
Not A Fangirl... BUT A MANAGER??!!





My heart skipped a beat.


My heart skipped a beat.


My heart skipped a beat because of a boy.


A boy.


A boy.


Why would my heart skip a beat for a boy?


Was I surprise to see him?


Did he scare me?


Why did my heart skip a beat????


I quickly turned away from the group and focused on dooling. God, why did I do that? Something must be wrong with me, seriously. I carefully looked at the guy again who was shaking hands with his fans and this time, my body didn’t react at all. There. That’s how it should’ve been in the first place. Probably something went wrong with my body that time.


    I sighed and I felt someone was standing besides me. I slowly turned around and a guy was looking at me, grinning. I stared at him like he was a weirdo. No no. I was pretty sure he was a weirdo. Why is he looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face? Is my hair messed up or something? I shifted uncomfortably and cleared my throat,


“W-what do you want from me?”    He pouted like he was a five year old,


“You don’t remember me?”   WTF? Why would I remember you? Today was the first day I’ve seen you. I opened my mouth,


“Why the hell would I-” Then I froze. I observed him carefully for the first time. Oh my god. Oh my god. OMG. It was Jiyong. It was Jiyong. My childhood friend.My best friend like Noeul. My mouth just dropped and a single sound didn’t come out. He grinned playfully and leaned forward,


“Now you remember me?”  His voice suddenly change. His voice got deeper and manly. Of course it wouldn’t normal if his voice didn’t.


“Y-you! Jiyong! Oh my god, I can’t believe you are in the same class as me!” I exclaimed happily blaming myself for not recognizing him.


“I was scared for a second that you forgot about me.” Jiyong grinned as he touched my hair roughly. I glared at him playfully and Noeul finally came back.


“Who is- Oh! Jiyong ah! I haven’t seen you since... you moved to Daegu after elementary!" Noeul exclaimed as she took a seat in front of me. She exclaimed to me,


"Look. They gave me their signatures in this piece of paper! Also Zello shook my hand. I am never going to wash my right hand."


"Ew.... That is gross. And they are going to be in your class anyway for this whole year. You will have more chances to talk to them." I replied as I erased my doodles. Noeul was about to say something but the teacher came. He began with a boring voice that made me stare at the clock.


"Hello and welcome to the second year of high school. As you know, you will need to study harder than last year but as a second year, you get more privileges. I don't want to waste my time on the intro so I will be moving on to the seatings." He looked around at us with his dead eyes and one student yelled out from the back,


" Sunsaengnim, can we choose our own seats?"


"No, I will be arranging the seats by last name."


There were awes and mumblings in the class. Sunsaengnim ignored it and started,

" Everyone stand up and move either to the right or left side of the room."


Students moved slowly with mumbles. Of course on the right side every girl squeezed in to be with BAP and the other side all the boys squeezed in to be with J6. Noeul of course dragged me to the right side where BAP was. The teacher looked at us strangely and began,


"I will go by alphabetical orders. Kim Ga Eun. Kim Dasom..."


My face knowing that I won't be either with HAN Noeul or KWON Jiyong. I just sighed and looked at the clock waiting for my name to called. After about 120 seconds which was a lot to me just to be standing in the class doing nothing, the teacher called my name,


"Jung Haneul." I looked up and he pointed to a desk middle of the room. Third row fourth seat. I nodded at him and he didn't nod back. How rude of him.


As I took out my things, I heard a chair next to me move. My desk partner for the whole year. Hope it is a girl and let's hope she is nice. First impression is the most important thing. Smile. No that's too friendly. And kind of awkward. Just nodded and smile faintly. I don't want to have the wrong impression to my desk partner like last year or the year before. I slowly turned around and my face fell. It wasn't a girl. It was a boy. And I don't really talk to boys. I only saw his side face. A beautiful nose and his hair was blonde. And god, his jawline was perfect. First impression needs to be good. I noticed that around me, people were talking to each other. Most at least. Noeul was talking to this guy who went to our middle school. I noticed Hana was looking at my direction coldly so I turned around to my desk partner and smiled stiffly,


"Hello. I'm Haneul. What's your name?" God that sounded so awkward and childish. Why am I so unnatural? He turned around and looked at me curiously. Whoah. That was the guy that made my heart skip eye contact with me. Was he in BAP?


"You don't know me?" He asked in a surprised voice. I hesitated,


"Well... Not really. Wait are you in BAP?" Yeah because before the teacher came in, wasn't he surrounded by girls? Wow, I have such a bad memory. I felt like he was going to say something kind of rude for a split of second but he smiled sweetly,


"Yeah. I'm Daehyun. Nice to meet you." He put his hand out forward and I gently shook my hand,


"Oh yeah. Uh nice to meet you too. I hope I get along with you this year." Ok that sounded not so bad. Probably that was the best first impression I made with a new desk partner in my life. Last year this jerk name Donghwan annoyed me a the first day. His first sentence to me was Hey, you are pretty cute. What bra size are you? So instead of a reply, I kicked his leg hard under the desk and he didn't bother for the rest of the year.




"God, you are so lucky~~ The main vocalist from BAP!!! I am so jealous!! Do you realize how lucky you are?" Noeul exclaimed as we walked on the sidewalk after school. I shoved an orange lollipop in my mouth,


"No. He just looks like a normal student. I don't think he is special at all. He is just a human. No big deal. It's not like he is a god or something." I kicked an empty sprite can in front of me. It accidentally landed on the road. Oh well.


"What do you mean? Each member of BAP is a god to every girl in this country. They are BAP! Come on. You can't even argue that they are ugly." Noeul looked at me like unbelievably. We had this conversation oftenly. About BAP how they are so.... important and perfect while I argued that they aren't that special. They are just six good looking boys who are a bit famous. Ok really famous. Whatever.


"Yes. They aren't ugly. But that doesn't mean that they are so special. They are normal humans for goodness sake- oh! There is my house." I stopped in at the red light as I glanced at a red house with white roof on top of a hill. Noeul sighed,


"Well. I guess I will see you tomorrow. You better admit by tomorrow BAP is the hottest boy group in the world. Bye~" I doubt that was going to happen. I waved to her with my lollipop in the air. Then I started to walk towards my house slowly.


    After walking up the hill, my body was exhausted like always. I can never get use to this. I opened the door with my key and yelled,


"I am home!" even though I knew no one was home. I dragged my backpack upstairs to my room after getting a glass of water from the kitchen. I swung the white door that said Please Knock Before Entering and I looked around my room for a second.

    Sunlights shined through my two windows; the smaller one in front of my desk and the big one right next to my bed. My bed. I loved to do anything on my bed. Eat. Sleep. Play. Study. Etc. It was just a simple wooden queen size bed with comfortable white mattress that suited well with my light blue walls. Closets on the left side of the room next to an old mirror from my aunt. Of course, I couldn't forget books. Three bookshelves on the right side of my room and one right next to the door. TV was right on the opposite side of my desk. I like to sit on my beanbag while watching TV. Computer was on my desk too. I used that and my phone the most. I sound spoil? Oh please. I won most of it in competitions so I basically earned it. Ok, I got the third biggest room in the house. That's all. I swear. Maybe I look spoiled but I am not. I worked my off to earn these.


    I tossed my backpack on the couch and I started to look up some jobs on the internet with my computer. Nothing good at all. I will probably look it up after dinner. Talking about dinner, what should I eat? I don’t want to eat cup noodles again but I also don’t want to cook. Too lazy. Should I just order Jajangmyun? But last time, they delivered it like an hour after I ordered it. So I will just go to a noodle place. The owner of that place is my mom’s friend so she will give me a discount and it’s close to my house.


I saw a group of girls around my age next to the store. They were yelling to each other excitedly, pointing at a piece of advertisement paper on the wall. I frowned and went up closer, and the poster said something about BAP needs a new manager. Of course all the fangirls would want it. I bet Noeul will go to the interview for that. But why would the company pick a fangirl to be their manager? That would be a ruckus. But something caught my attention. In yellow, it said the payment was _____. That was a lot. If I get that job... I can pay back to the bank in no time! I couldn’t believe I was doing this but I wrote down the place, time and the date of the interview on my notepad.

Hello my dear readers~~
I hoped you like this chapter!!!! >.<
Don't forget to subscribe, comment, and up vote~~<333
Next chapter will be more  about BAP and Haneul so be ready~!
Right now I am addicted to K dramas and EXO.
Ok, I was already a huge Exotic but these days, I became more... crazier with them.
Thinking about them makes me happy, and I blab about them whenver I have a chane especially to my family members.
I think my brother is sick of me. LOL
But I still love BAP, Infinite, and B1A4~~<3333
Right now, I just like EXO tiny bit more.
But don't worry to all those baby/inspirit/bana out there.
My mind changes at least once a month so I probably will like another boy group better next month.
That's how my mind and brain works.
Unique huh? 
I was thinking about writing another EXO fanfic but about like aliens and stuff. 
Too common?
I don't think so. It's going to be fun writing it.
I don't think I will post on fanfic until like when I am almost done with one of my stories though.
But I don't know which will be the main boy character from EXO!!!
They are all just freaking HAWT AND PERFECTOOOOO~~~<333333
Should I just to Kai since people write about him the most?
And I have lots of pictures of him to make posters....
I want my character to be like mysterious and cool....
Kai or D.O. suits that character... I don't know...
But I wrote two fanfic about Kai already....
OK, well I will decide later on.
If you can give me your opinions, that would be great!!
Ok I think I am writing too much.
I love you guys a lot and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT, AND UP VOTE~~ 
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JungDeYa #1
Chapter 19: LOL Hanuel, the last part when she yelled at her dad immaturely was kinda cute xD
sapphire11 #2
Chapter 19: omo...ha.ha...haneul dad is funny....
lovetoreadlol #3
Chapter 19: Omg i wish my parents would be as chill as that. Haneul you lucky girl. Manager of B.A.P and chill understanding parents? You have an awesome life.
Claudine_NG #4
Chapter 19: Bwahahaha! Typical protective dad. I guess B.A.P will be a lot more formal and polite from now on. Please update soon!
Chapter 18: asdffjhacju.. IDK WHAT TO SAY!!!! Dae, what a BAD timing you have..
Claudine_NG #6
Chapter 18: I just can't comment anything.... ASDFGHJKL Really now? Daehyun half and her parents were there. Uh-oh... PLEASE UPDATE SOON!
Chapter 18: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OMFG, too hilarious.
sapphire11 #8
Chapter 18: omo....ha..ha....daedae....aigoo....
JungDeYa #9
Chapter 18: OMG LOL I am laughing so much xD Update this again author-nim ^.^
Chapter 17: I really miss you Author-nim TAT AND WHAAT HER PARENTS ARE COMING IN?? How about Daehyun, he's still in her room right? OH EM GEE