises. 

Youngjae had calm down, they were now sitting on a bench. Youngjae lay his head on Daehyun's lap and the older boy his long locks.

"Jae it's getting late, I'll take you home yeah?" Daehyun hated to part ways but the younger boy was visibly tired.

Youngjae slowly got up and shyly smiled, "Thank for everything...sorry for not being much fun..."

"I'm happy as long as I can hang out with you Jae.." Daehyun reached forward and Youngjae’s hair and the grabbed his hat and place it on the younger’s head, "I love hanging out with you Youngie.."

Youngjae blushed," Me too, next time I promise, I won't be a crying mess..."

"But you look cute Jae~" Daehyun teased.

"Do not!" Youngjae crossed his hand and looked away he tried to pout but ended up smiling, Daehyun always made him happy no matter what.

Daehyun hugged Youngjae, "Come on don't be mad~"

"I couldn’t never be mad at you~" Youngjae tickled Daehyun.

"YAHHH! HAHHAHAH!" Daehyun tried to push Youngjae hands away. Unfortunately Daehyun pushed Youngjae too hard, the younger fell to the floor, and Daehyun was not far behind and fell on top of him.

"Omph!" both whined. Daehyun body lading perfectly on top of Youngjae making Daehyun turned ten shades redder. He was looking at Youngjae who was like an inch away. Youngjae shocked was looking at him as well. Daehyun tried to get up but his had slipped with leaf and he accidently fell forward. That second was one of Daehyun's most embarrassing yet most wonderful. Falling forwards he face landed right on top of Youngjae' making their lips graze for a second.

"Omo I am so-rry You-ngj-ae!" Daehyun tried to get up for a second time and successfully made it; he quickly helped Youngjae up after.

"It's fine.." Youngjae looked away and touched his lips, 'we kiss..we actually....kissed...'

Daehyun ran his hand through his hair, '.....his lips were so soft....' and looked at the floor finding Youngjae’s hat on the floor, he walked up to it and pick it up.

"Jae...your hat..." Daehyun passed it to Youngjae and thanked him. There was awkward silence until Youngjae started to laugh.

Daehyun confused looked at Youngjae.

"Ya! If you wanted to kiss me you didn't have to nearly kill me!" Youngjae playfully hit Daehyun.

"What...I the...what??" Daehyun blushed and looked away.

Youngjae laughed and poked Daehyun's cheeks, "Awww~ Don't be embarrass Daehyunnie I'm just kidding!"

"YAH! YOO YOUNGJAE!" Daehyun grabbed the younger wrist, Youngjae giggled more, "poor Hyunnie is embarrassed...."

Daehyun smiled seeing Youngjae smile, "Let's go home Jae, I bet you don't want me to accidently kiss you again..."

Youngjae hugged Daehyun catching him off guard, "Careful Jae..."

The cheeky boy giggled, "Sorry...hey Daehyun....can you take me to Channie's and Guk's home?"

"Hmmm...sure?" Daehyun finally hugged the younger back.

"Thanks..."Youngjae nuzzled his face on Daehyun's shoulder.

'Jae I love you....' Daehyun thought sadly, how he wished Youngjae would love him back.


*Knock, Knock*

Youngguk lazily walked to the door, 'Who is it at this ing time?' Youngguk opened the door and was slammed to the floor.

"SUPRISEEE!" Youngjae hugged Youngguk.

"Wah? What are you doing here Youngjae?" Youngguk asked.

"Hyung you don't want me here?" Youngjae pouted.

"No, its not that! It's just that you rarely visit..." Youngguk sat up, Youngjae was still sitting on his legs.

"Can I sleep over hyung?" Youngjae asked.

"Of course Jae!" Youngguk flashed a gummy smile.

"Who's here?" Himchan walked in the room and sat both boys on the floor, "AHHH JAE YOUR HERE!"

Youngjae smiled, "Gukkie-hyung said I can sleep over!"

"You’re sleeping over?!" Himchan jumped on the two males on the floor hugging them.

"Where do you want to sleep on my bed or Gukkies’?"  Himchan asked.

"Hmmm...." Youngjae smiled, "How about like old time hyung.... when we all shared the bed..."

Youngguk smiled and nodded, "My bed is bigger so my bed it is!"

Himchan nodded, "But what brings you here Jae?"

"I just miss you guys a lot...." Youngjae sadly smiled, "I haven't hung out with you guys in a while..."  Youngjae frowned, '.....and Jaebum is ing Jr. right now......'

"I'll bring your some clothes Jae-ah!" Himchan got up and walked to his bedroom.

Youngjae and Youngguk got up and Youngguk laced his fingers on Youngjae's and smiled at him, "Jae are you okay?"

"I'm fine hyung, don't worry..." Youngjae smiled at his hyung as they walked to his bedroom.

"I do worry Jae; we have been friends for a long time...I know when you are upset..." Youngguk sighed.

"Hmm...." Youngjae smiled at his hyung, "it will pass...I'll be happy before you know it hyung...."

Now in Youngguk's room the older male jumped on his bed, Youngjae laughed at Youngguk's childishness.

"Hey Jae!" Himchan passed Youngjae shorts and a t-shirt.

"Thanks hyung.....I'll change in the restroom..." Youngjae walked towards the restroom.

"Jae-ah, you have changed in front of us before.....no need to be shy!" Himchan called out but was responded with the slam of the door.

Youngjae took off his shirt and looked at himself at the mirror, dark bruises adorned his abdomen and back, he couldn’t show that to Youngguk and Himchan. Youngjae sighed, "I'm disgusting...."  Youngjae traced his burses flinched as he touched them, getting more upset as he looked at himself, he looked ugly. Jaebum was right; he should be embarrassed to have a boyfriend like Youngjae.

"No...don't think like that Jae...you great....you are beautiful....don't let Jaebum get to you!" Youngjae told himself tried to smile.

Youngjae gave up trying to cheer himself up and decided to quickly change.

"What took you so long?" Himchan nagged sitting on the edge of Youngguk's bed. Youngjae smiled at him and tackled him down to the bed.

"YAHHHH!" Himchan tried to push the younger away.

"I call the middle!" Youngjae laughed and crawled towards Youngguk who was under the sheets already.

"Hurry up so we can sleep Channie!" Youngguk turned off the lights.

Youngjae snuggled close to his Youngguk who hugged him and pulled him closer.

"Yah!" Himchan pulled on Youngjae, "don't hog my Jae!"

Youngjae laughed, Himchan and Youngguk had been like his parents more than best friends at times. Youngguk the strong and maculate father who protected Youngjae and Himchan the nagging but caring mother who cleaned all of Youngjae's oo’s . Youngjae ended up laying his head on Youngguk chest as the elder his hair and Himchan hugged his left arm as he rested his head on Youngjae's shoulder.

"Jae-ah, are you going to tell us what's wrong?" Youngguk asked.

"Nothing’s wrong...." Youngjae said.

"Hmmm then will you tell us about your date with Daehyun?" Himchan asked excitedly.

Youngjae blushed, "It wasn't a date hyung..."

"Pshh...sure Jae...." Himchan rolled his eyes.

"Let's just sleep yeah?" Youngjae blushed more.

"Goodnight Jae....may your dreams be filled with the Busan boy!" Himchan giggled.

"Hyung~" Youngjae whined.

"Good night Jae ignore Himchan you know how he is..." Youngguk lightly kissed Youngjae forehead.

"Hmmm...." Youngjae smiled and snuggled closer to Youngguk, "Goodnight Gukkie-hyung....Channie-hyung....love you guys..."

"We love you too Youngjae..." Himchan smiled.


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Chapter 3: Omg i love kingdom hearts too <3 like, really !
Chapter 12: oh my god. i spent three hours to read this. it was beautiful, the only thing that annoys me a lot is that the way Youngjae is too weak and the way that the other hardly realized that something happened between jae and zelo. it was too painful to be read, to read youngjae's sorrows and all. it was terrified.

but it ended well because of daehyun and the other four guys around him.

thank you for the story anw. ;)
Chapter 12: Daejae <3 love it!
Chapter 12: Wahh happy endinggg for daejae~~~ ^^
Chapter 12: time will heal the wounds :) And then they are a happy couple, even happier than now!
jackiela #6
Chapter 12: aww such a great fluffy story criesssssss
Chapter 12: ahhh love it =] DaeJae will be together forever =]
Chapter 12: sweeeettt ^^ they will be together foreverrr
Chapter 11: Awww soooo sweet! My daejae feels x))