Duty as a Manager

Not A Fangirl... BUT A MANAGER??!!




 It was the first time that I was glad my parents weren’t here in the house. Why? if you probably suddenly brought six handsome famous idols in your house, what would your parents say? What would you do? Thank god my parents weren’t here. But still, for many of you, if BAP came to your house, you would be screaming in your mind but for me, it wasn’t. I never liked having guests in my house. I can’t really act myself when anyone comes to my house.


Right now, the famous boy group BAP were gobbling up my cookies. Did I like that? NO. Like I said before, I didn't like having guests in my house, yes not even BAP.


Himchan looked around the house and asked,


“You seem rich, why do you need a job?”


I shrugged as I sat down on the couch next to Yongguk who was eating my chocolate chip cookies that I bought yesterday. Jongup the TV like it was his house instead of mine. I remembered how Mr. Park said how they can act like spoiled jerks and he was definitely right. Rude jerks. Zello turned around to me and smiled,


“Where is your room? I want to see it.” My face froze. I don’t think I cleaned up my room today. Before Zello did anything, I ran upstairs first and Zello followed me quickly in an incredible speed. If I was a second slower, Zello would’ve probably entered my room. I dashed into my room and locked it quickly. Zello yelled from the outside like a kid,


“Hey~ Open up! Come on!!!” I looked around my room and I was right. My clothes were lying on the floor and my desk still had the empty hot cheetos bag from yesterday. I shoved everything into the trash can and I had no choice to shove my clothes under the bed. I looked around once more and it looked neat. I carefully opened the door and not only Zello was in front of my room but the rest of the members. I only put my head out and glared at them,




“We want to see your room.” Zello pouted like a six year old even though he was a giant.


“Why? You don’t need to see it. It is rude to go into other people’s room without their permission.” I replied as I slowly shut the door but a foot blocked it. I looked up slowly and Youngjae’s foot was there. He swung the door widely making me fall to the ground on my and BAP rushed into my room like it was their room.


“We need to become close. You are our manager. Of course we can go to your room without permission.” Jongup grinned as he lift me up.


“Your room is nice.” Zello complimented as he sat on my bed. I rolled my eyes,


“Thank you.” I was making sure every member wasn’t like opening my drawers or something like that.


“Oh! I see Daehyun’s room!” Yongjae said as he pointed through my window to the room across from my window. Oh, that is Daehyun’s room? Talking about Daehyun, where was he? I thought he entered my room. Is he somewhere else? Where? I don’t think he is that rude to enter like my parent’s room or their office. Maybe the library? I turned around and he was next to the stairway with his hand in his pockets. I carefully looked at him and he had something in his mouth. All I can see was a white stick sticking out from his mouth. White stick. No way. No way.


I walked up to him and asked carefully,


“What are you eating?” He replied as if it wasn’t a big deal,


“An orange lollipop. It was the last one. You could buy some more.”


That was my orange lollipop. That was my baby. I really don’t care if he ate something else like ice cream or chips but not my orange lollipop. And it was the last one? THE LAST ONE? God, my last lollipop was eaten by some jerk? God, despite of his handsome face, his personality indeed was rotten. I breathed out angrily wanting to just punch him in the face for taking my last lollipop but it would be a mess. Punching an idol? Not a good idea.  I just breathed out angrily and stomped into my room,


“Ya! Jung Daehyun, never ever eat my lollipop without my permission.”


He looked down at me cockily and just smirked. Did he just ignored me? And I was like right in front of him? God, even the Daehyun from BAP acts rude. Very rude. I calmed myself and yelled,


“You guys! It is late! Go back to your house!”


Zello looked up at me from my bed and whined,


“Few more minutes!! Please???”  His angelic face didn’t work on me. I literally pushed him off the bed and sighed,


“You guys. Get going. I need to sleep. We have school tomorrow.”


“Come on, it is like only 9:30.” Jongup rolled his eyes as he put the book back on the shelf.


“Guys, let’s go. She must be tired or something.” Yongguk said as he opened the big window next to my bed.


“What are you doing?” I frowned.

“We are going through the window. You don’t expect us to walk all the way down and go around the house, right? We have a shortcut.” Yongguk replied. He squatted at the edge of my window and leaped through Daehyun’s room. I raised an eyebrow. Isn't it dangerous?


“Well, see you in the morning. Oh wait. You need to wake us up and cook us breakfast, right?” Himchan quickly turned around to me as he was about leap from my window.


“Yeah... I have the house key... I will wake you guys up...” I replied meekly. As Himchan leaped in the air, Jongup said,


“You know. You can just jump to Daehyun’s room. It is easier. Oh but be careful not to land on Daehyun. He will kill you practically.”


“She isn’t going to just enter my room like that, right?” Daehyun glared at me and I shrugged,


“Why not? I mean you took my last lollipop, right? I can do that to you.”


Zello said to me as he was about to jump,


“Wake me up last, ok?”


“See you.” Yongjae nodded as he followed after Zello. I crossed my arms as I watched Daehyun about to leap but something caught my eyes so I yanked him back. He looked at me in shock,


“What the hell? God, I thought I was going to fall. If I did, my beautiful face would be ruin.” I sighed and pointed at another orange lollipop behind his back,


“What is that? I thought the one you ate was the last one.”


He laughed evilly and replied like it wasn’t a big deal,


“I lied. Sorry but this is the last one.” Then he jumped into his room without giving me a chance to yell. It was the first day I met him and he is already this rude? He is going to a tough one to control.




Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!


The alarm clock next to my bed rang loudly like always and I stretched in my bed, hoping it would still help me grow taller. I sat up and groggily walked up to the restroom. I splashed some water on my face and I was fully awake. As I dressed into my uniforms, I felt like I should be doing something very important. What was it? I felt like I need to do something. As I grabbed a pair of socks, I also reached for my daily orange lollipop but the jar was empty. My orange lollipop was empty. It was taken by Jung Daehyun... I quickly glanced at my window and I finally remembered? How could I forget? I am now the manager of BAP and it is my duty to wake them up like I am a housemaid. I glanced at the clock and it was 7:10. Shoot! School is starting in twenty minutes! I just snatched my backpack and without thinking, I leaped over to the tiny balcony three feet apart from my window. Thank god the window wasn’t locked. I quickly slid the curtain and I was shocked how messy it was. It was way messier than mine. I looked around and Daehyun was sleeping calmly few inches away from me. His bed was also next to the window? I carefully landed on the bed not to step on his legs or arm. Daehyun’s white bed was softer than I though. I cleared my throat as I sat on the edge of his bed. Whew, this was kind of nervousing. Just entering a boy’s room without their permission. I cleared my throat louder. Of course he didn’t wake up.


“Daehyun...” I carefully shook his shoulder, “Wake up.”


He groaned and muttered something and turned the other way around. I sighed and shook him harder,


“Ya! Jung Daehyun. Wake up! Time for school.” He didn’t even budge. Is he a kid or something? I glanced at the clock and I was suddenly afraid that I was going to be tardy. At this rate if every member woke up like this, we would be definitely tardy.


“YA!!!! WAKE UP!!!!” I yelled into his ears and he suddenly sat up, bumping his forehead into mine.


“Ow....” I groaned as I rubbed my forehead gently. He turned to my direction as he rubbed his eyes. He muttered in a raspy voice,


“Who are you?” I glared at him and replied,


“Me. Jung Haneul. Get up. I am going to be late!” He suddenly looked startled and crawled back,


“W-what the hell are you doing here? It is my room! And a girl isn’t suppose to be in a boy’s room without permission.”


I rolled my eyes, “And a boy can be in a girl’s room without permission? Shut the hell up and get up! Don’t make me repeat it again. Next time, I am going to dump ice water on you.” I stomped out of the room and slowly opened the door next to Daehyun’s room. It was Himchan’s room. It was neater, actually pretty neat for a boy’s room. I slowly walked over to him and shook him gently,


“Ya, wake up. Wake up!”


Himchan looked at me with his eyes half closed,


“Uh... Haneul... Give me five more minutes....” At least he recognized who I was unlike someone.  I sighed and replied,


“Come on, I don’t want to yell into your ears like I did to Daehyun.” He opened his eyes completely and shook his head,


“Ok ok I am getting up.” I smiled, amused and skipped over to the next room. Youngjae was already up, fully dressed. He was listening to music in his bed.


“Uh! Youngjae! You are already awake!” I exclaimed in delight. He smiled,


“Yeah. Should I help you wake up the other members?” I shook my head eagerly,


“Yes please. Can you wake up Zelo and Yongguk? I will be down in the kitchen.”


“Sure thing.”


I ran downstairs and I glanced at the big black clock next to the refrigerator. 7:15. Fifteen more minutes to go. Noeul must be waiting for me. I checked my phone and three miss calls from Noeul. I sighed and dialed her number as I took out some eggs and bacons from the kitchen.


“HANEUL!!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU???” Noeul yelled.


“S-sorry Noeul. I don’t think I can walk with you today.” I apologized as I cracked the eggs with one hand.


“EH? Why???” Noeul whined. I hesitated and replied shortly,


“I will tell you at school. Bye!” I shoved my phone in my backpack and opened the cabinet, searching for plates and cups. As the eggs startled to sizzle, I threw the bacons on the frying pan. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned my head. Zelo was in the kitchen, half day dreaming. His hair was a bit wet from the shower.  


“Ah! Zelo! You are awake! Can you get the plates and the cups? I don’t where they are.” I asked politely as I flipped the bacons.


“Ok....” He replied sleepily. He handed me seven plates and I nodded at him.


“Good morning!!” Yongguk greeted me happily and I smiled as I put my hair behind my right ear.


“Good morning!” I greeted him back and he opened the refrigerator,


“Haneul. What do you want? We have apple juice, milk, water, and coffee.”


“I will just have water. Thank you.” I nodded as I turned off the fire.


“It smells nice in the kitchen... for the first time except when I cook.” Himchan walked downstairs as he dried his hair with the towel.


“Ah, thank you. Take a seat.” I greeted him as I carefully put the plates down on the table.


“Eggs with bacon!” Zelo exclaimed as he shoved a piece of bacon with his bare hand, “Ouch- it’s hot!”


“Get a pair of chopsticks.” I chuckled as Jongup entered the kitchen, dragging his backpack on the floor. He sat down silently and sniffed sleepily,


“Thank you for the food.” I nodded and I observed his face as he popped part of the egg in his mouth. He munched slowly and he gave me a thumbs up. I smiled satisfied. Thank god I stay home by myself leaving me no choice but to cook for myself.


“Hello~” Youngjae said as he took a seat next to me and added, “Hey, can you check on Daehyun? I didn’t see him coming out of the room.”  I put my chopsticks down angrily. He still didn’t come out? He was the first one I woke up! I ran upstairs and swung his door. Daehyun was sitting on his bed stupidly, his shirt ed. I felt my cheeks warming up. I never saw a guy half . I breathe calmly and knocked on the wall sartascally,


“Hello? Sorry to interrupt you but you need to come down! It’s-” I glanced at the clock and it was 7:25. Panic suddenly rushed over and I yelled,


“Daehyun! Come out! I am going to late!!!”


He looked at me and replied lazily, “Wait-”


I just grabbed his wrist and practically dragged him out of the room.


“Wait!!!! Stop dragging me!” Daehyun yelled as he was trying to button up his shirt with one hand. All the members were finished with their breakfast and I turned around to Daehyun,


“You don’t get any breakfast. Sorry! Now let’s go.”



At the limo, I was checking my phone and there was a headline that caught my attention. BAP got a new manager?


“You sure are going to be popular at school.” Yongguk said as he looked over my shoulder. I sighed. This was the exact same thing that I was afraid it was going to happen. I wonder how Hana and Noeul was going to react to this. As the limo stopped, I rushed out of the limo with BAP and looked around for Noeul. I ignored students’ stares and whispers. I found Noeul in front of the school gate, her jaws dropped. I walked over to her and opened my mouth but Noeul was faster,


“What the hell just happened? Why did you come out the same car as BAP?”





Hey I update two stories in one day because I feel good about EXO's comeback, "Growl"!

I am so excited >.<

I hoped you liked this chapter~~

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Thank you so much for reading my story.

I love you guys and have a nice day!



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JungDeYa #1
Chapter 19: LOL Hanuel, the last part when she yelled at her dad immaturely was kinda cute xD
sapphire11 #2
Chapter 19: omo...ha.ha...haneul dad is funny....
lovetoreadlol #3
Chapter 19: Omg i wish my parents would be as chill as that. Haneul you lucky girl. Manager of B.A.P and chill understanding parents? You have an awesome life.
Claudine_NG #4
Chapter 19: Bwahahaha! Typical protective dad. I guess B.A.P will be a lot more formal and polite from now on. Please update soon!
Chapter 18: asdffjhacju.. IDK WHAT TO SAY!!!! Dae, what a BAD timing you have..
Claudine_NG #6
Chapter 18: I just can't comment anything.... ASDFGHJKL Really now? Daehyun half and her parents were there. Uh-oh... PLEASE UPDATE SOON!
Chapter 18: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OMFG, too hilarious.
sapphire11 #8
Chapter 18: omo....ha..ha....daedae....aigoo....
JungDeYa #9
Chapter 18: OMG LOL I am laughing so much xD Update this again author-nim ^.^
Chapter 17: I really miss you Author-nim TAT AND WHAAT HER PARENTS ARE COMING IN?? How about Daehyun, he's still in her room right? OH EM GEE