
Knowing You

Jaekyung puffed her cheeks as she walked towards the sports hall where all the freshmen are supposed to gather. Yes, today's Song Jaekyung's first day in high school and frankly, she wasn't looking forward to it at all. 

She didn't have any people that she knows that were coming to this school, so that was one negative point. And she was socially awkward too, which added on to the joy factor she's having now. 

She finally reached the place and saw a bunch of freshmen scattered here and there. *Lucky people who aren't socially awkward.* She pouted and took a deep breath before heading towards a line that was formed in front of a sign with her class on it.

She could see that everyone was talking amongst themselves and mingling around while she was just… standing there looking awkward. *God please let this day past soon.* 

"Alright, settle down." A voice resounded through the whole place and the talking died down. "Welcome to Jinju High School!! WHOO!!!" The person cheered into the mic and everyone cheered along as well. All except our dear Jaekyung, of course. 

"I'm sure everyone's excited for the first day of school today, right?" Another round of cheers erupted and all Jaekyung wanted to do is to hide in a hole. 

"Well, since all of you are strangers here - except for a few, i saw you guys mingling earlier on. That's the spirit! Anyway, today and tomorrow will be just ice-breaking games and team building. Get to know each other and I hope you have a great three years ahead!!" He announced and Jaekyung groaned. This is what she hated about first days: they make you play stupid games to know people that you don't really have interest in. Nonetheless, when a senior came over to lead her class to another corner, she followed obediently. 

"Alright, please sit down in a circle!" The senior shouted and all of them formed a circle around him and sat down. "Okay, I have a ball with me here." He showed a blue ball that was in his hands. "I'm gonna throw this randomly to someone, and when you get the ball you'll have to introduce yourself. When you're done, throw it to someone else that hasn't introduce themselves yet until everyone has done it. Understand?" Everyone nodded and he smiled. 

"Good, I'll start first then. My name's Jaebum but you can call me Jay. I'm in my second year this year so I'm your oppa and hyung." He grinned and threw it to the girl beside Jaekyung. 

Everyone started introducing themselves and she wasn't really paying attention. "Hello, I'm Luhan and as you can know from my name, I'm not korean. I came to Korea when I was young and I'm 19 this year. I'm guessing I'm older than most of you?" He smiled widely and began looking for someone to throw the ball to. Most people were done with their introductions and his eyes landed on Jaekyung. He threw it lightly and the ball landed right in-between her legs, making her jump slightly. 

She looked up and noticed the boy who threw the ball to her and her eyes widened. 

He was really handsome and Jaekyung was about to thank the heavens for putting such a cute guy in her class when the girl beside her nudged her. "Hey, it's your turn." Jaekyung looked down at the ball in her arms and snapped back into reality. "Oh, right. Sorry. I'm Song Jaekyung, and I'm 18 this year." She introduced and threw it to someone else. "Nice to meet you, Song Jaekyung." The girl beside her held out her hand and Jaekyung shook it with a small smile. "Nice to meet you too, Hyerim." 

She was glad that the girl was one of the first few that she actually paid attention to. And she was not glad at the same time because she missed his name. 

"Do you mind going through everyone's names for me again? I wasn't paying attention just now." Jaekyung asked shyly and Hyerim laughed. "Figures. I'll try my best since I'm trying to remember as well. That's Sungjae, Minwoo, Hyunjin, Eunbyul, Minah..." She began to name all the classmates that had introduced themselves. Jaekyung nodded at every name that came out of Hyerim's mouth and got excited when she stopped at Luhan. "That guy... I can't seem to remember his name, but he's not Korean, that's all I remember." She shrugged and Jaekyung sighed softly. 


The day was soon over and even though they played a few games together as a class, she still can't seem to know his name since nobody called him and she didn't have any interactions with him. But now, Jaekyung had a new motivation to go to school. 


Days past and Jaekyung finally knew his name. But being the shy and awkward girl she is, she didn't have any chance to talk to him. 

One day after school, she was walking home as usual when someone ran past her and knocked into her. "Oof." Jaekyung winced when her hit the floor and she frowned.

"Yah, watch where you're going!" She shouted and checked herself for any bruises. "I'm really sorry! This is totally my fault." Jaekyung gasped softly as she faintly remembered that voice from somewhere. 

She looked up and saw that it was Luhan, the guy that she wished to know for so long. 

Well, since school started anyway. 

"Oh hey, you're in my class right? Uh... Jaekyung?" Luhan snapped his fingers as he remembered her name and she nodded slightly. He helped her stand up and she dusted herself. 

"I'm really sorry about that, I was in a rush just now." He apologised sheepishly and Jaekyung bit her lips, trying not to smile. 

"It's fine. You should leave then, since you're in a rush. I'll see you tomorrow in class?" Jaekyung said and waved before turning around when he called out. "Wait!" 

She turned around confusedly and he scratched the back of his head shyly. "Uhm, look, I'm really really sorry for knocking you over so maybe I can make it up to you someday? How's tomorrow sound?" He asked and Jaekyung's eyes widened slightly. 

She tried playing it cool and shrugged. "Sure, why not? It's your fault anyways." She grinned, showing that she was just messing around with him and he laughed. "Yeah, it is. So tomorrow after school okay?" Luhan backed slowly. "Keep it free!" He grinned and sprinted off while Jaekyung just stood there with a smile. "Yeah, okay." She whispered dreamily while staring at the direction he left. 

*Finally!!* Jaekyung rejoiced in her head and went home happily, thinking about what might happen tomorrow. 



well, not sure if you guys are interested in what happened between me and my eyecandy but... 













good friends (((-:


HAHAHAHAA but i'm serious here!! we eventually became good friends ((sort of)) and he's like a brother to me ((a very annoying one)) XD 

anyway comments and feedbacks are loved!! I love you guys!~ <3

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